Staff Profile

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Shella Georgina Beatrice


School of Foundation Studies

Office No:+60 82 260 940
Fax No:+60 82 260 815
Room No: G209
Email: [email protected]
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Currently, Ms. Shella Georgina Beatrice is pursuing her PhD study at Swinburne University of Technology at Sarawak Campus. Her PhD study is on exploring rural entrepreneurs in rural tourism on their experiences in training. She completed her Graduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching (Higher Education) at Swinburne University of Technology, Australia. She also obtained her Corporate Master of Business Administration (Finance) from the University Malaysia Sarawak, Sarawak, Malaysia. She was a recipient of the Tunku Abdul Rahman Sarawak Scholarship Foundation, Yayasan Sarawak. She has more than seventeen years of teaching experience at various institutions of higher learning in Malaysia such as LimKokWing Institute of Creative Technology, Sarawak Campus, Open University Malaysia, Sarawak Campus, Wawasan Open University, Sarawak Campus and Chermai Jaya College, Sarawak, Malaysia.

Prior to joining Swinburne University of Technology (Sarawak Campus), she worked as a Financial Executive with Maybank Group, Malaysia for nine years. She was responsible to execute sales activities to increase sales revenue of basic products such as credit cards, insurance and unit trusts, carry out sales and marketing for Etiqa, wealth management, and specific product from Group Retail Financial Services. She served affluent and high net worth customers. She managed all matters related to affluent and potential high net worth segments/portfolio assigned to ensure high level of customer service. She referred customer in engagement to customer service executive for fulfilment in the event customer require a loan (mortgage). She participated in sales launches and data mining for potential customer and source for new business. During her employment in Maybank, she was selected as a participant of high achiever sales convention nationwide in Maybank Group. She had achieved more than RM1Million sales in unit trust/capital guaranteed/structured deposit and achieved annual financial year premium more than RM200,000 before financial year end for life insurance. She was the top financial executive for credit card quarterly nationwide. She was an outstanding lead generator for ASB (Amanah Saham Bumiputra) loan and among the top contributors to Islamic and Conventional Structured Deposit nationwide.

Upon completion of her degree, she worked at Lasme Enterprise Sdn. Bhd. as an Account Executive. She was an audit trainee with Ernst and Young, an Audit firm in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. She has taught various subjects such as management accounting, financial accounting, auditing, accounting for managers, management decision accounting, business analyst, investment management, international trade and finance, advance finance, financial planning & investment, banking operations & governance, economic, accounting, international finance and law, financial markets and financial management. Presently, she is engaged by the University as a full-time lecturer, specialising in accounting for manager, international trade & finance and bank, operations & governance. In order to maintain her professional license membership, she is attached to Public Mutual Berhad as a part time unit trust consultant and private retirement scheme consultant. Last but not least, she has actively contributed some of her times and involved in associations such as Bidayuh Literary Society, Sarawak Dayak Graduates Association, Koperasi Serantau Dayak Berhad (Co-operative Society) and Visionary Sarawak Women Entrepreneurs Association (SARANITA) to serve the communities and extend the networking among the communities for more than ten years.

Professional Memberships

  • Malaysian Institute of Accountants, Associate Member
  • Federation of Investment Managers Malaysia, (UTC/PRS)
  • AICB (Institute Bankers of Malaysia), Affiliate Member
  • Graduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching, Swinburne University of Technology,
  • Train The Trainer, Certification in Training by HRDF (TTT/ 7376)
  • Professional Certificate in Teaching Practice, Swinburne University of Technology
  • Certified Credit Professional by Institute Bank-bank of Malaysia
    [Pass (Paper 1-Financial systems and principles of credit and Paper 2-Consumer Credit)]

Research Interests

  • Financial Markets
  • Financial Management
  • Financial Planning & Investment
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Rural Development
  • Internet Banking
  • Tourism and Hospitality

Teaching Areas

  • Foundation Level: Economic, Accounting
  • Diploma Level: Accounting and Finance
  • Degree Level: Financial Planning & Investment, Financial Markets, Banking Operations and Governance, Financial Information For Decision Making (Accounting), International Finance and Law, International Trade and Finance, Financial Management, Advanced Financial Management


  • PhD Scholarship, Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak
  • Vice-Chancellor’s 2020 Community Engagement Award (Highly Commended), Swinburne University

