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Dr Joel Than Chia Ming

Head of Department – Master of Information Technology & Software Engineering, Senior Lecturer
BEng (Biomedical), MPhil, PhD, MIEEE

Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Science

Office No: +60 82 260 713
Fax No:+60 82 260 813
Room No: E619, Building E, FECS
Google Scholar   Scopus   ORCID


Joel Than Chia Ming received his Bachelor of Engineering (Biomedical) from Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman in 2013. He later received MPhil from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) in 2015. He earned his doctoral degree from the same university in 2019, working in the area of deep learning and medical imaging classification. He then became a post-doctoral researcher in the same year in UTM before joining Swinburne University Technology, Sarawak, as a lecturer in 2020.

Joel has won several awards in his post graduate career. In 2015, He won Best Student Paper in the IEEE Student Symposium in Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (ISSBES) conference. He won the Best Master Thesis Award for IEEE Signal Processing Malaysia chapter in 2016. In the same year he also won the Best Master Student Award in Razak Faculty, UTM.  He also won the Best Paper Award in 2018 during the International Conference on BioSignal Analysis, Processing and Systems (ICBAPS) conference. In 2019, Joel won the 3-Minute Thesis (3MT) competition held during the IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing Applications (ICSIPA) conference.

Research Interests

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Deep Learning
  • Machine Learning
  • Image Processing
  • Medical Imaging.

Professional Memberships

  • Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
  • Member, Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS)
  • Member, Signal Processing Society (SPS)

PhD/ Masters Research Opportunities

Potential research higher degree candidates are welcome to enquire about postgraduate opportunities in the areas listed above. Please e-mail for more information.

Research Grants

  • National Grant: Fundamental Research Grant Scheme 2021
  • Title of Project: Artificial Intelligence Prediction Model for Smart Module Planning in Modular Construction for temporary COVID-19 Pandemic Quarantine Hospital and permanent Residential Building
  • National Grant: Fundamental Research Grant Scheme 2020
  • Title of Project: Exploring Multi-Modal Fusion-Based Indoor Navigation for Human-Following using Perception Scenes and Deep Learning
  • National Grant: Fundamental Research Grant Scheme 2020
  • Title of Project: Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) for Lung Disease Diagnosis and Severity Classification using Deep Learning


  • Champion (2019) in the 3-Minute Thesis (3MT) competition held during the IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing Applications (ICSIPA) conference.
  • Best Paper Award (2018) in the International Conference on BioSignal Analysis, Processing and Systems (ICBAPS) conference.
  • Best Master Thesis Award (2016) IEEE Signal Processing Malaysia chapter in 2016.
  • Best Master Student Award (2016)  in Razak Faculty, UTM.  
  • Best Student Paper Award (2015) in the IEEE Student Symposium in Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (ISSBES) conference.


