Useful resources for healthHealth Science DatabasesDatabases enable you to search for articles on a particular topic:EbscohostA platform for more than 40 databases, use this link to search across all of them or to select individual, or groups of, relevant databases …
Useful resources for patentsDatabases Malaysian Intellectual Property Office (MyIPO)Malaysian’s intellectual property laws. Access to comprehensive and user-friendly information on intellectual property.EspacenetSearch and view the full text of patents. Includes UK and European patents and patents from individual European patenting authorities, World …
Useful resources for electrical engineeringDatabasesIEEE XploreAccess to high quality journals in electrical engineering, computer science and electronics. Scopus Major database covering all engineering disciplines.Science Direct Full text articles from science and technology journals.ACM Digital Library Association for Computing Machinery’s database of computer science literature.Computers …
Useful resources for computer science and software engineeringDatabasesAccess EngineeringAll aspects of computer science,software engineering and web development.ACM Digital LibraryAll aspects of computer science,software engineering and web development.Business Source Complete (EBSCOhost)Subject coverage include information systems.Computers & Applied Sciences Complete (EBSCOhost)All aspects …
Useful resources for civil engineeringInterdisciplinary DatabasesBusiness source complete (EBSCOhost) Subject coverage: all aspects of business including marketing, management, human resources, information systems, operations management, accounting, finance and economics.Emerald Insight Over 100 full text business journals. Subject coverage: accounting and finance, economics, human …
Useful resources for English language and literacyGetting startedDatabasesA+ Education – Australian index on Informit Search Education and related fields, including educational research, policy administration, teacher education, curriculum, educational psychology and Library and information ScienceERIC [EBSCOhost]Education Research Complete [EBSCOhost]Gale virtual reference …
Useful resources for designKey databasesArt & Architecture Source on EbscohostFull text database. Subject coverage includes: advertising art, archaeology, architecture and architectural history, art history, contemporary art, decorative arts, graphic arts, industrial and interior design, film, museums, non-Western art, painting, photography, …
Useful resources for legal researchLegal research skills are essential for law students and graduates. Hereyou will find listed the key resources, and below them are videos that will help to get you started.Case law & legislationLexis Advance Pacific Australian legal materials …
Not just facts and figuresResearching an industry or market for a product or service involves looking at a variety of information sources. This will allow you to give a balanced view and a more complete explanation of the industry. Experts …
Getting started on your assignmentThis video shows a 5 step process to find information for your assignments1. What is your task? Do you have a clear understanding of what it is you need to do.The Learning and Academic Skills Centre …