Staff Profile

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Dr Ivon Lim Tze Yin

Course Director - Postgraduate, Lecturer, Business
PhD in Marketing(UNIMAS), Master Degree in Business Administration (UNIMAS), Bachelor Degree in Business Administration (Major in International Business) (Hons) (UUM)

Faculty of Business, Design and Arts

Office No:+60 82 260 715
Fax No:+60 82 260 815
Room No: B340
Email: [email protected]
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Dr Ivon Lim is the Head of the Department for Postgraduate Courses (Business). Dr Ivon holds her PhD (Marketing) at the Faculty of Economics and Business of Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) in 2020. She graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration (Major in International Business) (Hons) from the Northern University of Malaysia in 2002 and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from UNIMAS in 2013.

Dr Ivon has had extensive industrial experience as a business development executive and branch manager for 15 years with local and multinational companies – before joining the educational industry in the year 2015.

Research Interests

Dr Ivon’s research interests are in the studies of young consumers, responsible marketing, and sustainable business practices, and she is particularly interested in the studies of generational cohorts and sustainable consumption in marketing. Besides, she is also interested in research on women entrepreneurship, community engagement, and the general management domain. She is familiar with qualitative and mixed-methods research methodology in research design.

Teaching Areas

Postgraduate level: Marketing Management, Management Analysis and Problem Solving

Undergraduate level: Marketing Strategy and Planning, Product & Service Innovation Management, Integrated Marketing Communication, Innovative Branding, Project Management Essentials.


Best Paper Award: Lim, B. C-Y., Lim, R. T-H, Lim, T-Y., Ting, I.S-H, Weissmann, M., Wasudawan, K. & She, A. L. (2023, August). Sustainability Rural Community-Based Homestay: Opportunities and Challenges in a Malay Community in Sarawak, Malaysia. The International Conference on Responsible Tourism and Hospitality (ICRTH, 2023), Bogor, Indonesia, 21-25 August 2023.

Best Paper Award: Ting, I.S-H, She, A. L. Lim, B. C-Y., R. T-H, Lim, Weissmann, M., Wasudawan, K. & Lim, T-Y. (2023, November). Reimagining Travel Experiences: SMART-PLS Empowered Strategies for Enriching Community-Based Tourism Value-Added Programs, 4th International Symposium on Applied Structural Equation Modeling and Methodological Matters, Kuching, Sarawak, 16-18 November 2023.

Award of Excellence, Emerald Publishing, East Asia – ICRTH 2023 Research Award: Lim, B. C-Y., Lim, R. T-H, Lim, T-Y., Ting, I.S-H, Weissmann, M., Wasudawan, K. & She, A. L. (2023, August). Sustainability Rural Community-Based Homestay: Opportunities and Challenges in a Malay Community in Sarawak, Malaysia. 23 August 2023.

Silver Award (Research and Discovery): Wasudawan, K., Lim, R. T-H, Lim, T-Y., Lim, B. C-Y., Weissmann, M., Ting, I.S-H, & She, A. L. Branding the Rural Homestay Destinations to Improve the Marketing Visibilities at Telaga Air, Annah Rais, Benuk, and Po Ai villages in Sarawak. UNIMAS Innovation and Technology Exposition 2023 (InTEX23). 23-24 August 2023.

Best Presenter Award: International Conference of Responsible Tourism and Hospitality (ICRTH 2022), Intention to Visit Community-based Homestay among Young Adults in Malaysia: What matters?

Emerald Journal Editor’s Pick Award: International Conference of Responsible Tourism and Hospitality (ICRTH 2022), Intention to Visit Community-based Homestay among Young Adults in Malaysia: What matters?

Best Paper Award: Mag Scholar Conference in Business, Marketing, and Tourism (MAG 2022), Eat up your plate! The reduction intention of food waste among the young generation.

Professional Membership

Executive Committee Member, Sarawak Research Society

Academic Member, Center for Responsible Borneo (REBORN)

Member, Qualitative Research Association of Malaysia (QRAM)

Editorial Board Member, Journal of Marketing Advances and Practices (JMAP)

Research Grant

Dasar Pertanian Negeri Sabah 3, DPNS3 (2014) in collaboration with Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Sabah. (Research Project Member).

