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Associate Professor Dr Mark Freiermuth

Associate Professor, School of Design & Arts
PhD (Oklahoma State University) in English (TESL); MA (California State University, Chico) in Education (TEFL/TESL)

Faculty of Business, Design and Arts

Fax No:+60 82 260 815
Room No: B207
Google Scholar


Mark R. Freiermuth is an associate professor at Swinburne University of Technology-Sarawak, Malaysia in the Faculty of Business, Design and Arts, which is within the School of Arts and Education. His focus is on Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) or as a Foreign Language (TEFL). Concurrently, he also holds the rank of emeritus professor of applied linguistics and sociolinguistics in the service of Gunma Prefectural Women’s University in Japan.

Freiermuth obtained his PhD in English (TESL) from Oklahoma State University. His dissertation entitled ‘Features of electronic synchronous communication: A comparative analysis of online chat, spoken and written texts’ received the Graduate Research Excellence Award for the Humanities in Spring of 2001.

As a researcher, he has been interested in the effect technology has on language learners. The recently published book (2020) entitled ‘Technology and the Psychology of Second Language Learners and Users’ (Palgrave-Macmillan/Springer Nature) is a large volume focusing on many aspects of the interconnection between language learner psychology and the various technologies learners are using. The book is being promoted by Series Editor Hayo Reinders, which can be viewed by clicking the link here: Freiermuth and Zarrinabadi interview.

Freiermuth’s newest book publication is ‘Academic Conference Presentations: A Step-by-Step Guide’ (Palgrave-Macmillan/Springer Nature). This book is an easy-reader, which takes would-be presenters on a journey beginning at the point where the individual starts considering the possibility of giving a presentation and continues on until the reader is on stage giving the presentation. The book is filled with helpful suggestions and includes real-life narratives sprinkled with bits of humor for good measure. As the book has spurred some interest, Freiermuth was subsequently asked by ‘Nature Magazine’ (an offshoot of the journal ‘Nature’) for an online interview to provide some advice for nervous poster presenters. The article is entitled: ‘I botched my poster presentation — how do I perform better next time?’

With the backbone of support from immigrant scholars, Freiermuth has also spent energy and time investigating immigrant populations in Japan. How have their lives been affected while living in Japan? What kinds of linguistic issues have they faced? Related to this, he is also interested in expats and the language issues they encounter while living abroad.

Freiermuth is also quite interested in the psychological constructs of L2 grit, motivation and students’ willingness to communicate. By connecting EFL learners from different cultures telecollaboratively—using tools such as chat and video apps—language learners’ cultural competencies may blossom. A recent publication focused attention to the intersecting constructs of empathy and cultural competences as determined by head-nodding. The connection between emotions and behavior still warrants much investigation.

Finally, Freiermuth remains quite fascinated by interactions between individuals. What patterns do individuals rely on when talking with others? What psychological issues affect their dialogue?

A synopsis of Freiermuth’s research activities, varied interests and courses taught can be found on his personal website: Mark R. Freiermuth.

Research Interests

The effect technology has on language learner; psychological constructs of L2 grit, motivation and students’ willingness to communicate; interactions between individuals

Professional Services

Reviewer for Death Studies
Reviewer for International Journal of Multilingualism
Reviewer for European Journal of Education, Research, Development and Policy
Reviewer for Journal of Intercultural Communication Research
Reviewer for Chinese Applied Linguistics
Reviewer for Social Sciences and Humanities
Reviewer for Language and Cognition
Reviewer for Perceptual and Motor Skills Journal

Reviewer for Journal of Education
Reviewer for Globalisation, Societies and Education
Reviewer for Educational Technology & Society

Reviewer for Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development
Reviewer for TESOL Journal
Reviewer for International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching
Reviewer for Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching
Reviewer for Reading Psychology
Reviewer for Studies in Second Language Acquisition
Reviewer for Cogent
Reviewer for Pedagogies: An International Journal
Reviewer for Language and Intercultural Communication
Reviewer for Psychology in the Schools
Reviewer for Discourse & Society
Reviewer for Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education
Reviewer for Computer Applications in Engineering Education
Reviewer for Asia Pacific Journal of Education
Reviewer for Journal of Academic Ethics
Reviewer for Journal of Mekong Societies
Reviewer for Journal of General Psychology

Reviewer for Journal of Psycholinguistic Research
Reviewer for Kajian Malaysia: Journal of Malaysian Studies
Served as outside supervisor for various MA & PhD dissertations [Khon Kaen University, Thailand]
Editorial Advisory Board Member for Journal of Research in Techno-based Language Education
Reviewer for RELC Journal
Reviewer for Lingua

Nominated for English Language Department, Faculty of Languages and Linguistics at University of Malaya as an external assessor for the appointment of senior professor, professor, and associate professor
Editorial Board of Reviewers for TEFLIN Journal
Reviewer for Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal
Associate Editorial Board Member for International Journal of Computer Assisted Language Learning and Teaching
Reviewer for Learning and Individual Differences
Reviewer for Learning and Motivation

