Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus
Training Workshop Form
Training Workshop Form
Preferred date
Alternate date
Preferred time
Alternate time
Personal details
Email address
Phone/ Extension No.
Swinburne details
Swinburne ID number
Are you?
Undergraduate student
Postgraduate student
Number of attendees (preferably 5 participants per session)
Workshop session (You can select more than one workshop)
(60 minutes) Introduction to library essentials [M1]
(90 - 120 minutes) Search strategies [M2, M3, M4]
(90 - 120 minutes) Referencing: Swinburne Harvard [M5]
(90 - 120 minutes) Referencing: APA 7th edition [M5]
(90 - 120 minutes) Citation management with EndNote [M6, M7, M8]
(90 - 120 minutes) Postgraduate research skills [M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, M8, M9, M10]
(90 - 120 minutes) Course or topic-based workshop / tailored workshop
Faculty or unit
Additional information
Personal declaration
I declare to the best of my knowledge that the information entered and attached to this form is correct and complete.
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