27 August 2021

Three Swinburne students win videography awards in Sarawak Youth Talent 2021

KUCHING  Students from the Faculty of Business, Design and Arts of Swinburne Sarawak took home top prizes in the recent Sarawak Youth Talent (SYT) 2021 storytelling poster and videography competition.

With 239 universities, colleges, and secondary school students from all around Sarawak participating in the competition this year, three Swinburne students were announced winners in the one-minute videography segment under the university and college category.

Among five students who won the Outstanding Award in the university and college category, Swinburne Bachelor of Business undergraduates Grace Lee Joo Ling and Clement Ting Tze Liang were awarded prizes for their short videos entitled ‘The Value of Art’ and ‘Domestic Tourism’ respectively.

Meanwhile, Bachelor of Design student Peter Yek Nai Xin received the Commended Award for his video entitled ‘Sarawak Laksa – Flavour of Unity’ among 13 winners in the same category.

This year, the submissions were evaluated virtually by 20 national judges and eight international judges from various institutions, including Sarawak Tourism Board, AirAsia Regional Centre of Expertise Kuching and Emerald Publishing (East Asia).

SYT is an annual event co-organised by Sarawak Research Society (SRS) and UCSI University Sarawak Campus with the support of the Ministry of Tourism, Arts, and Culture Sarawak and Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri (JPN) Sarawak.

The event seeks to encourage responsible tourism behaviour among the young generation, inspire innovation, and offer a platform for them to be involved in responsible tourism development. The theme for this year’s competition was ‘Responsible Behaviour towards Tourism, Arts and Culture in Sarawak’.

Last year, three Swinburne students were also announced winners of two Outstanding Awards, as well as one Recommended Award in the same competition.

For more information about Swinburne, visit its website www.swinburne.edu.my, Facebook page (@swinburnesarawak), Instagram (@swinburnesarawak), Twitter page (@Swinburne_Swk) or YouTube channel (Swinburne Sarawak).

Media Enquiries

Aazean Aida Mujahid
Officer (Communication and Events)

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