Reviewer for Foreign Language Annals
Reviewer for Linguistics and Education
Reviewer for JALT Journal
Reviewer for Asian Journal of Communication

Reviewer for Text & Talk
Served as outside committee member for PhD dissertations [Waseda University, Japan]

Modern Language Journal

Board of Reviewers for JALTCALL Journal

Board of Reviewers for International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching

Reviewer for Sage Open Journal

Served as external examiner for various MA and PhD dissertations [University of Malaya, Malaysia]
Reviewer for System

Served as external advisor for PhD dissertation [Griffith University, Australia]

Reviewer for International Journal of Computer Assisted Language Learning and Teaching

Reviewer for Computer Assisted Language Learning
Reviewer for International Journal of Applied Linguistics
Reviewer for Computers and Education Journal

Reviewer for American Journal of Media Psychology
Reviewer for Journal of Applied Linguistics
Reviewer for Simulation and Gaming Journal

Reviewer for Journal of Pragmatics

Editorial Board of Reviewers (one-year request) for GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies

Reviewer for e-FLT Journal

Reviewer for Language Learning and Technology

Elected and served as Chair for the ESP Interest Section Steering Committee for TESOL (Chair-Elect and Past Chair)

Reviewer for Technical Communication

Editorial Board of Regular Reviewers (in charge of L2 submissions) for IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 

