14 June 2016

Preview on Master of Construction Management this Saturday

KUCHING – A preview on the Master of Construction Management offered by Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus will be held during the university’s Info Day this Saturday, 18 June.

Dr Matthew Wong, the program coordinator from the university, will present the 30 minute session, from 2.30pm to 3pm.

The postgraduate coursework program is due to begin on 22 August, and the university is now accepting applications.
Bursaries are available to newly enrolled masters degree students who meet the criteria.

Wong said the program facilitates the study of advanced management and engineering techniques in construction, building and maintenance to prepare graduates for roles in the management of people, equipment, materials, technological processes and funds in construction, building and maintenance of buildings as well as assets in civil infrastructure.

“Those looking to acquire advanced knowledge and skills in construction management practices related to construction, operation and maintenance of buildings and civil infrastructure will have much to benefit from the program.

“They will be trained to plan and execute an independent research project in a relevant construction management topic, manage practical issues or complex problems and describing/developing contemporary and sustainable construction management trends and best practices,” said Wong, a senior lecturer from the Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Science.

A high level of autonomy, accountability, credibility, ethics, and responsibility for work outputs are strongly emphasised, said Wong who specialises in water, wastewater treatment, waste management and sustainable development.

Upon completion of the program, graduates are awarded the parchment by Swinburne’s home campus in Melbourne, Australia.

Wong, who earned his Bachelor of Science, Master of Science and PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Tennessee Technological University, USA, will provide more details at the preview where refreshments will be served.

Media Enquiries

David Teng
Assistant Manager, Industry and Alumni Engagement

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