Staff Profile

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Ir. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Viknesh Andiappan

Associate Director, School of Research, Associate Professor
Chemical Engineering, PEng, CEng, MIChemE
PhD in Eng. (The University of Nottingham)
MEng (Hons.) in Chem. Eng. (The University of Nottingham)

Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Science

Office No:+60 82 260 859
Fax No:+60 82 260 813
Room No: A401E, Building A
Email: [email protected]
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Dr Viknesh Andiappan currently serves as an Associate Professor at the Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus. Dr Andiappan is well-published and well-cited for a young researcher (over 70 publications with an h-index of 14) and presented several papers in various conferences. He was also shortlisted as a finalist for the IChemE Young Researcher Malaysia Award (2018 and 2019) and the Heriot-Watt University PRIME Award (2021). Dr Andiappan is an editorial board member for internationally peer-reviewed journals such as Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability (Springer), and Frontiers in Sustainability. He is also a member of the reviewer board for Processes (MDPI). In addition, he serves as a technical committee member for several conferences. In the same year, he was awarded the IBAE Young Researcher of the Year Award for his contributions in research.

His area of specialization centres on optimisation of energy systems and supply chains. His research interests also include design and optimisation of net-zero energy systems, synthesis of integrated biorefineries, industrial symbiosis planning, energy planning for greenhouse gas emission reduction and sustainable agriculture planning

Research Interests

  • Net-zero energy supply chains
  • Net-zero energy systems
  • Process integration & optimisation
  • Operations research
  • Sustainable agriculture planning
  • Industrial symbiosis planning and optimisation

Professional Memberships

  • Professional Engineer, Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM), Malaysia
  • Chartered Engineer and Member, Institution of Chemical Engineers, UK
  • Affiliate Member, Young Scientist Network – Academy of Sciences Malaysia

PhD/Master by Research Opportunities

Potential research higher degree candidates are welcome to enquire about postgraduate opportunities in the following areas/ projects:

  1. Planning and optimisation of net-zero energy supply chains
  2. Multi-objective optimisation of net-zero energy systems
  3. Regional planning for energy decarbonisation
  4. Process scheduling and optimisation

Please contact Dr. Viknesh at [email protected] for more information. 