  • Research Output

Research Output

  • Freiermuth, M. (2024). Tennis, time and tests. In V. Nimehchisalem, V., & H. Geng (Eds.), Tests & us: A collection of real stories (Volume 3) (pp. 31-33). Generis.
  • Freiermuth, M. & Hamzah, N. (2023). “I agree!” Empathetic head-nodding and its role in cultural competences development. Lingua, 296, 1-25. DOI: 10.1016/j.lingua.2023.103629 [Q1]
  • Freiermuth, M. (2023). Now you have to pay! A deeper look at publishing practices of predatory journals. Learned Publishing, 36, 667-688. DOI: 10.1002/leap.1583 [Q1]
  • Freiermuth, M. & Tomida, I. (2023). Panicking in the pandemic? How Zoom rescued intercultural L2 learning and motivation. In Y. Leung, T. Hsiao & H. Huang (Eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd International Symposium on English Language Teaching and Learning: Innovation, Diversity, and Sustainability in English Language Teaching and Learning, (pp. 19-27). Taipei: ETA-ROC.
  • Narita, M. & Freiermuth, M. (2023/2024). Use of anaphoric pronoun reference by second language writers: From empirical data to pedagogy in the classroom. In L. Paterson (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Pronouns, (pp. 226-239). New York: Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781003349891
  • Freiermuth, M., Karsten Tsunoda, A., Oliveira, D., Muramoto, E. Nagatani, L. & Nakajima, Y. (2022). Examining the imparity of immigrant children enrolled in special education classes in Japan: Roots and recommendations. School Psychology International, 44 (4), 367-395. DOI: 10.1177/01430343221135179 [Q1]
  • Freiermuth, M. (2023). Task-based-learning: What’s the pedagogical rationale for travel and tourism classrooms? Proceedings of the 26th International Joint World Cultural Tourism Conference, (pp. 16- 31). Gwangju, Korea: The Korean Academic Society of Culture and Tourism.
  • Freiermuth, M. (2023). Academic presentations: A step-by-step guide. Palgrave-Macmillan/Springer Nature: Cham, Switzerland.
  • Freiermuth, M. (2022). “Can you make the turn at Bravo?” An airport simulation in an English for travel and tourism classroom. International Journal of Culture and Tourism Research, 15 (1), 57-68.
  • Freiermuth, M. (2022). “Can you make the turn at Bravo?” An airport simulation in an English for travel and tourism classroom. Proceedings of the 25th International Joint World Cultural Tourism Conference, (pp. 93- 104). Gwangju, Korea: The Korean Academic Society of Culture and Tourism.
  • Freiermuth, M. & Tomida, I. (2022). Culture, confidence and connections: Telecollaboration as a springboard for successful JFL learning. In J. Colpaert, Y. Wang & G. Stockwell (Eds.) Proceedings of the XXIst CALL International Research Conference, (pp. 99-106). London: Castledown Publishers.
  • Freiermuth, M. & Ito, M. (2022). Battling With books: The gamification of an EFL extensive reading class. Simulation and Gaming, 53 (1), 22-55. DOI: 10.1177/10468781211061858 [Q1]
  • Freiermuth, M., Patanasorn, C., Ravindran, L. & Huang, H. (2021). Getting to the nitty-gritty of grit: A descriptive characterization of gritty L2 Learners from Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan and Japan. Journal for the Psychology of Language Learning, 3 (2), 133-155.
  • Freiermuth, M. & Huang, H. (2021). Cultural development in the language learning classroom via telecollaboration: Zooming ahead! In I. Jalaluddin, N. Kaur, R. Darmi & T. Chowhurdy (Eds.), 2021 Online MELTA Conference Proceedings, (pp. 135-139). MELTA. (
  • Freiermuth, M. & Huang, H. (2021). Zooming across cultures: Can a telecollaborative video exchange between language learning partners further the development of intercultural competences? Foreign Language Annals, 54, 185-206. [Q1]
  • Freiermuth, M. & Ito, M. (2020). Seeking the source: The effect of personality and previous experiences on willingness to communicate. Learning and Motivation Journal, 71, 1-13. [Q2]
  • Freiermuth, M. & Zarrinabadi, N. (2020). Technology and the psychology of second language learners and users (Eds.). Palgrave-Macmillan/Springer Nature: Cham, Switzerland.
  • Freiermuth, M. (2020). Introduction and overview: The inescapable confluence of technology, psychology and second language learners and users. In M. Freiermuth & N. Zarrinabadi (Eds.), Technology and the psychology of second language learners and users, (pp. 3-32). Palgrave- Macmillan/Springer Nature: Cham, Switzerland.
  • Do, Thi Ha & Freiermuth, M. (2020). A need to communicate: An intercultural story of motivation generated in disrupted text-based electronic chat. In M. Freiermuth & N. Zarrinabadi (Eds.), Technology and the psychology of second language learners and users, (pp. 467-490). Palgrave- Macmillan/Springer Nature: Cham, Switzerland.
  • Zarrinabadi, N. & Freiermuth, M. (2020). Future considerations concerning technology and the psychology of second language learners and users. In M. Freiermuth & N. Zarrinabadi (Eds.), Technology and the psychology of second language learners and users, (pp. 597-604). Palgrave- Macmillan/Springer Nature: Cham, Switzerland.
  • Freiermuth, M. & Huang, H. (2019). Do opposites attract? Willingness to communicate in the target language for academically, culturally and linguistically different language learners. In Computer- assisted language learning: Concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications, (pp. 2015-2035). IGI Publishing: Hershey, PA. (DOI:10.4018/978-1- 5225-7663-1.ch096) (Reprinted).
