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Library and information science

Books in print Database of information for over 20 million global titles (in print, out of print and forthcoming), including books, ebooks, audio books and multimedia. EBSCOhostA major database platform of over 40 databases. Subject coverage includes business and industry, management …

Arts and Social Sciences

Academic OneFile (Gale)Full text multidisciplinary database. Subject coverage includes: physical and life sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities, business and management. Academic search complete (EBSCOhost)Full text multidisciplinary database. Subject coverage includes: social sciences and humanities, philosophy, psychology, law, astronomy, engineering …

Film and television

Useful resources for film and resources Film and Television DatabasesDatabases enable you to search for articles on aparticular topic:EbscohostA platform for more than 40databases, use this link to search across all of them or toselect individual, or groups of,relevant databases …

Robotics and mechatronics

Useful resources for robotics and mechatronicsDatabasesACM Digital Library Publications of the Association for Computing Machinery.IEEEXplore Access to high quality technology journals.Scopus Major database covering all science and engineering disciplines.Science Direct Scholarly journals covering all engineering and science disciplines.Computers & Applied Sciences Complete (EBSCOhost) All aspects …

Civil engineering

Useful resources for civil engineeringInterdisciplinary DatabasesBusiness source complete (EBSCOhost) Subject coverage: all aspects of business including marketing, management, human resources, information systems, operations management, accounting, finance and economics.Emerald Insight Over 100 full text business journals. Subject coverage: accounting and finance, economics, human …

Film and television

Useful resources for film and resources Film and Television DatabasesDatabases enable you to search for articles on aparticular topic:EbscohostA platform for more than 40databases, use this link to search across all of them or toselect individual, or groups of,relevant databases …


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Databases: U

UK & Ireland Database (ProQuest)This database provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, …

Databases: S

SAE MobilusFull text technical papers and standards published by SAE International, an association of engineers and technical experts in the aerospace, automotive and commercial vehicle industries. SafetyhubSafetyhub is an online safety training solution that helps organizations deliver an improved workplace. …

Databases: R

Race relations abstracts (EBSCOhost)Database of articles covering race relations, ethnic studies, discrimination and immigration. Includes linked full text. Regional business news (EBSCOhost)Full text news database; primarily US newspapers, news wires and magazines. Religion Database (ProQuest) Religion Database provides a wide …