  • Publications


  • Journal paper Andiappan, V., Tan, R. R., Aviso, K. B., Denny K. S. Ng, (2015).  Synthesis and Optimisation of  Biomass-Based Tri-generation Systems based on Reliability Aspects. Energy Journal. 89, pp 803 – 818
  • Journal paper Andiappan, V., Tan, R. R., Ng, D. K. S., (2016). An Optimisation-based Negotiation Framework for Energy Systems in an Eco-Industrial Park. Journal of Cleaner Production. 129, pp 496 – 507
  • Journal paper Tan, R. R., Andiappan, V., Wan, Y. K., Ng, R. T. L, Ng, D. K. S., (2016). An Optimisation-Based Cooperative Game Approach for Systematic Allocation of Costs and Benefits in Interplant Process Integration. Chemical Engineering Research and Design. 106, pp 43 – 58
  • Journal paper Andiappan, V., Ng, D. K. S., (2016).  Synthesis of Tri-generation Systems: Technology Selection, Sizing and Redundancy Allocation based on Operational Strategy. Computers & Chemical Engineering. 91, pp 380 – 391
  • Journal paper Andiappan, V., Ng, D. K. S., Tan, R. R. (2017) Design Operability and Retrofit Analysis (DORA) Framework for Energy Systems. Energy Journal. 134, pp 1038 – 1052
  • Journal paper Andiappan, V. (2017) State-of-the-Art Review of Mathematical Optimisation Approaches for Synthesis of Energy Systems. Process Integration and Optimisation for Sustainability. 1(3), pp 165 – 188
  • Journal paper Sadhukhan, J., Martinez-Hernandez, E., Murphy, R. J., Ng, D. K. S., Hassim, M. H., Ng, K. S., Wan, Y. K., Jaye, I. F. M., Leung, M. Y P. H., Andiappan, V. (2018) Role of Bioenergy, Biorefinery and Bioeconomy in Sustainable Development: Strategic Pathways for Malaysia. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. 81(2), pp 1966 – 1987
  • Journal paper Ling, W. C., Andiappan, V., Wan, Y. K., Ng, D. K. S. (2018) A Systematic Decision Analysis Approach to Design Biomass Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Systems. Chemical Engineering Research and Design. 137, pp 221 – 234
  • Journal paper Andiappan, V., Benjamin, M. F. D., Tan, R. R., Ng, D. K. S. (2019) An Integrated Framework to Address Criticality in Biomass Tri-generation Systems via Redundancy Allocation. Process Integration and Optimisation for Sustainability, 3(1) pp 65 – 73
  • Journal paper Foong, S. Z. Y., Andiappan, V., Foo, D. C. Y., Tan, R. R., Ng, D. K. S. (2019) Hybrid Approach for Optimisation and Analysis of Palm Oil Mill. Processes Journal. 7(2), pp 100  
  • Journal paper Leong, H., Leong, H., Foo, D. C. Y., Ng, L. Y., Andiappan, V. (2019) Hybrid Approach for Carbon Constrained Planning of Bioenergy Supply Chain Network. Sustainable Production and Consumption Journal. 18, pp 250-267
  • Journal paper Ling, W. C., Verasingham, A. B., Andiappan, V., Wan, Y. K., Ng, D. K. S., Chew, I. M. L. (2019) An Integrated Mathematical Optimisation Approach to Synthesise and Analyse a Bioelectricity Supply Chain Network. Energy Journal. 178, pp 554-571
  • Journal paper Andiappan, V., Foo, D. C. Y., Tan, R. R. (2019) Process-to-Policy (P2Pol): Using Carbon Emission Pinch Analysis (CEPA) Tools for Policy Making in the Energy Sector. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy Journal. 21(7), pp 1383-1388
  • Journal paper Rajakal, J. P., Ng, D. K. S., Tan, R. R., Andiappan, V., Wan, Y. K. (2019) A Mathematical Optimisation Model for Analysis of Minimal Cropland Expansion in Agro Value Chains. Sustainable  Production and Consumption Journal. 20, pp 178-191
  • Journal paper Ho, J. Y., Wan, Y. K., Andiappan, V., Ng, D. K. S. (2019) Material Flow Cost Account (MFCA)-based Approach for Synthesis and Optimisation of Wastewater Treatment Plant. Chemical Engineering Transactions. 76, pp 529-534
  • Journal paper Lok, W. J., Ng, L. Y., Andiappan, V. (2020) Optimal decision-making for combined heat and power operations: A fuzzy optimisation approach considering system flexibility, environmental emissions, start-up and shutdown costs. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 137, pp 312-327
  • Journal paper Asni, T., Andiappan, V. (2020) Optimal Design of Biomass Combined Heat and Power System using Fuzzy Multi-Objective Optimisation: Considering System Flexibility, Reliability, and Cost. Process Integration and Optimisation for Sustainability. 1-23