  • Freiermuth, M. & Do, Thi Ha. (2018). When communication prevails: A text-based chat project between universities in Vietnam and Japan. The proceedings of CALL 2018: CALL your data, (pp. 129- 135). CALL: University of Antwerp, Belgium.
  • Freiermuth, M. & Huang. H. (2018). Assessing willingness to communicate for academically, culturally, and linguistically different language learners: Can English become a virtual Lingua Franca via electronic text- based chat? In B. Zou & M. Thomas (Eds.), Handbook of research on integrating technology into contemporary language learning and teaching, (pp. 57-85). IGI Publishing: Hershey, PA. (DOI: 10.4018/978- 1-5225-5140-9).
  • Shieh, W. & Freiermuth, M. (2018). Perceptions on hotel practitioners’ English use: An example from international hotels in Taiwan. In Y. Leung, J. Katchen, S. Hwang & Y. Chen (Eds.), Reconceptualizing English language teaching and learning in the 21st Century: A special monograph in memory of Professor Kai-chong Cheung, (pp. 264- 285). Buntsuru Publishing: Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Freiermuth, M. (2017). ‘I found it!’ A smartphone GPS treasure-hunting game in a flipped English class. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 11 (2) 101-108. DOI: 10.1080/17501229.2015.1066793 (print version) [Q1]
  • Freiermuth, M. (Jan, 2017). Global language learning solutions using online text- based chat. Online video lesson series: ( using/162212).
  • Freiermuth, M. (2015). ‘I found it!’ A smartphone GPS treasure-hunting game in a flipped English class. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 1-8. DOI:10.1080/17501229.2015.1126429 (online version) [Q1]
  • Freiermuth, M. & Huang, H. (2015). Employing online chat to resolve task-based activities: Using online chat to promote cultural language exchange between Japanese and Taiwanese learners. In M. Thomas & H. Reinders (Eds.) Contemporary task-based language teaching in Asia, (pp. 211-227). Bloomsbury Academic: London.
  • Freiermuth, M. & Huang, H. (2015). Do opposites attract? Willingness to communicate in the target language for academically, culturally and linguistically different language learners. International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching, 5 (2), 40-57. [Q1]
  • Freiermuth, M. (2015). Online chat. In K. Tracy, C. Ilie & T. Sandel, (Eds.) The international encyclopedia of language and social interaction, (pp. 1-5) John Wiley & Sons: Boston. Online: DOI: 10.1002/9781118611463.wbielsi005
  • Freiermuth, M. & Huang, H. (2012). Bringing Japan and Taiwan closer electronically: A look at an intercultural online synchronous chat task and its effect on motivation. Language Teaching Research, 16 (1), 61-88. [Q1]
  • Freiermuth, M. (2011). “This transaction is 100% risk-free” Why do people fall victim to e-mail scams? The proceedings of the inaugural LANCOMM 2011, “Embracing challenges in current trends,” (pp. 235- 242). Kuala Lumpur Infrastructure College University, Putrajaya, Malaysia.
  • Freiermuth, M. (2011). Debating in an online world: A comparative analysis of speaking, writing and online chat. Text & Talk, 31 (2), 127-151. [Q1]
  • Freiermuth, M. (2011). Texts, lies and electronic bait: An analysis of e-mail fraud and the decisions of the unsuspecting. Discourse & Communication, 5 (2), 123-146. [Q1]
  • Freiermuth, M. (2010). Diverse connections: Online chatting across the seas. The proceedings of the 14th International CALL Conference, (pp. 77-79). Linguapolis, University of Antwerp.
  • Shieh, W. & Freiermuth, M. (2010). Using the DASH method to measure reading comprehension. TESOL Quarterly, 44 (1), 110-128. [Q1]
  • Freiermuth, M. (2007). More beggars, liars and idiots: A peek at the attacks of online chatters.In B. Hamid, R. Nambiar & K. Bakar (Eds.) Windows to reality: Investigating representations and meaning in discourses, (pp. 49-62). Pearson-Longman Publications, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Freiermuth, M. (2007, Aug 24). CALLing all teachers. The Daily Yomiuri, p. 14.
  • Freiermuth, M. (2007). ESP needs washback and the fine tuning of driving instruction. Simulation & Gaming Journal, 38 (1), 35-47. [Q1]
  • Sheorey, R., Kamimura,Y. & Freiermuth, M. (2007). Reading strategies of the users of English as a library language: The case of Japanese ESP students. In K. Mokhtari & R. Sheorey (Eds.) Reading strategies of first- and second-language learners: See how they read, (pp.175-184). Christopher- Gordon Publishers, Norwood, MA.
  • Freiermuth, M. & Jarrell, D. (2006). Willingness to communicate: Can online chat help? International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 16 (2), 191-213. [Q1]
  • Freiermuth, M. (2006, Feb 24). Test-makers not biased against ‘bias.’ The Daily Yomiuri, p. 14.
  • Freiermuth, M. (2005). Beggars, liars and idiots: Analyzing the attacks of online chatters. Proceedings of SoLLs.INTEC.05, Worlds in Discourse: Representations of Realities, (pp. 1-13). Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Freiermuth, M. (2005). Purposeful writing in the ESP classroom: Assessing the ‘Beg, Borrow or Steal’ simulation. e-FLT Journal, 2 (1), 16-24.
  • Freiermuth, M. (2005). Virtual office visits online in the language learning classroom. Uniting the world. Selected proceedings of the FLEAT 5 Conference, (pp. 33-40). Brigham Young University, Provo, UT.
