Academic OneFile (Gale)Full text multidisciplinary database. Subject coverage includes: physical and life sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities, business and management. Academic search complete (EBSCOhost)Full text multidisciplinary database. Subject coverage includes: social sciences and humanities, philosophy, psychology, law, astronomy, engineering …
A+ education (Informit) Full text database of Australian journals. Subject coverage: adult education, curricula, early childhood, primary, secondary and higher education, special education, educational theory and practice, public policy, school management.Academic OneFile (Gale) Full text multidisciplinary database. Subject coverage includes: physical and …
Academic OneFile (Gale)Full text multidisciplinary database. Subject coverage includes: physical and life sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities, business and management. Academic search complete (EBSCOhost)Full text multidisciplinary database. Subject coverage includes: social sciences and humanities, philosophy, psychology, law, astronomy, engineering …
Art & architecture source (EBSCOhost)Full text database. Subject coverage: advertising art, antiques, archaeology, architecture and architectural history, art history, contemporary art, costume design, crafts, decorative and folk arts, graphic arts, industrial and interior design, landscape architecture, film, museums, non-western art, …
ABI/INFORM collection (ProQuest)Full text database. Subject coverage includes accounting, business trends, economics, finance, management techniques and management theory. Includes journals, working papers, market research reports, country and industry reports, business cases and case studies. Business Databases (ProQuest) Collection of Business databases …
ABI/INFORM collection (ProQuest) Full text database. Subject coverage includes accounting, business trends, economics, finance, management techniques and management theory. Includes journals, working papers, market research reports, country and industry reports, business cases and case studies. Business Collection (Gale)Full text database. Subject coverage …
AASB: Australian Accounting Standards BoardSearchable official web site of The Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB), which is responsible for setting accounting standards for both the private and public sectors in Australia. ABI/INFORM collection (ProQuest)Full text database. Subject coverage includes accounting, business …
Australia/ NZ reference centre (EBSCOhost)Full text news database. Includes major Australian, New Zealand and international newspapers, AAP Australian national news wire and magazines.Australian public affairs – full text (Informit)Full text database. Subject coverage: Australian current and social affairs, social sciences and humanities, media, …
Ebook Central (ProQuest)Includes ebooks on most subjects, including science, education, health, business and management, politics, psychology, history, computing and engineering Regional business news (EBSCOhost)Full text news database; primarily US newspapers, news wires and magazines. Religion & philosophy collection (EBSCOhost)Full text database. Subject coverage includes: world religions, …
Australia/ NZ reference centre (EBSCOhost)Full text news database. Includes major Australian, New Zealand and international newspapers, AAP Australian national news wire and magazines. Australian public affairs – full text (Informit)Full text database. Subject coverage: Australian current and social affairs, social sciences and humanities, …