Accepting your offer

Ready to accept your offer at Swinburne? Let’s go!

How to accept your offer

If you have received a Letter of Offer from us, congratulations. Your application was successful and you have been given a place to study at Swinburne Sarawak. Follow these steps on how you can accept your offer.

Malaysian student

Understanding your offer

Conditional offers

If you have received a conditional offer, you must fulfil the condition(s) stated in your offer.

Prior to or at the time of accepting your offer, you must provide evidence that you have met all conditions outlined in your Letter of Offer. If you do not provide this evidence, you will not be eligible to proceed with your enrolment.

The type of evidence you must submit depends on the condition(s) listed on your Letter of Offer. Examples may include official or certified copies of academic transcripts and letters or certificates of completion.

Tuition fees and deposit

The annual tuition fee listed in your Letter of Offer is based on the ‘standard’ annual study load for each course. This tuition fee may be subject to an increase in each subsequent year of enrolment.

You will be invoiced for fees based on your study load for each teaching period.

Students are expected to pay the applicable tuition fee at the time of enrolment. You must submit your Offer Acceptance in your Online Application Portal before you pay the tuition fee.

Changing intake

If you wish to change intake (a maximum of two intakes or up to one year is permitted), you must write to Swinburne Sarawak for approval.

You must submit a personal statement and any additional academic documentation (if applicable) to advise of additional studies or activities undertaken. A revised Letter of Offer will then be issued stating the new commencement date.

Transferring programs within Swinburne Sarawak

There is no guarantee that you will be able to transfer to another program within Swinburne Sarawak. Therefore, please ensure that you are happy with the program you have been offered before accepting your offer.

Accepting your offer and enrolling

Swinburne Sarawak sends successful applicants a Letter of Offer which outlines the course they are eligible to study.

To accept your offer to study at Swinburne Sarawak, you must log in and accept your offer in your Online Application Portal.

If you require airport pickup please also fill in the Arrival Services Booking Form.

Note: Upon arrival on campus, please report to Visa Service Counter for post-arrival health screening and student pass/visa endorsement procedure.

Paying your total payable fees

As a new student you will need to pay an initial deposit as stated in your Letter of Offer, in order to be accepted into your chosen course. This generally comprise of tuition fee, medical insurance and accommodation booking fee, if applicable.

Refer to our various payment options here.

Payment Options


Swinburne Sarawak’s on-campus hostel can accommodate about 400 students. Priority is given to full-time international students and students who are from outside Kuching while first-year Foundation/Degree students are encouraged to reside at the hostel. The hostel offers a conducive environment for studying with 24-hour security and general supervision.

Find out more

Orientation and registration

Upon arriving at Swinburne’s Sarawak campus, you are required to attend the student orientation and registration program. Our Orientation Program includes official events such as registration, enrolment into your program and information session as well as a campus tour.

Student with disabilities

Please provide full details of any disability that you have (if you have not already done so or if your details have changed). In particular, please provide details of any special requirements and/or assistance you may require in order to study. All information provided will be kept confidential.

Should you require further assistance, please contact us: [email protected]

Deferring your offer

Swinburne Sarawak’s policy is to allow a maximum of one academic year deferment regardless of whether you have been offered a full-time or part-time place in a program. Deferment must be done directly on receipt of your offer and before the end of the acceptance period.

Please note that student’s deferment will lapse if you enrol in another higher education course during the period of deferment.

Deferring your study may also affect your student visa.

International students are advised to contact the Marketing and Student Recruitment Division via [email protected] for advice on how a change to their enrolment status may impact their visa.

International student

Accepting your offer and enrolling

Swinburne Sarawak sends successful applicants a Letter of Offer which outlines the course they are eligible to study.

To accept your offer to study at Swinburne Sarawak, you must log in to your Online Application portal and submit your Offer Acceptance form included in the offer pack, the Health Examination Report, and pay the deposit outlined on your Letter of Offer.

If you require airport pickup please also fill in the Arrival Services Booking Form.

Note: Upon arrival on campus, please report to Visa Service Counter for post-arrival health screening and student pass/visa endorsement procedure.