  • Jarrell, D. & Freiermuth, M. (2005). The motivational power of Internet chat. RELC Journal, 36 (1), 59-72. [Q1]
  • Freiermuth, M. (2005). A bridge to the workplace: Using an internet-based simulation in the writing classroom. In K. St. Amant & P. Zemliansky (Eds.) Internet-based workplace communications: Industry and academic perspectives, (pp. 180-209). Idea Group, Inc, Hershey, PA.
  • Freiermuth, M. (2004). Implementing context-rich simulations in the EST writing classroom. The Proceedings of the 2004 IPCC Conference, (pp. 151-155). IEEE, Pitscataway, NJ.
  • Freiermuth, M. (2004). Beg, borrow or steal: An English language learning simulation for computer science students. The Proceedings of the Inaugural 2004 CLaSIC Conference, (pp. 243-251). Centre for Language Studies, National University of Singapore.
  • Freiermuth, M. (2003). Case-based simulations in the EST classroom. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 46 (3), 221-230. [Q1]
  • Freiermuth, M. (2003). Not writing, not speaking, simply chatting. The Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Speech, Writing and Context: Exploring interdisciplinary perspectives, (pp. 62- 67). Intercultural Research Institute: Kansai Gaidai University, Osaka, Japan.
  • Freiermuth, M. (2003). Ethics in the ESP classroom: A case-study simulation. In K. Arai (Ed.) Social contributions and responsibilities of simulation and gaming. The Proceedings of ISAGA 2003, (pp. 69- 78). JASAG, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Jarrell, D. & Freiermuth, M. (2002). Internet chat: A motivating means of communication. The Proceedings of 32nd Annual Chubu English Language Society Conference, (pp. 149-156). Chuou-Chiku Eigo Koyoiku Gakkai, Fukui, Japan.
  • Freiermuth, M. (2002, Fall). Internet chat: Collaborating and learning via e- conversations. TESOL Journal, 11 (3), 36-40. [Q1]
  • Freiermuth, M. (2002). Internet chatting across cultural boundaries: Saving face online. In Y. Saito- Abbott, R. Donovan & T. Abbott (Eds.) Emerging technologies in teaching languages and cultures: Volumes 2 & 3 (pp. 203-212). LARC Press: San Diego, CA.
  • Freiermuth, M. (2002). Influences of content-based instruction in the ESP classroom. In M. Swanson, D. McMurray & K. Lane (Eds.) The Proceedings of the 2001 Annual JALT Conference, (pp. 855-862) JALT: Tokyo.
  • Freiermuth, M. (2002). Connecting with computer science students by building bridges. Simulation & Gaming Journal, 33 (3), 299-315. [Q1]
  • Freiermuth, M. (2002). Online chatting: An alternative approach to simulations. Simulation & Gaming Journal, 33 (2), 187-195. [Q1]
  • Freiermuth, M. (2001). Influences of content-based Instruction in the ESP classroom. In K. Cranker (Ed.). Center for Language Research 2000 Annual Review (pp. 119-125). Aizu-wakamatsu, Japan: University of Aizu.
  • Freiermuth, M. (February 2001). Online interactive communication in the non-coercive mode. JACET Tohoku Review, 22, 9-12.
  • Freiermuth, M. (2001). Native speakers or non-native speakers: Who has the Floor? Online and face- to- face interaction in culturally mixed small groups. Computer Assisted Language Learning Journal, 14 (2), 169- 199. [Q1]
  • Freiermuth, M. (2000). Combating classroom anxiety online. In P. Lewis (Ed.) Calling Asia: The Proceedings of the 4th Annual JALT CALL SIG Conference, Kyoto, Japan ’99 (pp. 51-54). Nagoya: JALT.
  • Freiermuth, M. (1998). Small group online chat: The great equalizer. In P. Lewis (Ed.) Teachers, learners and computers: Exploring relationships in CALL (pp. 81-86). Tokyo: JALT.
  • Freiermuth, M. (1998). Using a chat program to promote group equity. CAELL Journal, 8 (2), 16-24.
  • Freiermuth, M. (1997). Using the Internet to promote writing in an international English composition class. In P. Lewis & T. Shiozawa (Eds.) CALL: Basics and beyond (pp. 89- 96). Tokyo: JALT.
  • Freiermuth, M. (1997, April). Building organizational skills in language learners. ELI Teaching: A Journal of Theory and Practice, 25, 43-44.
  • Freiermuth, M. (1997). L2 error correction: A rationale for developing criteria. The Language Teacher Journal, 21 (9), 13-18.
  • Freiermuth, M. (1997, Winter). TESOLer’s pathfinder to the internet: Search engines–Where to find anything on the net. TESOL: ESL in Higher Education Newsletter, 15 (1), 6-7.
Conference Presentations
  • Freiermuth, M. (Aug 12, 2024). “Now you have to pay!” A deeper look at publishing practices of predatory journals. The 60th AILA Convention. Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Freiermuth, M. (May 13, 2024). Technology and L2 learning: Does interaction really matter? Invited guest lecture at King Mongkut University of Technology, Thornburi. Bangkok, Thailand (virtual).
  • Freiermuth, M. (February 14, 2024). Writing for academic success. Invited workshop given to members from the Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, University of Malaya. Kuala lumpur, Malaysia
  • Freiermuth, M. (November 12, 2023). Panicking in the pandemic? How technology rescued intercultural L2 learning. The 32nd International Symposium on English Language Teaching and Learning. Featured speaker at the Chien Tan Youth Activity Center, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Freiermuth, M. (November 12, 2023). Giving good conference presentations: A journey not a destination. The 32nd International Symposium on English Language Teaching and Learning. Featured speaker workshop at the Chien Tan Youth Activity Center, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Freiermuth, M. (August 1, 2023). “I totally agree!” The role of head-nodding as a cultural competences builder. MICOLLAC 2023. Penang, Malaysia (Bayview Beach Resort).
