Dr Voon Mung Ling | Swinburne University, Sarawak, Malaysia

Staff Profile

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Dr Voon Mung Ling

Associate Dean, Research & Development; Senior Lecturer
PhD (UNIMAS) MSc (Leicester) BEB (UNIMAS)

Faculty of Business, Design and Arts

Office No:+60 82 260 707
Fax No:+60 82 260 815
Room No: B306
Email: mvoon@swinburne.edu.my
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Dr. Voon Mung Ling is a Senior Lecturer and the Associate Dean for Research and Development for the Faculty of Business, Design and Arts. She holds a PhD from UNIMAS in the area of leadership practices, and her research interests include Human Resource Management, Training and Development, Community Engagement, Leadership, Women Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Tourism. With her extensive research experience, Mung Ling is an active researcher and has published numerous research articles in journals, as well as book chapters.

Research Interests

Human Resource Management, Training and Development, Community Engagement, Leadership, Women Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Tourism

Teaching Areas

Social Innovation Project, Dynamics of Diversity in Organisations, Human Resource Management


  1. 2019, International, Emerald Interdisciplinary Research Award (Highly Commended), Emerald Publishing.
  2. 2019, National, Bronze Award for the innovation of An Investigation into Barriers for Single Mothers’ Reentry into the Workforce in Urban Sarawak (Kuching, Samarahan, Bintulu, Miri and Serian), InTEX 19
  3. 2019, National, Merit Award for the innovation of Building Connections for Enterprising Women, InTEX19.
  4. 2019, Institutional, Swinburne Research Impact Award (First Place), Swinburne University
  5. 2018, Institutional, Vice-Chancellor’s Research Excellence Award (Highly Commended), Swinburne University.
  6. 2015, Institutional, Vice-Chancellor’s Community Engagement Award(Winner), Swinburne University.

Professional Memberships

Editorial Advisory Board, International Journal of Educational Management (Emerald)
Editorial Board, Borneo Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
Member, Malaysian Institute of Human Resource Management

Research Grants

1. Co-researcher. Study on Consumer awareness and Perception of Food Subsidy Programmes in Sarawak. Institute for Development Studies (Sabah). (2022, Completed).
2. Co-project leader. Tracer Study of TVET Graduates supported by Yayasan Sarawak. Yayasan Sarawak. (2022, Ongoing).
4. Project Leader. Determinants of Job Retention Among Millennial Employees: A Comparison Between Kuching And Sibu. Swinburne University of Technology and University of Technology Sarawak. (2021, Ongoing)
5. Co-researcher. What has COVID-19 Taught Us about Teaching: Evidence from ASEAN Countries. Universiti Brunei Darussalam. (2021, Completed)
6. Co-researcher. The Economic Impact Study on Setting Up a Free Commercial Zone (FCZ) and /or Free Industrial Zone (FIZ) at Senari Terminal. Kuching Port Authority. (2020, Completed)
7. Co-researcher. Evaluation of Yayasan Sarawak High Performance Rural Schools Program. Yayasan Sarawak. (2019, Completed)
8. Project Leader cum Consultant. Visitor Exit Survey 2018 – CHINA (VES 2018). Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture, Youth and Sports Sarawak. (2018, Completed)
9. Co-researcher. Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) – Departing Visitor Survey 2018. Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture, Youth and Sports Sarawak. (2018, Completed)
10. Co-researcher. Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) – Outbound Tourism Survey 2018. Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture, Youth and Sports Sarawak. (2018, Completed)
11. Co-researcher. Building connections for enterprising women. Australia-ASEAN Council of the Australian Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. (2017, Completed)

Recent Media

Voon, M.L. and Bodiozaman, I. (2017, September). Finding Opportunities for Single Mums. Published in Discover

Voon, M.L. (2016, November 1st). Which leadership style is the best for you? Published in the New Sarawak Tribune Newspaper.

Voon, M.L. (2016, July 20). Which leadership style best suits you? Published in Campus & Beyond, weekly column in the Borneo Post Newspaper.

Voon, M.L. (2016, June). Which leadership style the best for you? Published in Discover Digital Future.

Voon, M.L. (2016, March 24th). Are we doing enough to foster entrepreneurship? Published in ‘Campus & Beyond’, weekly column in the Borneo Post Newspaper.