  • Book Chapter Joel C. M. Than, Norliza M. Noor, Luca Saba, Omar M. Rijal, Rosminah M. Kassim, Ashari Yunus, Chuen R. Ng, and Jasjit S. Suri "Automatic Lung Segmentation and Interobserver Variability Analysis" InLung Imaging and CADx, CRC Press, 2019.
  • Book Chapter Joel C. M. Than, Norliza M. Noor, Luca Saba, Omar M. Rijal, Rosminah M. Kassim, Ashari Yunus, Chuen R. Ng, and Jasjit S. Suri " Classification of Diseased Lungs Using a Combination of Riesz and Gabor Transforms and Machine Learning" InLung Imaging and CADx, CRC Press, 2019.
  • Book Chapter Noor, Norliza Mohd, Joel Chia Ming Than, and Omar Mohd Rijal. "Performance evaluation of lung segmentation." In Medical Imaging Technology, pp. 111-127. Springer, Singapore, 2015.
  • Journal Paper Akmal, Tengku Afiah Mardhiah Tengku Zainul, Joel Chia Ming Than, Haslailee Abdullah, and Norliza Mohd Noor. "Chest X-Ray Image Classification on Common Thorax Diseases using GLCM and AlexNet Deep Features." International Journal of Integrated Engineering 11, no. 4 (2019).
  • Journal Paper Ng, Chuen Rue, Joel Chia Ming Than, Omar Mohd Rijal, Rosminah Md Kassim, Ashari Yunus, and Norliza Mohd Noor. "Construction Of 3d Lung Image Morphology Using 3d Distance Regularized Level Set." Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 14, no. 1,  (2019): 109.
  • Journal Paper Ming, Joel Than Chia, Norliza Mohd Noor, Omar Mohd Rijal, Rosminah M. Kassim, and Ashari Yunus. "Lung Disease Classification using GLCM and Deep Features from Different Deep Learning Architectures with Principal Component Analysis." International Journal of Integrated Engineering10, no. 7 (2018).
  • Journal Paper Sofian, Hannah, Joel Chia Ming Than, Suraya Mohammad, and Norliza Mohd Noor. "Calcification Detection of Coronary Artery Disease in Intravascular Ultrasound Image: Deep Feature Learning Approach." International Journal of Integrated Engineering 10, no. 7 (2018).
  • Journal Paper Than, Joel CM, Luca Saba, Norliza M. Noor, Omar M. Rijal, Rosminah M. Kassim, Ashari Yunus, Harman S. Suri, Michele Porcu, and Jasjit S. Suri. "Lung disease stratification using amalgamation of Riesz and Gabor transforms in machine learning framework." Computers in biology and medicine 89 (2017): 197-211.
  • Journal Paper Saba, Luca, Joel CM Than, Norliza M. Noor, Omar M. Rijal, Rosminah M. Kassim, Ashari Yunus, Chue R. Ng, and Jasjit S. Suri. "Inter-observer variability analysis of automatic lung delineation in normal and disease patients." Journal of medical systems 40, no. 6 (2016): 142
  • Journal Paper Noor, Norliza M., Joel CM Than, Omar M. Rijal, Rosminah M. Kassim, Ashari Yunus, Amir A. Zeki, Michele Anzidei, Luca Saba, and Jasjit S. Suri. "Automatic lung segmentation using control feedback system: morphology and texture paradigm." Journal of medical systems 39, no. 3 (2015): 22
  • Journal Paper Yie, Leong Wai, and Joel Than Chia Ming. "Features Of Sleep Apnea Recognition And Analysis." International Journal on Smart Sensing & Intelligent Systems7, no. 2 (2014).  
  • Journal Paper Tan, Dennis EB, Ren Sin Tung, Wai Yie Leong, and Joel Chia Ming Than. "Sleep disorder detection and identification." Procedia engineering 41 (2012): 289-295.  
  • Conference Paper Ming, Joel Than Chia, Norliza Mohd Noor, Omar Mohd Rijal, Rosminah M. Kassim, and Ashari Yunus. "Lung Disease Classification Using Different Deep Learning Architectures and Principal Component Analysis." In 2018 2nd International Conference on BioSignal Analysis, Processing and Systems (ICBAPS), pp. 187-190. IEEE, 2018.
  • Conference Paper Sofian, Hannah, Joel Than Chia Ming, Suraya Mohamad, and Norliza Mohd Noor. "Calcification Detection Using Deep Structured Learning in Intravascular Ultrasound Image for Coronary Artery Disease." In 2018 2nd International Conference on BioSignal Analysis, Processing and Systems (ICBAPS), pp. 47-52. IEEE, 2018.
  • Conference Paper Ming, Joel Than Chia, Norliza Mohd Noor, Omar Mohd Rijal, Rosminah M. Kassim, and Ashari Yunus. "Lung disease severity classification using reticular pattern and five class features based on GLCM." In Region 10 Conference, TENCON 2017-2017 IEEE, pp. 192-196. IEEE, 2017.