  • Freiermuth, M. (June 30, 2023). Cohesive devices: The glue that holds everything together. Invited guest lecture at University of Pelita Harapan/International Teacher’s College. Tangerang, Indonesia.
  • Freiermuth, M. (June 28, 2023). Technology and its effect on cultural exchange. Invited guest lecture at Petra Kristen University. Surabaya, Indonesia.
  • Freiermuth, M. (June 24, 2023). Task-based learning: What’s the pedagogical rationale for travel and tourism classrooms? Opening keynote address at the 26th International Joint World Cultural Tourism Conference. Yan’s House Hotel, Denpasar, Indonesia.
  • Freiermuth, M. (May 29, 2023). Technology and its effects on cultural exchange. Invited guest lecture at University of Malaya. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (virtual).
  • Freiermuth, M. (January 28, 2023). “Right on Hotel! Trust me—that’s the right move!” Teaching concepts in English for Travel and Tourism. ThaiTESOL 2023, Bangkok, Thailand (Ambassador Hotel).
  • Freiermuth, M. (January 25, 2023). Cultural learning: How technology saved the day. Invited guest lecture at Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand (hybrid).
  • Freiermuth, M. (January 25, 2023). Academic conference presentations: A step-by-step guide. Invited guest lecture at Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand (hybrid).
  • Freiermuth, M. (January 10, 2023). Technology and its effects on cultural exchange. Invited guest lecture at University of Malaya. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (virtual).
  • Freiermuth, M. (November 9-11, 2022). Cultural competencies, collaboration, communication and confidence. Can Zoom address the five C’s effectively? Invited and featured speaker at the 19th International TELLSI Conference. University of Birjand, Iran (hybrid/virtual).
  • Freiermuth, M. (September 1, 2022). Academic lectures: A step-by-step journey from start to finish. Invited guest lecture at University of Malaya. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (hybrid).
  • Freiermuth, M. (August 27-29, 2022). The value of English in the tourism industry. Opening keynote address at the 25th International Joint World Cultural Tourism Conference. Crystal Crown Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Freiermuth, M. (August 27-29, 2022). “Can you make the turn at Bravo?” An airport simulation in an English for travel and tourism classroom. The 25th International Joint World Cultural Tourism Conference. Crystal Crown Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Freiermuth, M. (August 27-29, 2022). “Can you make the turn at Bravo?” An airport simulation in an English for travel and tourism classroom. The 25th International Joint World Cultural Tourism Conference. Crystal Crown Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Freiermuth, M. & Tomida, I. (July 8-10, 2022). Breaking good: Zoom breakout rooms as cultural connection spaces for Thai learners of JFL. The XXIst CALL International Research Conference. Waseda University, Japan (virtual).
  • Freiermuth, M. (Jan 21, 2022). Psychology, language and culture. Invited guest lecture at University of Malaya. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (virtual).
  • Freiermuth, M. & Huang, H. (Nov 12-14, 2021). Getting a grip on EFL and ELF learner grit. The 30th International Symposium and Book Exhibit on English Language Teaching (ETA-ROC)/The 23rd International Conference on TEFL and Applied Linguistics. Ming Chuan University, Taiwan (hybrid/virtual).
  • Freiermuth, M. & Huang, H. (Sep 9-11, 2021). Cultural development in the EFL classroom through telecollaboration: Zooming forward! British Association of Applied Linguistics Annual Convention— BAAL 2021 (virtual).
  • Freiermuth, M. & Huang, H. (Jul 23-25, 2021). Cultural development in the language learning classroom via telecollaboration: Zooming ahead! 29th International MELTA Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (virtual).
  • Freiermuth, M. (Jun 11, 2021). Psychology, language and culture. Invited guest lecture at University of Malaya. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (virtual).
  • Freiermuth, M. (Feb 5-7, 2021). Using electronic chat to bridge the natural barriers between ESP and EFL language learners. CamTESOL International Convention 2021, Cambodia. (virtual).
  • Freiermuth, M. (Jan 13, 2021). Psychology, language and culture. Invited guest lecture at University of Malaya. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (virtual).
  • Freiermuth, M. (Oct 15-16, 2020). Color me Canvas: A free, friendly and fair classroom platform. VietTESOL International Convention 2020. Da Nang, Viet Nam (virtual).
  • Freiermuth, M. (Sep 13, 2020). Trends in willingness to communicate (and other tales). Invited guest lecture at Khon Kaen University. Khon Kaen, Thailand (virtual).
  • Freiermuth, M. & Huang, H. (Jun 27-29, 2019). Telecollaborative intercultural connections using Zoom! The 17th Asia TEFL International Conference. Bangkok, Thailand (Ambassador Hotel).
