Staff Profile

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Dr Yii Kwang Jing

Discipline Leader - Accounting and Finance, Senior Lecturer
BEd (Hons), MBA, PhD (UMS), GCLT (Swinburne), MC-APPDA (Unimelb)

Faculty of Business, Design and Arts

Office No:+60 82 260 634
Fax No:+60 82 260 815
Room No: B321
Email: [email protected]
Google Scholar     Scopus     ORCID


Dr Yii Kwang Jing is a senior lecturer at School of Business, Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus. He has made a significant contribution to the academic community with his expertise in the field of finance and economics. Yii holds a PhD in financial economics and has previously held academic positions at several prestigious universities. He is also a member of various professional organisations, including Malaysian Finance Association and Malaysian Economic Association.

Yii’s passion for teaching is evident in his extensive classroom experience. He has taught various courses in finance and economics at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He is an engaging and innovative instructor who uses TEPER (Teach-Exhibit-Practise-Evaluate-Reward) pedagogy with digital technology to influence, motivate, and inspire students to learn with impact.

Yii always keeps in mind that RESEARCH is not boring and believes that research impact will have lasting influence on the economy, society, environment, and culture beyond the contribution to academic research. With the extensive statistical skills, the significant output could be derived from different research areas. He has published numerous research papers in high-impact journals and has presented his work at prestigious conferences worldwide. His research interests include financial economics, energy economics, and behavioural finance.

In addition to his teaching and research roles, Yii has made significant contributions to leadership and service. He has served as a discipline leader (Accounting and Finance) and research cluster leader (CSR & Sustainability) to contribute in shaping the academic curriculum and research at the university. Furthermore, he founded Bursa Young Investor Club Swinburne Sarawak in collaboration with Bursa Malaysia and serves as the club advisor. This enables students to improve their financial literacy and engage with financial industries.

Research Interests

Financial Economics; Energy Economics; Behavioural Finance; Econometrics; Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)

Teaching Areas

Undergraduate: Alternative Investments; Banking Operations and Governance; International Trade and Finance; Financial Information for Decision Making

Postgraduate: Corporate Financial Management; International Trade and Investment

Professional Membership

Life Member, Malaysian Finance Association
Life Member, Malaysian Economic Association
Member, Sarawak Research Society

Postgraduate Supervision

Kueh, J.J. (2022). Master of Business (Research). Swinburne University of Technology. (Completed)

Training & Consultancy

Consultancy  Projects

2021: The Economic Impact Study on Setting Up a Free Commercial Zone (FCZ) and/or Free Industrial Zone (FIZ) at Senari Terminal, Kuching Port Authority, Sarawak. (Completed)

2021: Serian Masterplan Study (2020-2030), Economic Planning Unit (EPU), Malaysia. (Completed)

2020: Sustainable Social and Urban Development: A Study on Current and Future Market Needs – The Case of Jalan Haji Taha, Kuching, Sarawak, Land Custody and Development Authority (LCDA), Sarawak. (Completed)

Recent Media

Yii, K.J. (2021). To buy or not to buy shares during this pandemic. Newspaper Articles: The Borneo Post, 23 June 2021.

Yii, K.J. (2020). Roles and challenges of banks during the pandemic. Newspaper Articles: The Borneo Post, 19 August 2020.


2022 Teaching Excellence Award, Swinburne University of Technology, Sarawak Campus, Malaysia.

2022, Special Award (Best of Social Science and Humanities), UNIMAS Innovation and Technology Exposition 2022 (InTEX22), Malaysia.

2022, Gold Award (Social Science and Humanities), UNIMAS Innovation and Technology Exposition 2022 (InTEX22), Malaysia.

2021, Silver Award. Business, Law, and Management – International Conference on Advanced Marketing (BLM2-ICAM4) 2021, Taylor University, Malaysia and University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.

2021, Best Paper Award. 4th International Conference on Management & Entrepreneurship (i-CoME) 2021, Swinburne University of Technology, Malaysia and Petra Christian University, Indonesia.

2020, Vice-Chancellor’s 2020 Community Engagement Award (Highly Commended), Swinburne University of Technology, Australia.

2017, Best Paper Award. 5th International Conference on Business, Accounting, Finance and Economics (BAFE) 2017, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia.

2015, Best Presenter Award, International Conference on Marketing and Business Administration (ICMBA) 2015, Park Royal Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Recent Research Grants

2022: Investigating the Effect of Digital Game-based Learning on Student Learning in Accounting and Finance Units. Learning and Teaching Grant, Swinburne University of Technology Swinburne, Sarawak Campus.

2022: Artificial Intelligence for On Demand Insurance Recommendation. SDEC Translation Research Grant.

2022: Science, Technology, Research, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STREAM) Workshop for Secondary School Students in Serian. Education Program Grant, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Research, Sarawak.

2020: Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) Workshop for Primary School Students in Serian 2020. Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Research, Sarawak.

2020: Do socioeconomic characteristics affect electricity accessibility among households in Sarawak? A comparative analysis between urban and rural areas. Strategic Research Grant (SRG), Swinburne University of Technology.

2019: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Workshop for Primary School Students in Serian. Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Research, Sarawak.

2019: Does behavioural intention mediate the relationship between determinants and consumer adoption of Alipay in Malaysia? UTAR Research Fund, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman.
2018: Using aging workforces? Cognitive, affective, and psychomotor abilities to enhance their and other employees? A case in higher education institutions. UTAR Research Fund, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman.