Before accepting your offer, you must read all the important information relating to your offer. Work your way through the list below. After this, you are ready to complete the Offer Acceptance Form and pay your deposit.

  • I have read important information about understanding my offer
  • I have read important information about campus locations and where I’ll be studying
  • I have read important information about applying for a student visa
  • I have read important information about making the payment
  • I have read important information about accommodation
  • I have read important information about orientation

Understanding your offer

Here’s all you need to know about things such as paying your fees and any further conditions you may be required to meet.

Conditional offers

If you have received a conditional offer, you must fulfil the condition(s) stated in your offer.

Prior to or at the time of accepting your offer, you must provide evidence that you have met all conditions outlined in your letter of offer. If you do not provide this evidence, you will not be eligible to proceed with your enrolment.

The type of evidence you must submit depends on the condition(s) as listed on your letter of offer. Examples include:

  • official or certified copies of academic transcripts
  • completion letters or certificates
  • IELTS (Academic module) results slip no more than two years old
  • TOEFL (computer-based or paper-based or IBT) results slip no more than two years old.
  • MUET (Malaysian University English Test) results slip no more than two years old
  • GCE ‘O’ Level 1119 results slip no more than two years old

Advanced standing / Credit transfer / Recognition of Prior Learning

If you have received advanced standing (also referred to as credit transfer/Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)/exemptions) for previous studies, this will have been indicated in your letter of offer. The course duration shown on your letter of offer will reflect the amount of advanced standing you have received.

Actual details of exemptions will be determined at the time of enrolment. You must bring your original/certified copies of all academic transcripts and detailed syllabus of studies undertaken for verification at the enrolment session. The full amount of credit will only be granted upon provision of such information and evidence that the condition(s) stated in your offer have been met.

If you have not requested advanced standing at the time of submission of your application you must request it within two weeks after your course commencement date.

Total fees payable

The total fees payable shall include tuition fee deposit, medical insurance, processing fee and security deposit.

The tuition fee listed in your letter of offer is based on the ‘standard’ annual study load for each course. You will be invoiced for fees based on your study load for each teaching period. Fees are determined by Swinburne Sarawak on an annual basis and are subject to change.

Students are expected to pay the total fees payable as stated in the Letter of Offer upon accepting the offer. Students may be subject to an increase of fee on the application tuition fee payable in each subsequent year of enrolment.

You must sign your Offer Acceptance Form and send it to Swinburne Sarawak along with proof of payment.

Security deposit and other fees

International students are required by the Malaysian Immigration Department to make a security deposit. The rate of the security deposit is based on the country of origin of the student.

The security deposit will be refunded upon graduation or if the student withdraws from the course.

Security deposit (refundable)

Country RM
Brunei, Indonesia, Singapore 750
Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, The Philippines, Vietnam 1500
Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka 2000
Australia, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, New Zealand, Pacific Islands 2500
Iran, Iraq, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Oman, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Turkmenistan, UAE, Uzbekistan, Yemen 3000
Africa, Europe, Mauritius, USA 3500

Note: Security deposit for countries not listed above will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

Other fees (non-refundable)

Processing fee* including those for visa, medical examination and student pass 2000 (one-off)
Medical insurance:
Foundation/Degree/Postgraduate by Coursework studies
500 per annum
Intensive English 130 per level

Changing intake

If you wish to change intake (a maximum of two intakes or up to one year is permitted), you must write to Swinburne Sarawak for approval.
You must submit a personal statement and any additional documentation (if applicable) to advise of additional studies or activities undertaken. A revised letter of offer will then be issued stating the new commencement date.

Transferring courses within Swinburne Sarawak

There is no guarantee that you will be able to transfer to another program within Swinburne Sarawak. Therefore, please ensure that you are happy with the program you have been offered before accepting your offer.

Make your payment

To be accepted into your chosen course, you will need to make an initial payment. The amount to be paid is stated on your Letter of Offer and may include payment for your accommodation and initial transport to the Swinburne Sarawak campus, among others.

The duly completed and signed Offer Acceptance Form is to be returned to Swinburne Sarawak once the initial payment has been made. Official receipts will not be issued unless the payment is received along with the Offer Acceptance Form.

Learn more on our payment method