  • Freiermuth, M. & Do, Thi Ha. (Jul 4-6, 2018). When communication prevails: A text- based chat project between universities in Vietnam and Japan. CALL 2018: CALL Your Data. Bruges, Belgium (KU Leuven).
  • Freiermuth M. (Aug 23-25, 2017). Crossing, oceans, cultures and majors: The benefits of electronic chat in the EFL classroom. ICEPL 2017. Sapporo, Japan (Sapporo Convention Center).
  • Freiermuth, M. (Aug 16-18, 2016). Overcoming regional, linguistic and academic barriers via electronic chat. MICOLLAC 2016. Penang, Malaysia (Rainbow Paradise Resort Hotel).
  • Freiermuth, M. (Sept 25-26, 2015). Urgent! Examining responses from open access journals. Free Linguistics Conference 2015. Manila, Philippines (De La Salle University).
  • Freiermuth, M. (Aug10-15, 2014). Adventures in Naviland: A mobile phone and GPS English language learning project. AILA 2014. Brisbane, Australia (Brisbane Convention Centre).
  • Freiermuth, M. & Huang, H. (Sept 29-30, 2013). Cross-cultural connections in English using online chat. 3rd Language Arts and Linguistics Conference. Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Hong Kong.
  • Freiermuth, M. (May 31, 2013). Discovering and uncovering motivation in the English language learning classroom. Keynote speaker for the annual meeting of Gunma Prefecture Senior High School English Teachers Association. Maebashi, Japan.
  • Freiermuth, M. & Hill, J. (May 24-27, 2012). Bungling and blossoming in the blogosphere: An intercultural communication project between universities in Japan and Indonesia. 15th International CALL Conference. Taichung, Taiwan (Providence University).
  • Freiermuth, M. (Oct 19-20, 2011). This transaction is 100% risk free! Why do people fall prey to e-mail scams? LANCOMM 2011. Putrajaya, Malaysia (Palm Garden Hotel).
  • Freiermuth, M. (Sep, 2011; 2016; 2021). Starting to produce sounds like an English native speaker. Public lecture series. Gunma Prefectural Women’s University, Tamamura-machi, Japan.
  • Freiermuth, M. (Aug 23-28, 2011). God bless you as you assist me: What rhetorical moves do scammers use to hook their victims? AILA 2011. Beijing (Beijing Foreign Studies University).
  • Freiermuth, M. (March 7, 2011). Teaching a foreign language in a wired world. Invited guest lecture. Surabaya University, Surabaya, Indonesia.
  • Freiermuth, M. (Aug 18-20, 2010). Diverse connections: Online chatting across the seas. 14th International CALL Conference. Linguapolis, University of Antwerp.
  • Huang, H. & Freiermuth, M. (March 10-13, 2010). Online chatrooms for cultural understanding: A Task- based approach. Mid-Atlantic Association for Language Learning Technology-Southeast Association for Language Learning Technology 2010. Georgetown University, Washington D.C.
  • Freiermuth, M. & Huang, H. (March 6-9, 2010) Crossing space and time: The effect of cross-cultural online chatting on the motivation of Japanese and Taiwanese students learning English. American Association of Applied Linguistics 2010 Conference. Atlanta, Georgia (Sheraton Atlanta Hotel).
  • Freiermuth, M. & Huang, H. (October 11-13, 2009) Task-based motivation in an online chat classroom: Connecting Japan and Taiwan. Language Learning in Computer Mediated Communities. University of Hawai’I, Manoa.
  • Freiermuth, M. (December 5, 2008). Using the TOEIC at Gunma Prefectural Women’s University. Paper presented at English Assessment at Universities in Vietnam. Hanoi, Vietnam (Sofitel Plaza Hotel).
  • Freiermuth, M. (August 24-29, 2008). Online chat: Speaking with your fingers? Paper presented at AILA 2008: The 15th World Congress. Essen, Germany (University of Essen).
  • Freiermuth, M. (May 5-May 8, 2008). Discovery in the language learning classroom: Focusing on the learner. International Academic Exchange Program. Invited seminar series at St. John’s University, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Freiermuth, M. (July 31-August 4, 2007). Creating customers but fleecing fools: Comparing sales letters to advance fee e-mail fraud. Poetic and Linguistic Association Annual Conference (PALA 2007), Osaka, Japan (Kansai Gaidai University).
  • Freiermuth, M. (May 4-6, 2007). Willingness to communicate: What does online chat bring to the table? 18th International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Thessaloniki, Greece (Capsis Hotel).
  • Freiermuth, M. (January 12-15, 2007). Dearest Beloved: Rhetorical moves of the Nigerian 419 advance fee scam. The 5th Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Waikiki Beach, Hawaii.
  • Freiermuth, M. (May 22-25, 2006). “Everyone OK?” Participation factors in the language learning classroom: Online chat versus face-to-face communication. The 1st World Congress on the Power of Language, Bangkok, Thailand (Queen Sirikit National Convention Center).
  • Freiermuth, M. (March 15-19, 2006). Training simulations for interpreters of automobile English. The 40th Annual TESOL Convention, Tampa, FL, USA.
  • England. E., Freiermuth, M., Hjulmand, L., Hoelker, J. & Hull, T. (March 15-19, 2006) Teaching ESP in EFL settings. ESP/EFL Intersection invited colloquium. The 40th Annual TESOL Convention, Tampa, FL, USA.
  • Freiermuth, M. (November 21-23, 2005). Beggars, liars and idiots: Analyzing the attacks of online chatters. SoLLs.INTEC.05, Kuala Lumpur (Sheraton Subang Jaya Hotel and Towers).
  • Freiermuth, M. (August 5-10, 2005). Virtual office space available: Inquire within. FLEAT 5, Provo, Utah (Brigham Young University).
