Staff Profile

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Ir. Associate Professor Dr. Bing Shen How

Associate Professor
PEng, CEng, MIChemE
Secretary, IChemE Palm Oil Processing Special Interest Group (POPSIG)
PhD in Chemical Engineering (University of Nottingham Malaysia)
MEng (Hons) in Chemical Engineering (University of Nottingham Malaysia)

Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Science

Office No:+60 82 260 902
Fax No:+60 82 260 813
Room No: E328
Email: [email protected]
Google Scholar   Scopus   ORCID


Dr. Bing Shen How received his MEng(Hons) in Chemical Engineering from the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of Nottingham (Malaysia Campus) in 2014. He further received his Ph.D. from the same institution in 2018. Upon graduation, Dr. How first joined the same department as a teaching assistant. Subsequently, he worked as a postdoctoral in Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS in the late 2018. After the completion of the postdoctoral project, he then joined the Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Science in Swinburne University of Technology (Sarawak Campus) (SUTS) as a Lecturer in 2019. He is recognized as a Chartered Engineer (CEng) under IChemE. Given his research excellence, he has won the Young Researcher Award category in both IChemE Malaysia Award 2021 and IChemE Global Award 2021. He is also active in external community services. Currently he is serving as the secretary in IChemE Palm Oil Processing Special Interest Group (POPSIG) and an associate editor in Frontiers in Sustainability since 2021.

Research Interests

  • Sustainable biomass value chain
  • Resource conservation network (hydrogen and water)
  • Process integration & optimization
  • Green hydrogen economy
  • Circular economy
  • P-graph application

Professional Memberships

  • Professional Engineer, Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM), Malaysia
  • Graduate Engineer, Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM), Malaysia
  • Chartered Engineer, Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE), UK
  • Secretary, IChemE Palm Oil Processing Special Interest Group (POPSIG), Malaysia


  • Young Research Award at IChemE Malaysia Award 2021 by IChemE – Winner
  • Young Research Award at IChemE Global Award 2021 by IChemE – Winner
  • Best Poster Award at 24th Conference on Process Integration for Energy Saving and Pollutant Reduction (31/10-3/11) – Merit Award
  • Young Researcher Award at IChemE Malaysia Award 2020 by IChemE – Finalists
  • 2020 Research Success Award by Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus – Winner
  • Top 10 Active Delegates Award in 4th Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory Scientific Conference: Energy, Water, Emissions & Waste in Industry and Cities
  • Top 10 Active Delegates Award in 23rd Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction
  • Best Paper Award 2019 in Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability
  • Early Researcher Award 2019 by Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus – Winner
  • Vice-Chancellor’s 2019 Community Engagement Award by Swinburne University of Technology – Highly Commendable
  • Global Peer Review Award 2019 by Publons – Top Peer Reviewer under Cross-Field and Engineering Categories

PhD/Master by Research Opportunities

Potential research higher degree candidates are welcome to enquire about postgraduate opportunities in the following areas/ projects:

  1. Optimal Circular Fish Waste Value Chain Synthesis
  2. Multiple Resource Conservation Networks

Prospective higher-degree research candidates are highly welcome to enquire about research opportunities with Dr. How in any of the above mentioned research areas. For any inquiries, please e-mail [email protected] for more information.

Current RHD Supervision

Name Degree Area of Research Start year Role
Shirleen Lo Lee Yuen PhD Biomass supply chain 2019 Principal Supervisor
Karen Kong Gah Hie PhD Multi-period pinch 2019 Co-Supervisor
Luke Ngu Wei Wei MEng Natural gas sweetening 2019 Associate Supervisor
Slyvester Chai Yew Wang PhD Carbon capture and application 2020 Co-Supervisor
Yeo Lip Siang MEng Circular economy 2021 Principal Supervisor
Frederick Phang Jit Fook PhD Wet torrefaction 2021 Co-Supervisor


