Staff Profile

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Dr. Brian Loh Chung Shiong

Deputy Head of School, Senior Lecturer
BSc (CSSE) (Swinburne), MSc (Swinburne), PhD (Swinburne)

Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Science

Office No:+60 82 260 802
Fax No:+60 82 260 813
Room No: E201, Building E, FECS
Email: [email protected]
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Brian Loh received his BSc in Computer Science and Software Engineering from Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus in 2008. Subsequently, he completed his MSc in Computer Science in 2012, and received his PhD in 2019, at the same university. In August 2019, he joined the Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Science as a Lecturer.

His research interests include deep learning, particularly computer vision for medical image analysis, and cloud systems.

Research Interests

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Deep learning
  • Computer vision
  • Medical image analysis
  • Cloud computing
  • Web-based systems

    Professional Memberships

    • Australian Computer Society (ACS) Associate

    Selected Publications

    • Loh, BC, Fong, AY, Ong, T & Then, PH 2019, ‘Unsupervised one-class classification and anomaly detection of stress echocardiograms with deep denoising spatio-temporal autoencoders ‘ ESC Asia with APSC & AFC 2019.
    • Loh, BC & Then, PH 2017, ‘Deep learning for cardiac computer-aided diagnosis: benefits, issues & solutions’, Mhealth, vol. 3.
    • Loh, BC & Then, PH 2016, ‘Region of Interest Video Coding for Ultrasound Imagery’, International Journal of Advances in Image Processing Techniques-IJIPT, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1-5.
    • Loh, BC & Then, PH 2015, ‘Mobile Imagery eXchange (MIX) toolkit: data sharing for the unconnected’, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, vol. 19, no. 3-4, pp. 723-740.
    • Loh, BC & Then, PH 2015, ‘Region of Interest Video Coding for Ultrasound Imagery,’ Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control and Networking, 51-55.
    • Loh, BC & Then, PH 2013, ‘Cardiac echo to text conversion: Closing the urban-rural connectivity gap,’ 2013 9th International Conference on Information, Communications & Signal Processing, IEEE, 1-4.