Staff Profile

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Ms Yugeetha Balan

MSc (USM, Penang), B Com (UPM, Selangor)

Faculty of Business, Design and Arts

Office No:+60 82 260901
Fax No:+60 82 260 815
Room No: B211
Email: [email protected]


Yugeetha is graduated from University of Putra Malaysia (UPM) with Honours in Bachelor of Communication, majoring in Journalism in 2011. She has completed a Masters in Communication from University of Science Malaysia in 2016 and served has the secretariat for Heritage Awareness and Interpretation Research Team, Sustainable Tourism Research Cluster, in USM.

She is currently holding a position as the lecturer in the Media and Communication Department, School of Design and Arts in the Faculty of Business, Design and Arts in Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak, Malaysia.

At Swinburne, she teaches undergraduate level units. Her teaching areas include Journalism, Broadcast Journalism, Mass communication, Digital Publishing and Media Technology.

Apart from teaching, she is also well versed with digital marketing tools and strategies. She was trained to create social media content for university programmes. She is experienced working in creative writing skilled at copy and content writing.

Research Interests

Communication, Journalism, Heritage and Archaeological studies, Cultural Heritage, Qualitative Research Methods, Business and Digital Marketing, Education and Media and Technology.

Teaching Areas

Journalism, Broadcast Journalism, Mass communication, Digital Publishing and Media Technology

Professional Membership

Member of Public Relations Practitioners Society of Malaysia (PRactitioners)
  • Research Outputs

Proceeding chapter: Lim.Y. K, Md Noor. S, Mohamed.R, Balan.Y (2012). Using critical discourse analysis for heritage studies, Heritage Awareness and Interpretation Seminar, Archaeological Research in Lenggong Valley Perak, p. 71, Sustainable Tourism Research Cluster.

Book chapter: Md Noor. S, Jaafar. M & Balan.Y (2019). Embracing Heritage, Embracing Life: The experience of Rurality from the perspective of Lenggong Valley World Heritage Site Community, Rural Tourism in Malaysia, p.58-68, Penerbit USM.

Journal  Article: Indexed Journal: Md Noor. S, Jaafar. M & Balan.Y (2018). Communicating archaeological heritage Strategically connecting the past to the present from community perspectives, Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, Volume 28, Issue 1, Jan 2018, p. 151 – 171, John Benjamins Publishing.  Available at:

Conference Presentation: Understanding Archaeological Heritage Narratives from the Perspective of Local Community of Lenggong Valley – 2nd International Conference on Media, Communication and Culture (ICMCC), 30th Nov2015.

Conference Presentation: Folklores: Cultural heritage conservation in Lembah Lengging Valley – The 3rd Communication Academics’ Seminar (Cas19), 17th Dec 2019.

News Articles:

Journalism/Business: Foreign Worker Hiring Approvals Are Not Based on Citizenship – Business Today, 19/07/2022. Available at:

Journalism/Business: Keluarga Malaysia Cheap Sale Programme Expanded Nationwide – Business Today, 19/07/2022. Available at:

Journalism/Business: MOA signing between GUC and AMS – Website stories, 10/01/2020. Available at:

Journalism/Business: Why is Broadcast Journalism? How can I Pursue? – Website stories, 20/11/2019. Available at:

Public Talk:

Web designing for beginners training workshop by Komar University of Science and Technology, Iraq (Google meet – Organizer/ Moderator) – 24th February 2023

Why did you opt for Journalism? A day in the life of a Nikkei Asia News Correspondent (Facebook Livestream – Moderator/Host) – 7th February 2022.

Digital Marketing Webinar presented by IEEE members, Centre of Emerging Technology of Innovation (CETIA) (Google meet – Moderator) – 11th November 2021.

Cyber security and Law enforcement morning prog brief with Faculty Dean (Facebook Live stream – Moderator/Host) – 12th April 2021.

Digitalization Workshop for content creation as a trainer with academics, University Geomatika Malaysia (Physical – Trainer) – 21st December 2020.