Gale databases Major database platform of nearly 30 databases. Subject coverage includes: business, arts and humanities, literary criticism, nursing and health, law, communications and mass media, education and science. Includes full text.
Gale Literature Criticism An integrated research experience, Gale Literature brings together Gale’s premier literary databases in a new digital environment that allows researchers, faculty and students to search across these resources to discover and analyze content in entirely new ways. No other publisher offers this unmatched combination of uniquely rich literary content, dependable metadata, and intuitive subject indexing – all enriched by features and design that breathes new life into the study of literature. As Gale makes additional Literary Resources available through Gale Literature, and if your library has access to these products, they will be automatically added to the Gale Literature experience upon release.
Gale Literature Resource Center Find up-to-date biographies, overviews, full-text criticisms, audio interviews, and reviews on writers from all eras.
GALILEO Open Learning Materials (Open Access) GALILEO Open Learning Materials brings together open educational resources throughout the University System of Georgia, including open textbooks and ancillary materials. Most works hosted in GALILEO Open Learning Materials have a Creative Commons license, allowing the reuse, redistribution, remix, and revision of these materials.
Gardening & horticulture (Gale) Full text database of articles on key issues in gardening, landscaping, and other areas of horticulture.
Gender Studies (Gale) Discover balanced coverage of topics related to gender studies, family and marital issues, and more.
General OneFile (Gale) Subject coverage includes: business and economics, computers and technology, education, science and health, arts and humanities, politics and social sciences.
Global Breaking Newswires (ProQuest) In the modern news world, newswires are the chief source of timely news and, with increasing pressures on the traditional news industry, newswires are often the only news coverage for many large regions of the globe. Global Breaking Newswires is the premier library news product providing timely access to the best newswire content available from around the globe for the modern researcher as well as growing archive of news indexed and accessible through the familiar & popular research functionality of the ProQuest platform.
Global Professional (IG Publishing) Global Professional Publishing is a new international book publisher, publishing a wide range of titles covering finance, management, marketing, banking & financial services, dictionaries, and, in particular, risk.
Google Scholar (Open Access) Google Scholar searches peer-reviewed articles and papers across all areas of research. If you are off campus, you can access Swinburne Library collections through Google Scholar: Go to Settings > Library Links > search for Swinburne, select and save. Your results will now display a Full Text at Swinburne link for articles available to you.
GreenFILE (EBSCOhost) Subject coverage: human impact on the environment, global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling and environmental law.