2017: A fundamental research on environmentally responsible ecotourist behaviour in Malaysia: The role of facilitating conditions. FRGS 2017-1, Ministry of Education.
2016: Towards an understanding on the determinants of renewable electricity consumption in Malaysia. UTAR Research Fund, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman.
  • Research Outputs

Research Outputs

  • Journal Article: Yii, K.J., Tan, C.T., Ho, W.K., Kwan, X.H., Shim, N.F.T., Tan, Y.Y., & Wong, K.H. (2022). Land availability and housing price in China: Empirical evidence from nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag (NARDL). Land Use Policy, 113, 105888. (ABDC: A-Ranked; ISI SSCI; Scopus: Q1)
  • Journal Article: Ng, C.F., Yii, K.J., Lau, L.S., & Go, Y.H. (2022). Unemployment rate, clean energy, and ecological footprint in OECD countries. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-10. (ISI SCI; Scopus: Q2)
  • Journal Article: Go, Y.H., Yii, K.J., Loh, C.T., Ching, S.L., & Choong, C.K. (2022). Exploring the moderating effect of environmental facilitating conditions on environmentally responsible behaviour among tourists: Evidence from Perhentian Island, Malaysia. Business Strategy and Development, 5(2), 117-124. (ISI ESCI; Scopus: Q1)
  • Journal Article: Yii, K.J., Tan, C.T., Tan, N.M., Teng, X.W., Khor, T.E., & Fan, S.H. (2021). Hot money and stock market in China: Empirical from ARDL and NARDL approaches. International Journal of Business and Society, 22(2), 713-733. (ABDC: C-Ranked; ISI ESCI; Scopus: Q3)
  • Journal Article: Ching, S.L., Yii, K.J., Ng, C.F., Choong, C.K., & Choong, C.K. (2021). Is food production vulnerable to environmental degradation? A global analysis. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 28(4), 761-778. (ABDC: A-Ranked; ISI SCI; Scopus: Q3)
  • Journal Article: Lui, T.K., Zainuldin, M.H., Yii, K.J., Lau, L.S., & Go, Y.H. (2021). Consumer adoption of Alipay in Malaysia: The mediation effect of perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 29(1), 389-418. (ISI ESCI; Scopus: Q3)
  • Journal Article: Seow, A.N., Choong, Y.O., Lau, L.S., Choong, C.K., Loh, C.T., Go, Y.H., Ching, S.L., & Yii, K.J. (2020). Are environmentally responsible behaviours shaped by environmental facilitating conditions and antecedent of attitudes? The case of Perak in Malaysia. International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, 19(3), 269-283. (ISI ESCI; Scopus: Q3)
  • Journal Article: Go, Y.H., Lau, L.S., Yii, K.J., & Lau, W.Y. (2020). Does energy efficiency affect economic growth? Evidence from aggregate and disaggregate levels. Energy & Environment, 31(6), 983-1006. (ABDC: C-Ranked; ISI SSCI; Scopus: Q2)
  • Journal Article: Yii, K.J., Bee, K.Y., Cheam, W.Y., Chong, Y.L., & Lee, C.M. (2018). Is transportation infrastructure important to the One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative? Empirical evidence from the selected Asian countries. Sustainability, 10(11), 4131-4148. (ISI SSCI; Scopus: Q1)
  • Journal Article: Lau, L.S., Yii, K.J., Lee, C.Y., Chong, Y.L., & Lee, E.H. (2018). Investigating the determinants of renewable energy consumption in Malaysia: An ARDL approach. International Journal of Business and Society, 19(3), 886-903. (ABDC: C-Ranked; ISI ESCI; Scopus: Q3)
  • Journal Article: Mohd Haniff, Z., Lui, T.K., & Yii, K.J. (2018). Principal-agent relationship issues in Islamic banks: a view of Islamic ethical system. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 11(2), 297-311. (ABDC: B-Ranked; ISI SSCI; Scopus: Q2)
  • Journal Article: Yii, K.J., & Geetha, C. (2017). The nexus between technology innovation and CO2 emissions in Malaysia: Evidence from granger causality test. Energy Procedia, 105, 3118-3124. (Scopus)
  • Journal Article: Yii, K.J., Geetha, C., & Chandran, V.V. (2017). Estimating the elasticity of energy over consumption at micro level: A case study in Sabah, Malaysia. Energy Procedia, 105, 3571-3576. (Scopus)
  • Journal Article: Yii, K.J. & Geetha, C. (2015). The essential elasticity for energy demand: An application of LA-ADIS model in East Malaysia. Journal of Scientific Research and Development, 2(14), 102-111. [ISSN: 1115-7569]
  • Journal Article: Yii, K.J., Geetha, C., Ahmed, A. & Chandran, V.V. (2015). A probit regression analysis on the over consumption for energy in Sabah. Advanced Science Letters, 21(6), 1991-1995. [Print ISSN: 1936-6612, EISSN: 1936-7317] (Scopus Indexed)
  • Journal Article: Chandran, V.V., Geetha, C., Yii, K.J. & Ahmed, A. (2015). An empirical analysis of Engel curve on energy for households in Sabah and Sarawak based on location and income group. The Journal of Developing Areas, 49(5) Special Issue: 239-251. [Print ISSN: 0022-037X, E-ISSN: 1548-2278]
  • Journal Article: Geetha, C., Yii, K.J., Ahmed, A. & Chandran, V.V. (2015). The mechanism in distributing energy subsidy to eliminate over consumption in East Malaysia. Australian Journal of Sustainable Business and Society, 1(1): 13-26. [p-ISSN: 2204-681X, e-ISSN: 2204-7751]