Research grant scheme: Generational cohort index profile for Malaysia (2015), UNIMAS. (Research Project Member).

Training & Consultancy

2024-2025: Ministry of Tourism, Creative Industry & Performing Arts Sarawak (MTCP), For Community-Based Tourism Sustainable Development: Developing a Blueprint for Rural Homestay Community, Sarawak (2024)- Project Member

Ministry of Tourism, Creative Industry & Performing Arts Sarawak (MTCP), Sustainable Tourism Development: Community-Based Tourism Value-Added Programs as the Vehicle for Socio-Economic Enhancement – Project Member

2021-2022: Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture (MTAC), Beyond Tradition: Experiential Tourism in Bau, Sarawak. (Co-consultant with Sarawak Research Society).

2021-2022: Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture (MTAC), Borneo Cultures Museum Marketing Strategies, Domestic & International Events. (Co-consultant with Sarawak Research Society).

Research Outputs

  • Journal Article: Ting, S. H., Leong, C. M., Lim, T. Y., Kuek, T. Y., & Lim, B. C. Y. (2024). Advancing corporate sustainability: empowering the young consumers to reduce food waste for the sake of our planet. Asia Pacific Journal of Business Administration.
  • Journal Article: Leong, C. M., She, L., Lim, T. Y., & Wong, N. M. (2024). To buy or not to buy? Green packaging, gender differences and the intention to purchase. International Journal of Social Economics.
  • Journal Article: Lim, T. Y., Leong, C. M., Lim, L. T. K., Lim, B. C. Y., Lim, R. T. H., & Heng, K. S. (2023). Young adult tourists’ intentions to visit rural community-based homestays. Young Consumers.
  • Journal Article: Yiong, B. L. C., Yuan, F. C., Angking, D. J., Yin, L. T., & Hsien, L. C. (2023). The Relationship Between Human Resource Management Practices, Career Satisfaction and Turnover Intention in a Post-Pandemic Emerging Country. Malaysian Journal of Business and Economics (MJBE), 10(1), 95-144.

  • Journal Article: Fung, C. Y., Weissmann, M. A., Phang, C. S. C., Heng, K. S., Chang, J. S. G., Sim, C. H., Lim, T.Y… & Lim, A. L. (2023). A Review and Reflection on Online Learning and Assessments in Higher Education after the Pandemic. International Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Society, 5(3), 394-405.

  • Journal Article: Lim, T. Y., Lim, B. C. Y., Leong, C. M., Phang, I. G., & Foong, W. H. (2023). Consumer adoption of on-demand digital platforms: An integrated model. Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 00, 1– 14.
  • Journal Article: Lim, T.Y., Chan, W.T, Leong, C.M & Chin, C.H (2023). o Visit and Preserve an Ecotourism Destination? The Moderating Effect of the Sense of Responsibility. Journal of Responsible Tourism Management, 3(1), 24-43.
  • Journal Article: Musa, S., Lim, T.Y , Russell, R.,  Leong, C.M & Phang, I (2023). Mini Seminar Road to Agribusiness Marketing Conference 2023: Perspective from the Stakeholders, Journal of Agribusiness Marketing, 10(1).

  • Journal Article: Lim, B.C.Y, Lim, T.Y, Leong, C.M & Yusran, D (2022). Effects of Traditional Coffee Shop (Kopitiam) Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty: A Study on Malaysian Youth. Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal, 14(4s), 88-100.

  • Journal Article: Phang, I., Osman, Z., Razli, I. A, Lim, T.Y & Kato, Iwao (2022). Challenges & Opportunities of Grocery Retail During Pandemic: An Insight into The Case of Malaysia. Journal of Marketing Advances and Practices, 4(2), 39-56. 

  • Journal Article: Phang, I., Chan, J.K.L, Lim, T.Y & Fresnido, M.B.R (2022). Key Success Factors, Marketing Opportunities and Challenges: A Case Study of Bonco Virgin Coconut Oil. Journal of Agribusiness Marketing, 9(1), 57-71.

  • Journal Article: Lim, W. M., Chin, M. W. C., Ee, Y. S., Fung, C. Y., Giang, C. S., Heng, K. S., & Weissmann, M. A. (2022). What is at stake in a war? A prospective evaluation of the Ukraine and Russia conflict for business and society. Global Business and Organizational Excellence.