  • Journal paper Ho, J. Y., Ng, D. K. S., Wan, Y. K., Andiappan, V. (2021) Synthesis of wastewater treatment plant based on minimal waste generation cost: A material flow cost accounting (MFCA) approach. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 148, 559-578
  • Journal paper Benjamin, M.F.D., Andiappan, V., Tan, R.R. (2021) Assessing the Reliability of Integrated Bioenergy Systems to Capacity Disruptions via Monte Carlo Simulation. Process Integration and Optimisation for Sustainability
  • Journal paper Ong, S.H., Tan, R.R., Andiappan, V. (2021) Optimisation of biochar-based supply chains for negative emissions and resource savings in carbon management networks. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 23(2), pp. 621–638 
  • Journal paper Rajakal, J. P., Ng, D. K. S., Tan, R. R., Andiappan, V., Wan, Y. K. (2021) Multi-objective expansion analysis for sustainable agro-industrial value chains based on profit, carbon and water footprint.  Journal of Cleaner Production. 288, 125117 
  • Journal paper Tan, Y.D., Lim, J.S., Andiappan, V., Wan Alwi, S.R. (2021) Cooperative game-based anchor process allocation within sustainable palm oil-based complex for environment-food-energy-water nexus evaluation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 314, 127927
  • Journal paper Cabral, C., Andiappan, V., Aviso, K., Tan, R. (2021) Equipment size selection for optimising polygeneration systems with reliability aspects. Energy, 2021, 234, 121302
  • Journal paper Mohd Yahya, S., Ng, L. Y., Andiappan, V. (2021) Optimisation and Planning of Biomass Supply Chain for New and Existing Power Plants based on Carbon Reduction Targets. Energy 
  • Journal paper Andiappan, V., Wan, Y. K., Ng, D. K. S. (2021) Process Systems Engineering for Decarbonisation Strategies and Systems. Process Integration and Optimisation for Sustainability. 5(2), pp 173-174.
  • Journal paper Foong, S. Z. Y., Andiappan, V., Aviso, K. B., Chemmangattuvalappil, N. G., Tan, R. R., Yu, K. D., Ng, D. K. S. (2021) A criticality index for prioritising economic sectors for post-crisis recovery in oleo-chemical industry. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers
  • Journal paper Rajakal, J.P., Tan, R.R., Andiappan, V., Wan, Y. K., Pang, M. M. Does age matter? A strategic planning model to optimise perennial crops based on cost and discounted carbon value. Journal of Cleaner Production
  • Journal paper Gamaralalage, D., Kanematsu, Y., Ng, D. K. S., Foong, S. Z. Y., Andiappan, V., Foo, D. C. Y, Kikuchi, Y. (2022) Life cycle assessment of international biomass utilisation: A case study of Malaysian palm kernel shells for biomass-power generation in Japan. Waste and Biomass Valorisation, 13, pp 2717–2733
  • Book Chapter Andiappan, V., Ng, D. K. S. (2018) Systematic Analysis for Operability and Retrofit of Energy Systems in Sustainable Energy Technology and Policies, Springer, pp 147 – 166.
  • Book Chapter Andiappan, V., Ng, L. Y., Foo, D. C. Y. (2020) Carbon Emission Reduction Targeting for Bioenergy Supply Chain in Malaysia in Process Integration Approaches to Planning Carbon Management Networks, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, pp 121 – 135.
  • Conference paper Lok, W. J., Ng, L. Y., Andiappan, V. (2019) Multi-Objective Optimisation for Combined Heat Power Operations considering Flexibility, Costs and Environmental Emissions. Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering (RSCE 19). 30 Oct – 1 Nov 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Conference paper H’ng, S. X., Ng, L. Y., Ng, D. K. S., Andiappan, V. (2021) Optimising of vacuum distillation units using surrogate models. 32nd Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers 2021 (SOMChE 2021). 15 – 16 July 2021
  • Conference paper Ng, I. C. A., Ng, L. Y., Ng, D. K. S., Andiappan, V. (2021) Development of Optimisation Model for Black Soldier Fly-based Aquaculture Feed Supply Chains. 32nd Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers 2021 (SOMChE 2021). 15 – 16 July 2021
  • Report and white papers Andiappan, V., Ng, D. K. S., Foong, S. Z. Y., Tan, R. R., Aviso, K. B., Yu, K. D., Chemmangattuvalappil, N. G., “Post-Pandemic Recovery Strategies for the Palm Oil Sector in Malaysia” White paper for Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities, 18 pages, August 2020
Only selected publications are given in the above. For up-to-date and complete list of publications, please refer to