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Ir. Dr. Choo Chung Siung

Senior Lecturer
BEng (Hons), PhD (Swinburne), Grad. IEM, A.M. MGS, Grad. IEAust

Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Science

Office No:+60 82 260 750
Room No: E209, Building E, FECS
Email: [email protected]
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Ir. Dr. Choo Chung Siung has 12 years of working in both academia and industry. He obtained his Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering (1st Class Honours) in 2010 from Swinburne University of Technology. Subsequently, he went on to complete his PhD, producing a thesis titled ‘Development and assessment of equivalent rock strength parameters for the back-analysis of pipe-jacking forces’. He has contributed articles in renowned Q1 journals, including Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (ASCE), Engineering Geology (Elsevier), and Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology (Elsevier). He has also presented his work at international conferences and at seminars for learned institutions. He is an active reviewer of several Q1 and Q2 journals involving geotechnical engineering, tunnelling, and trenchless technologies. Recently, he co-authored a book titled ‘Sustainable Pipe Jacking Technology in the Urban Environment’, published by Springer.

Ir. Dr. Choo is currently a Senior Lecturer at Swinburne Sarawak and educates future civil engineers on soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering. Through his authentic blended teaching experience, he is able to bring real geotechnical engineering challenges into the classroom, by researching into current challenges faced by practising geotechnical engineers. His current experience and research interests are in the areas of tunnelling, trenchless technologies, numerical modelling of complex soil-structure interaction problems using finite element modelling, discrete element modelling and material point method, and machine learning applied to geotechnical engineering. He also explores methods of upcycling industrial wastes into useful construction materials, and innovations in geoeducation through immersive technologies.

Ir. Dr. Choo currently serves as a co-opted member of Engineers Australia Malaysia Chapter, and as a Committee Member of the Malaysian Geological Society. He also represents Malaysia at the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE), as a national nominated member for TC105 Geo-Mechanics from Micro to Macro and TC309 Machine Learning and Big Data.

Research Interests

  • Complex numerical modelling of soil-structure interaction problems using finite element, discrete element and material point methods
  • ‘No-dig’ trenchless technologies
  • Machine learning for geotechnical applications
  • Geo-education with games and augmented reality
  • Upcycled sustainable construction materials

Professional Memberships

  • Professional Engineer (PEng), Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM)
  • Member (MIEM), Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM)
  • Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng) and Member, Engineers Australia (EA)
  • Co-opted Committee Member, Engineers Australia Malaysia Chapter (EAMC)
  • International Professional Engineer (IntPE) and APEC Engineer, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
  • Committee Member, Malaysian Geotechnical Society (MGS)
  • Nominated Member (Malaysia) for TC105 Geo-mechanics, International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE)
  • Nominated Member (Malaysia) for TC309 Machine Learning and Big Data, International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE)
  • Member, International Society for Trenchless Technology (ISTT)
  • Member, Malaysian Association of Trenchless Technology (MATT)

PhD/Master by Research Opportunities

Potential research higher degree candidates are welcome to enquire about postgraduate opportunities in the areas listed above. Please e-mail [email protected] for more information.

Research Grants 

  • Industrial Grant
    • Project title: Development and Assessment of Equivalent Rock Strength Parameters for the Back-Analysis of Pipe-Jacking Forces
  • Ministry of Higher Education – Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    • Project title: Mechanistic Model of Fat, Oil and Grease (FOG) Deposit Formation and Accumulation in Grease Traps
  • Industrial Grant
    • Project area: Upcycling of Scheduled Waste for Construction Applications
  • Industrial Grant
    • Project title: Proposed Guidelines for Hillsite Construction in Sarawak


  • Vice-Chancellor’s 2019 Industry Engagement Award (Highly Commended), Swinburne University of Technology
  • International Convention Scholarship Award (ICSA) 2019 / 2020, Sarawak Convention Bureau
  • Best Civil Engineering Graduate 2010, Cahya Mata Sarawak
  • IEM Gold Medal Award 2009, Institution of Engineers Malaysia


  • Book
    • Ong, D. E. L., Barla, M., Cheng, J.W.C., Choo, C.S., Sun, M., Peerun, M.I. 2022, ‘Sustainable Pipe Jacking Technology in the Urban Environment – Recent Advances and Innovations’, Springer Nature, ISBN 978-981-16-9371-7.
  • Journal articles
    • Peerun, M. I., Ong, D. E. L., Choo, C. S. and Cheng W.C. 2020, ‘Effect of interparticle behavior on the development of soil arching in soil-structure interaction’, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 106 (103610),
    • Choo, C. S. and Ong, D. E. L. 2020, ‘Assessment of non-linear rock strength parameters for the estimation of pipe-jacking forces. Part 2. Numerical modelling’, Engineering Geology, 265 (105405),
    • Peerun, M. I., Ong, D. E. L. and Choo, C. S. 2019, ‘Interpretation of geo-material behavior during shearing aided by PIV technology’, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 31 (9),
    • Ong, D. E. L. and Choo, C. S., 2018 ‘Assessment of non-linear rock strength parameters for the estimation of pipe-jacking forces. Part 1. Direct shear testing and backanalysis’, Engineering Geology, 244, pp. 159-172,
    • Choo, C. S. and Ong, D. E. L. 2017, ‘Impact of highly weathered geology on pipe-jacking forces’, Geotechnical Research, 4 (2), pp. 94-106,
  • Conference presentations
    • Choo C.S., Ong D.E.L., Phangkawira F., Yeo L.Y., Lee S.H. 2022, ‘Evaluation of jacking forces in weathered phyllite: geomaterial characterization and deep learning techniques’, International No-Dig 2022, 3rd – 5th October 2022, Helsinki, Finland.
    • Yeo L.Y., Kueh P.G., Choo C.S., Lee S.H., Zhang D.M., 2023, ‘Feature visualization using a deep learning technique with attention-based mechanism for pipe jacking through ‘soft rocks’’, Geo-Risk 2023, 23rd – 26th July 2023, Virginia, USA. In review.
    • Jong, S.C., Ong, D.E.L., Oh, E., Choo, C.S. Prediction of Frictional Jacking Forces Using Bayesian Inference. In: Barla, M., Di Donna, A., Sterpi, D. (eds) Challenges and Innovations in Geomechanics. IACMAG 2021. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 125. Springer, Cham.
    • Peerun, M.I., Ong, D.E.L., Desha, C., Oh, E., Choo, C.S. Advances in the Study of Micromechanical Behaviour for Granular Materials Using Micro-CT Scanner and 3D Printing. In: Barla, M., Di Donna, A., Sterpi, D. (eds) Challenges and Innovations in Geomechanics. IACMAG 2021. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 125. Springer, Cham.
    • Ng, N. Y. J., Peerun, M. I., Choo, C. S. and Ong, D. E. L. ‘Assessment of tunnelling rock spoils from highly weathered lithology using rolling friction contact models in discrete element modelling’, World Tunnel Congress 2020 (WTC2020), 11-17 September 2020, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (virtual).
    • Tai, L. Y., Lau, S. K. K., Sim, Y. S., Liew, V. Y. K., Ong, D. E. L., Phangkawira, F. and Choo, C. S. 2020, ‘Some experiences from microtunnelling through the highly erratic lithologies of the Tuang Formation, Kuching’, World Tunnel Congress 2020 (WTC2020), 11-17 September 2020, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (virtual).
    • Choo, C. S. and Ong, D. E. L. 2019, ‘Development of strength parameters from pressuremeter test in highly weathered phyllite for back-analysis of jacking forces’, International Conference on Case Histories & Soil Properties (ICCS2019), Singapore, 5-6 December 2019.
    • Peerun, M. I., Ong D. E. L., Desha C., Oh E. and Choo, C. S. 2019, ‘Influences of geological characteristics on the construction of tunnels’, WEC2019, World Engineers Convention Australia 2019, 20-22 November 2019, Melbourne, Australia.
    • Choo, C. S. and Ong, D. E. L. 2019, ‘Determination of jacking forces based on highly weathered non-linear ‘soft rock’ strength parameters considering arching’, 16 ARC, Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 14-18 October 2019, Taipei, Taiwan.
    • Choo, C. S. and Ong, D. E. L. 2019, ‘Generalised tangential approach for characterisation of strength parameters for pipe-jacking work in weathered rocks’, 1st Malaysian Geotechnical Society (MGS) and Geotechnical Society of Singapore (GeoSS) Conference 2019, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, 24-26 June 2019.
    • Phangkawira, F., Choo, C. S. and Ong, D. E. L. 2019, ‘Usage of pressuremeter tests in highly fractured and weathered phyllite for the assessment of jacking forces’, 1st Malaysian Geotechnical Society (MGS) and Geotechnical Society of Singapore (GeoSS) Conference 2019, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, 24-26 June 2019.