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Marlene Lu

BSc (Hons) UK, MA (UNIMAS)

Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Science

Office No:+60 82 260 684
Fax No:+60 82 260 813
Room No: E324, Building E, FECS
Email: [email protected]
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Marlene Lu received her Bachelor of Science degree from Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom and a postgraduate degree in Master of Advanced IT from Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS). Prior to joining Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak (SUTS) as a full-time lecturer in 2008, Marlene was part-time lecturer in SUTS for 3 years. Marlene has also previously worked as a research assistant under Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), dealing with domain models and software development focusing on the application of formal methods in mid-size manufacturing industry.

  • Publications


  • Journal WaiShiang C., Alfian A.H., Gary C.W., Marlene L. (2016) Long Lamai Community ICT4D E-Commerce System Modelling: An Agent Oriented Role-Based Approach, The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries.
  • Journal WAISHIANG, Cheah, MIT, Edwin; LU, Marlene. (2015) An Exploration Study of RimbaIlmu: A Qualitative Evaluation of Shared Single Display Groupware in Sarawak, Malaysia. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), [S.l.], v. 10, n. 1, p. pp. 79-86, feb. 2015. ISSN 1863-0383. Available at:
  • Book and book chapter Mandasari, V., Lu, M.V. & Lau, B.T. (2011). 2D Animated Social Story for Assisting Social Skills Learning of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. In Lau Bee Theng (ed), Assistive and Augmentative Communication for the Disabled: Intelligent Technologies for Communication, Learning and Teaching. Hershey: IGI Global Publishing. Pp.1-24. ISBN: 978-160960-541-4.
  • Book and book chapter Ong, C.A., Lu, M.V. & Lau, B.T. (2011). A Face Based Real Time Communication for Physically and Speech Disabled People. In Lau Bee Theng (ed): Assistive and Augmentative Communication for the Disabled: Intelligent Technologies for Communication, Learning and Teaching. Hershey: IGI Global Publishing. Pp.70-102. ISBN: 978-160960-541-4.
  • Book and book chapter Valeria, N, Lu, M.V. & Lau, B.T. (2011). Collaborative Virtual Learning for Assisting Children with Cerebral Palsy. In Lau Bee Theng (ed), Assistive and Augmentative Communication for the Disabled: Intelligent Technologies for Communication, Learning and Teaching. Hershey: IGI Global Publishing. Pp.127-158. ISBN: 978-160960-541-4.
  • Conference paper Cheah, W.,Mit, E.,Tan, M.s and Lu, M.V.L, “RimbaIlmu: An Interactive Shared Single Display Technology For Resource Constrained Schools in Sarawak”, The 19th SDPS International Conference on Transformative Science & Engineering, Business and Social Innovation (SDPS 2014), Kuching, Malaysia (2014).
  • Conference paper Rosziati Ibrahim, Marlene Lu, “Formal Methods applied to Plywood Production”, in the Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Quality Software, IEEE Computer Society, November 6 – 7, 2003, Dallas, Texas, USA, pp. 298-305.
  • Conference paper Rosziati Ibrahim, Marlene Lu, “From Formal Mathematical Design to Implementation: A Case Study of Plywood Production”, Proceedings of the 7th Southeast Asian Ergonomics Society & 4th Malaysian Ergonomic Conference (SEAMEC 2003) May 19-22, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.
  • Conference paper Rosziati Ibrahim, Marlene Lu, “Domain Model and Software Development: The Case Study of Plywood Production”, Proceedings of the 5th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI 2001), 22nd – 25th July 2001, Orlando, Florida, USA.
  • Conference paper Rosziati Ibrahim, Marlene Lu, “The Role of Project Management in Developing a Software – A Case Study of Plywood Production in Sarawak”, National Conference on Project Management, 26th – 28th June 2001, Langkawi, Malaysia.