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Useful resources for media and communication DatabasesDatabasesAcademic Search Complete onEbscohostA comprehensive scholarly,multidisciplinary full textdatabase, with more the 5,300full text periodicals.APA-FT Australian Public AffairsFull Text on InformitIndex to thousands of socialsciences and humanitiesarticles, includes full text articles from more than 200 …
Useful resources for film and resources Film and Television DatabasesDatabases enable you to search for articles on aparticular topic:EbscohostA platform for more than 40databases, use this link to search across all of them or toselect individual, or groups of,relevant databases …
Graduates in Swinburne Sarawak Campus now have a salary guide to help them gauge the average salaries offered by companies.
Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus’s students are taking on the challenge of presenting their 80,000-word thesis in under three minutes.
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