  • Research Outputs

Research Outputs

  • Book Chapter: Yu, K-hong, P., Heng, K.S., Ngui, L.H., & Voon, M.L. (2011). International regimes and non-regimes in Confucian (Corporate) governance: A critique of Blue Ocean Strategy’s metaphor and methodology. In K-hong. P. Yu (Ed.), International (Corporate) governance: A one-dot theory interpretation (pp.75-89). Nova Science Publishers, Huntington, New York (ISBN: 978-1-61122-645-4).
  • Journal Article: She, L., Ma, L., Voon, M.L. and Lim, A.S.S. (2022). Excessive use of social networking sites and financial well-being among working millennials: a parallel-serial mediation model. International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
  • Journal Article: Badiozaman, I., Voon, M.L., & Birdthistle, N. (2021). Examining Work Re-Entry Decisions for Single Mothers through Bourdieu’s Capital Theory. International Journal of Service Management And Sustainability, 6(2), 27-52.
  • Journal Article: Alim, M.A., Jee, T.W., Voon, M.L., Ngui, K.S., & Kasuma, J. (2021). Tourism Development Through Communities’ Support: Rural Communities’ Perspective. GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, 39(4spl), 1473–1482.
  • Journal Article: Lim, W.M., Badiozaman, I., & Voon, M.L. (2020). Barriers to Workforce Re-Entry among Single Mothers: Insights from Urban Areas in Sarawak, Malaysia. Journal of International Women’s Studies, 21(6), 430-452.
  • Journal Article: Nwobodo, S., Ngui, K.S., & Voon, M.L. (2020). Business event destination determinants: Malaysia event organisers’ perspective. Event Management, 24(1), 113-126.
  • Journal Article:  Voon, M.L., & Ngui, K.S. (2019). The Impact of Leadership Styles and Human Resource Practices on Commitment-to-Change. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8 (IS), 213-220.
  • Journal Article: Ngui, K.S., Voon, M.L. & Lee, M.H. 2017, ‘Integrating community engagement with management education: A case study of ENT30014 Social Innovation Internship’, Education + Training, vol. 59, no. 6, pp. 579-589.
  • Journal Article: Voon, M. L., Lo, M. C., K. S., Ngui, & Ayob, N. (2011). The influence of leadership styles on employees’ job satisfaction in public sector organizations in Malaysia. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Sciences, 2, 1, 24-32.
  • Journal Article: Puah, C.H., Voon, S. L., Jais, M., & Voon, M. L. (2011). Discovery corporate crime: A case study in Malaysia. European Journal of Management. 11(4), 88-92.
  • Journal Article: Lo, M. C., Voon, M. L., & Ramayah, T. (2010). The relationship between human resources practices and employees’ commitment to change in Malaysia Higher Education. The Global Studies Journal, 3, 3, 83-92.
  • Journal Article: Lo, M. C., Ramayah, T., de Run, C. E., & Voon, M. L. (2009). New leadership, leader-member exchange and commitment to change: The case of higher education. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology Journal, 53, 574-580. (International)
  • Refereed Conference Proceedings: Gan, E & Voon, M.L. (2021). The Impact of Transformational Leadership on Job Satisfaction and Employee Turnover Intentions: A Conceptual Review. SHS Web of Conferences (ISI proceedings), International Conference on Management, Education, Social Science & Humanities 2021.
  • Refereed Conference Proceedings: Ting, J.K.S., Tan, V.M. & Voon, M.L. (2021). Impact of Digital Literacy on Student Online Engagement at Higher Educational Institutions. SHS Web of Conferences (ISI proceedings), International Conference on Management, Education, Social Science & Humanities 2021.
  • Refereed Conference Proceedings: Ting, J.K.S., Tan, V.M., & Voon, M.L. (2019). Factors Influencing Student Engagement in Higher Education Institutions: Central to Sustainability and Progression of the Institution. 5th Asia International Conference (AIC2019), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 6-8 December 2019.
  • Refereed Conference Proceedings: Nguyen, H. T. L., Badiozaman, I. F. A., Voon, M.L., & Gramberg, B. V. (2019). Climbing up the academic career ladder: strategies employed by academics from an Australian university. 41st EAIR FORUM 2019: Responsibility of Higher Education Systems: What? Why? How? Leiden, The Neitherlands, 25-28 August 2019.
