Staff Profile

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Irene Yang

BscEd (Hons)(USM) MSc (USM)

Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Science

Office No:+60 82 260 836
Room No: E317, Building E
Email: [email protected]
Google Scholar   Scopus   ORCID


Irene Yang is an Engineering Mathematics lecturer in the Faculty of Engineering, Computing, and Science. She obtained her Master of Science (Teaching of Mathematics) and Bachelor of Science in Education (Mathematics), both from the University of Science Malaysia.

She had been working in different educational institutions prior to joining Swinburne University of Technology, Sarawak. Her expertise and specializations are in the areas of technological innovation in teaching and learning as well as educational research.

Research Interests

  • Teaching and Learning;
  • Educational Technology;
  • Mathematics Education.

Professional  Membership 

Member, Malaysian Mathematical Science Society.

Research Grants

Swinburne Sarawak Research Grant 2014
Title of Project: Investigating the feasibility of screencast video as a tool for improving the learning of Mathematics in Engineering undergraduate courses.


  • Highly Commended in Swinburne Sarawak Teaching Excellence Award 2020.
  • Best Paper Award, “Undergraduate Students’ Perceptions as Producer of Screencast Videos in Learning Mathematics”, Taylor’s 9th Teaching and Learning Conference, Malaysia, 2016.
  • Shortlisted in the Wharton-QS Stars Reimagine Education Awards 2015. (Hybrid Learning Award)
  • Shortlisted in the Wharton-QS Stars Reimagine Education Awards 2015. (Learning Assessment)


  • Yang, I., & Theng, L. B. (2020). Student Perceptions on Watching Learners-produced Screencast Videos in Learning Mathematics. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 9(1), 52–63.
  • Yang, I., & Lau, B. T. (2018). Undergraduate students’ perceptions as producer of screencast videos in learning mathematics. In Redesigning learning for greater social impact(pp. 277-286). Springer, Singapore.
  • Yang, I., & Lau, B. T. (2017). Effects of using learners’ produced screencast as worked examples in learning. EAI Endorsed Transactions on e-Learning4(15).
  • Ying, A. N. L., & Yang, I. (2017). Academics and learners’ perceptions on blended learning as a strategic initiative to improve student learning experience. In MATEC Web of Conferences(Vol. 87, p. 04005). EDP Sciences.
  • Yang, I. (2014). Incorporating technology-based learning tools into teaching and learning of optimization problems. In AIP Conference Proceedings(Vol. 1605, No. 1, pp. 744-749). American Institute of Physics.