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Academic writing for foundation students

Since many professionals spend a significant amount of their working hours writing, the ability to write well is crucial to their job performance.

Public lecture on teaching English at Swinburne Sarawak

Professor Tony T.N. Hung, who is Head of the Language Centre at the Hong Kong Baptist University, will be giving a one-hour public lecture entitled “Reflections on language teaching in the ‘Postmethod’ era”.

Web marketing 101 for small businesses

The Internet has always been touted as a life-saver for small businesses.

Students, tax and globalization … hand in glove

Malaysians are going overseas!

More effective study skills for foundation students

Note taking, study methods, test taking, and organizational skills for foundation students were previously discussed in this column.

Employment in biotechnology and in general

“… by any other name would smell as sweet.”

In defense of Alternative Media

Although the Internet has been around for so many years now, it still has its critics and detractors in this country.

Teachers and the integration of ICT in education

During the past decade, there has been an increasing momentum in the world towards the use of ICT in schools.

Innovative universities extend reach

The 27 senior academics travelled half-way round the world to hold their board meeting in Melbourne and on the way they stopped off in steamy Sarawak on the island of Borneo. The European Consortium of Innovative Universities had never been this far south before but it was unlikely to be the last time.

Europe’s higher education leaders visit Swinburne Sarawak

Members of the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU) recently toured Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus and participated at a seminar on transnational education.