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Research tips

Learn how to find, evaluate and reference information and resources effectively and ethically for your assignments and research projects.

Swinburne Melbourne Vice-Chancellor makes inaugural visit to Swinburne Sarawak

Swinburne University of Technology Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Pascale Quester recently made her inaugural visit to the Melbourne-based university’s Sarawak campus on 29 August 2022.

41 students complete Swinburne Sarawak’s English Enhancement Program

Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus’ first-ever batch of English Enhancement Program (EEP) students received their certificates of completion during an award ceremony held at the university on 25 August.

Green Club celebrates World Environment Day with presentations by conservationists

The Swinburne Sarawak Green Club celebrated World Environment Day on 5 June with informative online presentations delivered by three local conservationists.

PhD student Dewi Widyastuti wins Swinburne Poetry Competition 2022

Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus PhD student Dewi Widyastuti has won this year’s Swinburne Poetry Competition.


Swinburne students cater to learning needs of children as part of social enterprise

Ninety Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus students were involved in the university’s collaboration with non-profit organisation Breakthrough Network Centre Berhad, which focused on installing online learning facilities at Breakthrough Stutong Learning Centre to cater to the learning needs of children in the community.

Read. So You’ll Never Feel Alone

The benefit of reading is many, but the best benefit of reading is that by reading you master the best of what others have already figured out.

The Next-Gen Libraries

“Shush…!” that was what we often heard in libraries of the past. I could still remember libraries of my childhood where it was a place where patrons read books and do their research quietly; so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. But this is not the case of the current educational demand especially in the era of digital dominance.

22 students in creative writing workshop

Twenty-two students participated in the “Creative Writing Workshop” organised by the School of Foundation Studies and Swinburne Sarawak Library in conjunction with the launch of the annual Swinburne Creative Writing Competition.Senior lecturer and competition judge Dr Christina Yin ran the …