Faculty of Engineering organised an invited talk on the topic of “History and Function of Department of Irrigation and Drainage Sarawak” through MME30001 Engineering Management 1 unit. The talk was delivered by the industrial guest speaker Ir. Lee Wai Neng of the Department of Irrigation and Drainage Sarawak, also the Sarawak Course Advisory Committee member of Mechanical Engineering discipline to share the knowledge of General Management in the workplace on 3 November 2021 (Wednesday) 5:00 pm through Microsoft Teams. The talk is aimed to widen the breadth of students’ knowledge on General Management and gain insight into its importance in the workplace or industry. The talk was attended by approximately 70 participants include Swinburne University staff and students from both Engineering Management 1 and 2 units of various disciplines, such as Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Robotic and Mechatronics Engineering. The students participated actively in the Q&A sessions before closing the event at 6:15 pm.
The sharing of the “History and Function of the Department of Irrigation and Drainage Sarawak” as a kingpin organisation in the real world is definitely an eye-opener to the students. The messages highlighted by Ir. Lee Wai Neng during the talk are expected to guide the students in their future employment where the management in the workplace is concerned.
The sharing of the “History and Function of the Department of Irrigation and Drainage Sarawak” as a kingpin organisation in the real world is definitely an eye-opener to the students. The messages highlighted by Ir. Lee Wai Neng during the talk are expected to guide the students in their future employment where the management in the workplace is concerned.

The group photo that taken at the end of the session