    • Journal paper Orosz Á., How B.S., Friedler F., 2022. Multiple-solution heat exchanger network synthesis using P-HENS solver. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 130, 103859.
    • Journal paper Yeo L.S., Teng S.Y., Ng W.P.Q., Lim C.H., Leong W.D., Lam H.L., Wong Y.C., Sunarso J., How B.S., 2022. Sequential optimization of process and supply chains considering re-refineries for oil and gas circularity. Applied Energy, 322, 119485.
    • Journal paper Kong K.G.H., Lim J.Y., Leong W.D., Ng W.P.Q., Teng S.Y., Sunarso J., How B.S., 2022. Fuzzy optimization for peer-to-peer (P2P) multi-period renewable energy trading planning. Journal of Cleaner Production, 368, 133122.
    • Journal paper Ong J.L., Loy A.C.M., Teng S.Y., How B.S., 2022. Future Paradigm of 3D Printed Ni-Based Metal Organic Framework Catalysts for Dry Methane Reforming: Techno-economic and Environmental Analyses. ACS Omega, 7(18), 15369-15384.
    • Journal paper Kong K.G.H., How B.S., Lim J.Y., Leong W.D., Teng S.Y., Ng W.P.Q., Moser I., Sunarso J., 2022. Shaving electric bills with renewables? A multi-period pinch-based methodology for energy planning. Energy, 239, Part D, 122320.
    • Journal paper Loy A.C.M., Lim J.Y., How B.S., Yoo, C.K., 2022. Blockchain as a frontier in biotechnology and bioenergy applications. Trends in Biotechnology, 40(3), 255-258.
    • Journal paper Lo S.L.Y., How B.S., Teng S.Y., Lam H.L., Lim C.H., Rhamdhani M.A., Sunarso J., 2021. Stochastic techno-economic evaluation model for biomass supply chain: A biomass gasification case study with supply chain uncertainties. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 152, 111644.
    • Journal paper Affery A.P., Tan J.X., Ong I.Y.B., Lim J.Y., Yoo C.K., How B.S., Ling G.H.T., Foo D.C.Y., 2021. Optimal planning of inter-plant hydrogen integration (IPHI) in eco-industrial park with P-graph and game theory analyses. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 155, 197-218.
    • Journal paper Lee C.H., Chong D.Y.L., Hemmati S., Elnegihi M.M., Foo D.C.Y., How B.S., Yoo C.K., 2020. A P-graph approach for the synthesis of national-wide bio-hydrogen network from palm oil mill effluent. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 45(35), 17200-17219.
    • Journal paper Lim J.Y., How B.S., Rhee G., Hwangbo S., Yoo C.K., 2020. Transitioning of localized renewable energy system towards sustainable hydrogen development planning: P-graph approach. Applied Energy, 263, 114635.
    • Journal paper Ngan S.L., How B.S., Teng S.Y., Leong W.D., Loy A.C.M., Yatim P., 2020. A hybrid approach to prioritize risk mitigation strategies for biomass polygeneration systems. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 121, 109679.
    • Journal paper How B.S., Ngan S.L., Hong B.H., Lam H.L., Ng W.P.Q., Yusup S., Ghani W.A.W.A.K., Kansha Y., Chan Y.H., Cheah K.W., Shahbaz M., Singh H.K.G., Yusuf N.R., et al. 2019. An outlook of Malaysian biomass industry commercialisation: Perspectives and challenges. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 113, 109277.
    • Journal paper Teng S.Y., How B.S., Leong W.D., Teoh J.H., Cheah A.C.S., Motavasel Z., Lam H.L., 2019. Principal component analysis-aided statistical process optimisation (PASPO) for process improvement in industrial refineries. Journal of Cleaner Production, 225, 359-375.
    • Book Chapter Ng W.P.Q., How B.S., Lim C.H., Ngan S.L., Lam H.L., 2022. Biomass supply chain synthesis and optimization. In: Yusup S., Rashidi N.A., eds. Value-Chain of Biofuels: Fundamentals Technology, and Standardization. Elsevier, 445-479.
    • Book Chapter Lim C.H., Ngan S.L., Ng W.P.Q., How B.S., Lam H.L., 2022. Biomass supply chain management and challenges. In: Yusup S., Rashidi N.A., eds. Value-Chain of Biofuels: Fundamentals Technology, and Standardization. Elsevier, 429-444.
    • Book Chapter How B.S., 2019. An Overview of palm biomass supply chain modelling. In: Foo D.C.Y., Abdul Aziz M.K.T., eds. Green Technologies for the Oil Palm Industry. Waltham, USA: Elsevier, 131-172.