  • Conference Paper Ming, Joel Than Chia, Norliza Mohd Noor, Omar Mohd Rijal, Rosminah M. Kassim, and Ashari Yunus. "Lung disease classification using reticular pattern scoring and five class features with greedy stepwise based on GLCM." In Region 10 Conference, TENCON 2017-2017 IEEE, pp. 182-186. IEEE, 2017.
  • Conference Paper Sofian, Hannah, Andrew Ng, Joel Than, Suraya Mohamad, and Norliza Mohd Noor. "Calcification boundary detection in coronary artery using intravascular ultrasound images." In TENCON 2017-2017 IEEE Region 10 Conference, pp. 2835-2839. IEEE, 2017.
  • Conference Paper Sofian, Hannah, Joel Than, Norliza Mohd Noor, and Suraya Mohamad. "Lumen boundary detection in IVUS medical imaging using structured element." In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication, p. 70. ACM, 2017.
  • Conference Paper Ming, Joel Than Chia, Omar Mohd Rijal, Rosminah M. Kassim, Ashari Yunus, and Norliza Mohd Noor. "Texture-based classification for reticular pattern and ground glass opacity in high resolution computed tomography thorax images." In Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES), 2016 IEEE EMBS Conference on, pp. 230-234. IEEE, 2016.
  • Conference Paper Noor, Norliza Mohd, Omar Mohd Rijal, Joel Chia Ming Than, Rosminah M. Kassim, and Ashari Yunus. "Regression as a Tool to Measure Segmentation Quality and Preliminary Indicator of Diseased Lungs." In Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology, pp. 502-511. Springer, Cham, 2015.
  • Conference Paper Ming, Joel Than Chia, Norliza Mohd Noor, Ng Chuen Rue, Omar Mohd Rijal, Rosminah M. Kassim, and Ashari Yunus. "Performance evaluation system for automated lung segmentation system using HRCT Thorax images." In 2015 IEEE Student Symposium in Biomedical Engineering & Sciences (ISSBES), pp. 93-97. IEEE, 2015.
  • Conference Paper Noor, Norliza M., Joel CM Than, Omar M. Rijal, Rosminah M. Kassim, and Ashari Yunus. "Performance evaluation of automated lung segmentation for High Resolution Computed Tomography (HRCT) thorax images." In 2015 International Conference on BioSignal Analysis, Processing and Systems (ICBAPS), pp. 42-46. IEEE, 2015.
  • Conference Paper Ng, Chuen Rue, Joel Chia Ming Than, Norliza Mohd Noor, and Omar Mohd Rijal. "Preliminary brain region segmentation using FCM and graph cut for CT scan images." In 2015 International Conference on BioSignal Analysis, Processing and Systems (ICBAPS), pp. 52-56. IEEE, 2015
  • Conference Paper Sofian, Hannah, Joel CM Than, Norliza Mohd Noor, and Hassan Dao. "Segmentation and detection of media adventitia coronary artery boundary in medical imaging intravascular ultrasound using otsu thresholding." In 2015 International Conference on BioSignal Analysis, Processing and Systems (ICBAPS), pp. 72-76. IEEE, 2015.
  • Conference Paper Sofian, Hannah, Joel Than Chia Ming, and Norliza Mohd Noor. "Detection of the lumen boundary in the coronary artery disease." In 2015 IEEE International WIE Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (WIECON-ECE), pp. 143-146. IEEE, 2015.
  • Conference Paper Than, Joel Chia Ming, Norliza Mohd Noor, Omar Mohd Rijal, Rosminah M. Kassim, and Ashari Yunus. "Enhanced automatic lung segmentation using graph cut for Interstitial Lung Disease." InBiomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES), 2014 IEEE Conference on, pp. 17-21. IEEE, 2014.  
  • Conference Paper Than, Joel Chia Ming, Norliza Mohd Noor, Omar Mohd Rijal, Ashari Yunus, and Rosminah Md Kassim. "Lung segmentation for HRCT thorax images using radon transform and accumulating pixel width." InRegion 10 Symposium, 2014 IEEE, pp. 157-161. IEEE, 2014.  
  • Conference Paper Noor, Norliza Mohd, Omar Mohd Rijal, Joel Than Chia Ming, Faizol Ahmad Roseli, Hossien Ebrahimian, Rosminah M. Kassim, and Ashari Yunus. "Segmentation of the Lung Anatomy for High Resolution Computed Tomography (HRCT) Thorax Images." InAdvances in Visual Informatics, pp. 165-175. Springer International Publishing, 2013.