Our Capabilities

We recognise that the challenges confronting today's society are often systemic and complex, and addressing them requires sustainable and collective approaches. We work closely with the public and private sectors in multi-disciplinary research, with a strong focus on the following clusters:

  • Destination Marketing - branding and communication of tourism attractions, tourist decision-making and behavior, sentiment analysis, special interest and niche tourism development.
  • Women Leadership and Empowerment - equal participation and equitable representation in policy and economic decision-making; eliminating barriers to education and employment; entrepreneurship development.
  • Human Resource Innovations - leadership, high-performance work systems, training and performance management, knowledge management, work-life balance.
  • Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility - stakeholder engagement, sustainability reporting, transparency and disclosure, impact assessment, corporate governance.
  • Business Innovation - adoption of digital technology, impact of workplace digitalization, cost-benefit analysis, business modelling, consumer behavior.