  • Refereed Conference Proceedings: Jee, T. W., Ting, H. B. & Voon, M. L. (2018). Community Based Tourism Destination Attachment and Revisit-Intention: Effect of Anthropogenic and Hedonic Value. 4th International Tourism and Hospitality Management Congress 2018, Danubius Hotel Flamenco, Budapest, Hungary, 17-21 October 2018.
  • Refereed Conference Proceedings: Huong, N., Van Gramberg, B., Badiozaman, I. & Voon, M. L. (2017). Factors influencing academic promotion: A preliminary conceptual framework from a career development perspective. Proceedings for 31st Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Conference, December, 6-8th 2017, Melbourne Australia.
  • Refereed Conference Proceedings: Voon, M.L. (2012). The influence of leadership styles on commitment to change: The impact of human resource practices and leader-member exchange. Postgraduate Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities 2012,  Educating and Sharing of Knowledge towards Successful Contemporary Research Development, 9–10 July 2012, UNIMAS.
  • Refereed Conference Proceedings: Voon, M.L., Lo, M. C., Peter, S. & Ngui, K. S. (2012), Influence of Transformational leadership style on commitment to change: The Impact of human resource practice, 2nd Annual Summit on Business and Entrepreneurial Studies – 2nd ASBES 2012, 15–16 October 2012, Hilton Kuching, Sarawak.
  • Refereed Conference Proceedings: Lo, M. C., Voon, M. L. & T. Ramayah (2010).   Employees’ Commitment to Change in Global Perspectives: The Realities and Challenges of HR Practices, The Proceedings of 2010 KSET International Conference, May, 7–8 2010, The Korean Society for Educational Technology, Seoul, Korea.
  • Refereed Conference Proceedings: Lo, M. C., Voon, M. L. Ayob, N., Ngui, K. S. (2009). Leadership Styles and Job Satisfaction in Public Sector in Malaysia. The Proceedings of Asia Pacific Marketing Conference 2009, 9 to 11 December, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Kuching, Damai Beach Resort Kuching, Malaysia.
  • Refereed Conference Proceedings: Voon, M. L., Lo, M. C., Ngui, K. S., & PetSer, S. (2009). Leadership styles in Context of Institution of Higher Education in Malaysia. Proceedings of International Conference on Business and Information, International Business Academics Consortium Academy of Taiwan Information Systems Research College of Business, National Taipei University, Sponsored by: Shih-Chien University, ISSN: 1729-9322, CD-ROM.
  • Refereed Conference Proceedings: Lo, M. C., Ramayah, T., de Run, E. C., & Voon, M. L. (2009). New Leadership, Leader-Member Exchange and Commitment to Change: The Case of Higher Education in Malaysia.  The Proceedings of the WCSET 2009: World Congress on Science, Engineering and Technology. May 27–29, 2009, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Refereed Conference Proceedings: Lo. M. C., Ramayah, T., de Run, E. C. & Voon, M. L. (2009).  Relationship between Leader-Member Exchange and Organizational Commitment to Change in a Non-Western Context: The Case of Malaysia. The Proceedings of the 2009 Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conferences, “Revitalizing the Global Economy: Challenges and Strategies for Sustaintable Growth”, co-organised by Hong Kong Institute of Business Studies (HKIBS), Lingnan University and Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration, The Open University of Hong Kong, December 3–5, 2009, Hong Kong, China.
  • Consultancy Project/Grant: The relationship between leadership style s and employees’ commitment to change : The Case of Higher education in Malaysia. Duration: 2008-2009. Amount: RM 6851.00. Source of Fund: Swinburne Sarawak Internal Seed Grant.
  • Press: Voon, M.L. ‘Leading change in higher education.’ Published in ‘Campus & Beyond’, weekly column in the Borneo Post newspaper. (14 November 2012).
  • Press: Voon, M.L. ‘Transfer of training as a corporate issue’. Published in ‘Campus & Beyond’, weekly column in the Borneo Post newspaper. (9 May 2007).