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Why you don’t get cooked by your microwave oven

When microwave ovens first came into the market in 1947 they were very expensive.

Kuching at your fingertips

Imagine this scenario: you’re in Kuching for the first time and the urge to explore a new city makes you bouncy with energy.

Why don’t they write the way they should?

At the tertiary level, reports have consistently revealed that despite having formal English instruction for eleven years

Creating interest in IT among students

It is now pretty obvious that information technology is the “hot stuff” of the interconnected world.

Student engagement in higher learning institutions

The study of student engagement has been intensely examined since the 1990s and research on engagement has grown exponentially within three decades.

Exams do not define you

This is the time of year when the Malaysian national school leaving examination results are published.

A fortune to be made in mobile apps

WhatsApp, Instagram, Flipboard, Angry Birds, and Emoji Pop are some of the most well-known mobile applications today.

Large numbers in and around us

Ancient Indians were afraid of many things but never afraid of large numbers.

Targeting economic growth through financial inclusion

Financial inclusion refers to making the financial system available to the economically under-privileged sections of the society.

Line of sight propagation – bane or boon?

Imagine looking at an object.