  • Journal Article: Adruce, S.A.Z., Ting, H., Phua, C.H., Lim, T.Y., & Kihcin, S. (2021). Visit, Revisit, or Stay Longer? A Case of Emerging Tourism Destination. Asian of Business Research, 11(2), 122-136.

  • Journal Article: Lim, T-Y., Lim, B. C-Y., Leong, C-M., Le, A. (2021). Finish Your Plate! Food Disposition Behaviour among Late Adolescents, British Food Journal,

  • Journal Article: Ing, P., Hsin-Yin, L., & Tze-Yin, L. (2020). The Effects of Construal Level and Donation Magnitude: The Case of Cause-Related Marketing. Asian Journal of Business Research, 10(3), 133.

  • Journal Article: Ing, P., Osman, Z., & Tze-Yin, L. (2020). Marketing Mix and STP Strategies: An Exploratory Study into Grocery Retailers in Malaysia. Asian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 1(4), 129-143.

  • Journal Article: Ting, H., Lim, T. Y., de Run, E. C., Koh, H., & Sahdan, M. (2018). Are we Baby Boomers, Gen X and Gen Y? A qualitative inquiry into generation cohorts in Malaysia. Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 39(1), 109-115.

  • Book Chapters: Ravichandran, J., Leong, C. M., Lim, T. Y., Lim, E., & Chaw, L. Y. (2024). Green Marketing Strategies and CSR: Are They Relevant to Consumer Willingness to Purchase Green Products? In Entrepreneurship and Green Finance Practices: Avenues for Sustainable Business Start-ups in Asia (pp. 219-238). Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • Book Chapters: WM Lim, MWC Chin, YS Ee, CS Giang, KS Heng, TY Lim(2023). Neuroscience and consumer financial behaviour. Chapters, in: Jing J. Xiao & Satish Kumar (ed.), A Research Agenda for Consumer Financial Behavior, chapter 17, pages 225-242, Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Conference Proceeding: Tze-Yin Lim, Rodney Thiam Hock Lim, Irving Ting, Bibiana Chiu-Yiong Lim, Komanthi Wasudawan, Marc Weissmann (2024). An Extended 6M Gender-Aware Framework for Sustainable Womenpreneurs: Evidence from Rural Community-Based Tourism Homestays. Proceedings at the International Conference on Responsible Tourism and Hospitality (ICRTH), 7-9 August 2024, Kuching, Sarawak.
  • Conference Proceeding: Fung, C.Y., Weissmann, M.A., Phang, C. S. C., Heng, K. S., Chang, J. S. G., Sim, C.H., Lim, A. S. S., Wasudawan, K., Ki, Y. P., Su, S.I., Lim, T.Y., Ngui, L. L. H., & Lim, A. L. (2023). Online Learning and Assessments in the Higher Education after the Pandemic: Stay or Scrap? Proceedings of the 4th Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Management, Education and Technology, Malaysia, 308-316.

  • Conference Proceeding: Ting, S.H, Leong, C.M, Lim, T.Y, Kuek, T.Y & Lim, B.C.Y. (2022). Eat up your plate! The reduction intention of food waste among the young generation. In Conference Proceeding at the Mag Scholar Conference in Business, Marketing and Tourism, 10-12 November 2022.

  • Conference Proceeding: Lim, T.Y, Leong, C.M, Lim, B.C.Y, Lim, R.T.H & Heng, K.S (2022). Intention to Visit Community-based Homestay among Young Adults in Malaysia: What matters? In Conference Proceeding at the International Conference of Responsible Tourism and Hospitality (ICRTH 2022), 1 September – 3 September 2022. 

  • Conference Proceeding: Phang, G., Osman, Z., & Lim. T. Y. Marketing Mix and STP Strategies: A Qualitative Inquiry into Grocery Retailers in Malaysia. In: Conference proceeding at the First International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Small business (ICES2020), 25-26 November 2020.

  • Conference Proceeding: De Run, E. C., Ting, H., Lim, T. Y., Koh, H., & Sahdan, M. (2016).  Do We Have Baby Boomers, Gen X and Gen Y? A Preliminary Study to Explore Generation Cohorts in Malaysia. In: Conference proceeding at the Sixth Asia Pacific Marketing and Management Conference (APMMC-6), 16-18 March 2016.