  • Freiermuth, M. (December 1-3, 2004). Beg, borrow or steal: An English language learning simulation for computer science students. The Inaugural CLaSIC Conference, National University of Singapore.
  • Freiermuth, M. (September 29-October 2, 2004). Implementing context-rich simulations in the EST classroom. IPCC 2004, Minneapolis, MN (Radisson Metrodome).
  • Freiermuth, M. (November 22-24, 2003). Effective simulations in the ESP/EFL classroom. JALT 2003, Shizuoka, Japan (Shizuoka Granship).
  • Freiermuth, M. & Jarrell, D. (October 4-5, 2003). Assessing Internet chat as a language learning tool. JALTCALL 2003, Nagoya, Japan (Kinjo Gakuin University).
  • Freiermuth, M. & Jarrell, D. (September 14-15, 2003). The motivational power of internet chat. The Inaugural Independent Learning Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Freiermuth, M. (August 25-29, 2003). Computer ethics in the ESP classroom: What constitutes stealing? The 34th Annual International Simulation and Gaming (ISAGA) Conference, Kisarazu, Japan (Akademia Park).
  • Freiermuth, M. (August 6-8, 2003). Not writing, not speaking, simply chatting. The Second International Conference on Speech, Writing and Context, Osaka, Japan (Kansai Gaidai University).
  • Freiermuth, M. (June 21, 28 & July 5, 2003). Experiences in culture and community building. Public presentation for TRY Series, Aizu-wakamatsu, Japan (University of Aizu).
  • Freiermuth, M. (March 25-29, 2003). Case study decisions in the ESP classroom. The 37th Annual TESOL Convention, Baltimore, MD, USA.
  • Freiermuth, M., Healey, D., Ioannou-Georgiou, S., Kamhi-Stein, L., Kessler, G., Opp- Beckman, L., Sotillo. S. & Sutherland-Smith, W. (March 25-29, 2003) Constructing meaning with computers. CALL Interest Section Academic Session invited colloquium. The 37th Annual TESOL Convention, Baltimore, MD, USA.
  • Freiermuth, M. (December 16-21, 2002). The insult shaker: Saving face online. AILA 2002 (13th World Congress of Applied Linguistics), Singapore.
  • Freiermuth, M., Kamimura, Y. & Sheorey, R. (November 22-24, 2002). Reading strategies of Japanese EFL/ESP students. JALT 2002, Shizuoka, Japan (Shizuoka Granship).
  • Freiermuth, M., Kamimura, Y. & Sheorey, R. (November 8-10, 2002). Reading strategies of Japanese EFL/ESP students. Invited presentation at the Fourth Pan-Asian Conference and Eleventh International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching, Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C. (Chien Tan Overseas Youth Activity Center).
  • Jarrell, D. & Freiermuth, M. (June 29-30, 2002). Internet chat: A motivator for communicating in English. The Chubu English Language Society 32nd Annual Conference, Fukui, Japan (Fukui University).
  • Freiermuth, M. (June 8, 15, 2002). Learning English through projects: Offline and online. Public presentation for TRY Series, Aizu-wakamatsu, Japan (University of Aizu).
  • Freiermuth, M. (March 21-23, 2002). Internet chat: The online gateway to intercultural communication. Digital Stream 2002, Monterey Bay, CA (California State University).
  • Freiermuth, M. (November 23-25, 2001). Influences in content-based instruction in the ESP classroom. In T. Stewart, R. Dickey, M. Freiermuth, A. Mackenzie, S. Nimmannit & B. Perry, Content-based instruction: Current practice in Asia. Colloquium at PAC3 at JALT 2001 Convention, Kokura, Japan (Kitakyushu International Conference Center).
  • Freiermuth, M. (September 14-16, 2001). Building bridges between simulations and language. Workshop presentation at the JACET 40th Annual Convention, Sapporo, Japan (Fuji Women’s College).
  • Freiermuth, M. (June 26-27, 2001). Critical thinking and writing in English: A simulation approach. Public presentation for TRY Series, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan (University of Aizu).
  • Freiermuth, M. (Spring 2000). Online chat applications. Tohoku JACET Symposium, Sendai, Japan (Tohoku Gakuen University).
  • Freiermuth, M. & Kizer, S. (Fall 1999). Doing “Tangoes” with PBJ: Activity-based writing instruction. Workshop presentation at the 18th Annual OKTESOL Conference, Midwest City, Oklahoma, USA (Rose State College).
  • Freiermuth, M. (Spring 1999). Chatting in silence: All learners welcome. Workshop presentation at C@lling Asia Conference 1999, Kyoto, Japan (Kyoto-Sangyo University).
  • Freiermuth, M. (Spring 1999). Turn taking dynamics of online chat: A comparative study. American Association for Applied Linguistics 1999 Conference, Stamford, Connecticut, USA.
  • Freiermuth, M. (Fall 1998). The value of using Internet chat in the computer classroom. Workshop presentation at the 17th Annual OKTESOL Conference, Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA (Oklahoma State University).
  • Freiermuth, M. (Spring 1998) Using chat software to promote group equity. The 32nd Annual TESOL International Convention, Seattle, Washington, USA.
  • Freiermuth, M. (Fall 1997). Assessing organizational skills of ESL learners. The 16th Annual OKTESOL Conference, Checotah, Oklahoma, USA.
  • Freiermuth, M. (May-June 1997). Using the Internet to promote writing in an English composition class. CALL: Basics and Beyond, Nagoya, Japan (Chubu University).
  • Freiermuth, M. (Fall 1996). When should oral errors be corrected in the ESL classroom? The 15th Annual OKTESOL Conference, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA.