The new semester commences here in Swinburne Sarawak on 1st of September as usual with much enthusiasm and hope. Students and staffs alike are hopeful that the current situation will get better and are enthusiastic about the possibility of getting back to campus with new norms. Students are again getting back and contacting their respective lecturers and asking for the assignment/assessment tasks clarification or about lecture contents or about industrial placement. So Swinburne is in full swing again. We also remember our fresh graduates who completed last semester and applying for jobs and we are aware that they may need help. Therefore, the School of Chemical Engineering and Science organized a webinar on smelting process where OM Materials (Bintulu) shared some key insights about the industrial process and opportunity for engineers. Ms. Farah (Senior HR Executive) and Mr. Willie (Deputy Chief Engineer) along with Mr. Wu and Mr. Tom were connected through MS Teams from Bintulu. OM Holding Ltd is an integrated manganese and silicon company which takes interest in smelting and marketing of processed ferroalloys. This group today is one of the world’s leader in supplying of manganese and ferroalloys to steel mills and other industries around the globe. Their operation partners stretched from Australia to China, from Japan to South Africa, Malaysia to Americas. Ms. Farah and Mr Willie talked in details about the recruitment process and what are expected from the fresh graduates at OM Materials. They also gave some valuable advice to our undergraduate students who want to do an industrial placement in any smelting company. The encouraging fact is, although currently we do not have any face to face engagement following the SOP but did not deter both of our current and graduated students to come online and join the webinar. Dr. Elaine presided over the session and presented a certificate as an appreciation to Ms. Farah and her team for their interesting talk and engagement.
The recorded video can be found on Youtube