Our Reseach

Our research mainly focuses on these fields:

  1. Teacher Education
  2. Student Engagement
  3. Impact Evaluation
  4. Cultural Heritage & Education
  5. STEM Education
  6. Immersive Media and Creative Design
  7. English for Science and Mathematics
  8. English Language Education

Over the time CER has been in operation, we have worked on various projects with our partners:

  1. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
    1. Understanding Academic Performance Through Student Engagement and Perceived English Language Proficiency in Higher Education Institutions, 2017
    2. English Language Enhancement Program of in-service Teachers in Sarawak (2017-2019)
    3. Professional Development Program for English teachers with the Australia Education Management Group (2017-2019)
    4. Professional Development Program with Perhimpunan Akademik dan Politeknik Katolik Indonesia (PAPKI), 2019
    5. Comparing factors of student engagement and its effects on academic performance between higher education institutions in China and Malaysia, (to begin in 2019)
    6. Understanding self-determination and its effects on participants' language proficiency improvement in an Intensive English Program, 2018 
    7. Narratives of English language teachers on the implementation of School Based Assessment (SBA) in Sarawak, Malaysia, 2018
    8. Language proficiency development for English teachers in Sarawak: A case study, 2018
  2. STEM
  3. Immersive Media and Creative Design
    1. Interactive Hybrid Reality Storytelling for Kuching Heritage Sites, 2018
    2. Borner Convention Centre Kuching HoloTour Apps, 2019
    3. Technology-enabled Active Learning (TEAL): Insights from a Hybrid Reality Approach, 2019