Research/Education Grant Awards

2020: Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) Workshop for Primary School Students in Serian, Education Program Grant, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Research Sarawak (MESTR)
2019: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Workshop for Primary School Students in Serian, Education Program Grant, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Research Sarawak (MESTR)
2019: Do Socioeconomic Characteristics Affect Electricity Accessibility among Households in Sarawak? A comparative analysis between Urban and Rural Areas, Swinburne Internal Grant: Strategic Research Grant

NGO Engagement Award by HRDF to Future Projects (Swinburne Sarawak)

2020: SARANITA Support for PENJANA HRDF – B40 Development Initiative – Empowering Women in Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation
2020: SARANITA Support for PENJANA HRDF – B40 Development Initiative – Starting Business Essentials for Women Micro – Entrepreneurs

Recent Media

UKAS: Swinburne Sarawak PGRS Sumbang Bantuan Bakul Makanan Kepada Penduduk Kampung Tema Saan. Available at

New Sarawak Tribune: 55 households receive food aid from Swinburne, 2021. Available at

Utusan Borneo: Swinburne Sarawak akhiri bengkel STEAM untuk 15 sekolah rendah di Serian. Available at

Swinburne Media: 15 schools in Serian join Swinburne STEAM workshops. Available at /news/15-schools-serian-join-swinburne-steam-workshops.php

Swinburne Media: Swinburne’s STEM team ‘Highly Commended’ at VC’s Award 2020. Available at /news/swinburnes-stem-team-highly-commended-vcs-award-2020.php

Swinburne Media: 200 students and teachers from Serian attend Swinburne’s STEM workshop. Available at /news/200-students-teachers-serian-attend-swinburnes-stem-workshop.php

Swinburne Media: Swinburne’s teams among the best in PNB Investment Quiz (2019). Available at /news/swinburnes-teams-among-best-pnb-investment-quiz.php

Swinburne Media: High school students learn STEM skills in Swinburne workshop (2019). Available at /news/high-school-students-learn-stem-skills-swinburne-workshop.php

Borneo Post: Strengthen your investment by Rule of 72. Available at

Borneo Post: 17 Nov 2017. Swinburne S’wak team among the best in investement quiz. Available at:

Swinburne Media: 15 Nov 2017. Swinburne Sarawak business students amongst the best in investment quiz. Available at: /news/swinburne-sarawak-business-students-amongst-best-investment-quiz.php

Borneo Post: 22 Nov 2016. SDGAWC women empowerment seminar inspires with real-life success stories. Available at:

Borneo Post: 21 Nov 2016. 200 attend SDGA women’s empowerment seminar. Available at:

Research Outputs

  • Conference Poster Presentation:Rural Entrepreneurs in Rural Tourism on Their Experiences in Training’, 1st Swinburne Sarawak Postgraduate Research Conference, School of Research (Virtual Conference), Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak, 17 and 18 September 2020.
  • Conference Paper Presentation: ‘Government Intervention vs Sentiments: Effects on the Malaysian Housing Market’, The 21st Malaysian Finance Association Conference 2019, Sunway University, August, 2019.
  • Journal Article: Sentiments in the housing market and the effectiveness of government interventions. Pacific Rim Property Research Journal, Volume 26, 2020, Issue 3, Pages 223-227. Published on 8th July, 2021. Available from:
  • Journal Article: Cheong, C. W-H., Ngui, L. L-H., and Beatrice, S. G. (2018). On Malaysian House Price Growth: The Effects of Market Sentiments. Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting, 10(2), 167-191. Available from
  • Sarawak Chamber of Commerce & Industry Magazine: Profile Writing for recipients of Sarawak State Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2016, Co-writer for Tuan Haji Rosdin Rosli, Ropetech Sdn Bhd
  • Sarawak Chamber of Commerce & Industry Magazine: Profile Recommendation for recipients of the Sarawak State Corporate Excellence Award 2015, based on nominees’ financial performance for three consecutive years, Co-recommender for Amalgamated Plants Engineering Sdn Bhd
  • Sarawak Chamber of Commerce & Industry Magazine: Co-writer for Dato Lion Peh, Techninier Sdn. Bhd (2015)
  • Thesis: Beatrice, S. G.(2003). “Building customers confidence ‘toward Internet Banking in Maybank Group: Case Study in Kuching Branch”, A Research Paper Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement For the Degree of Corporate Master In Business Administration Faculty of Economics and Business, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak.
  • Thesis: Beatrice, S. G. (1999). ‘Factors that influence students taking accounting degree, qualitative analysis’, a research paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Accounting, Faculty of Accounting, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia.