Staff Profile

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Dr. Chin Mei Yun

PhD in Civil Eng. (Concrete Materials) (University of Nottingham)
MEng in Civil Eng. (UNIMAS)
BEng In Civil Eng (1st Class Hons) (University of Nottingham)

Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Science

Office No:+60 82 260 833
Room No: E315, Building E


Dr. Chin obtained her BEng and PhD in Civil Engineering in the year 2009 and 2014, respectively, from the University of Nottingham Malaysia. Dr. Chin joined the Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Science, Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak as an associate lecturer in 2013 and was promoted as Lecturer upon completion of her PhD in 2014. During her postgraduate studies, she was the research assistant in the university, which she assisted students on laboratory works. The title of her PhD topic is Shear Resistance of Oil Palm Shell Concrete Beams With and Without Shear Reinforcement.

Her research interests include experimental studies in new concrete materials, material science, and hydrology.

Research Interests

  • New construction materials for Concrete Structural Elements
  • Material Science
  • Hydrology

PhD/Master by Research Opportunities

Potential research higher degree candidates are welcome to enquire about postgraduate opportunities in the areas listed above. Please e-mail for more information.


  • Best Paper Award entitled “Sand Properties for Concrete Application” at the 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Construction Materials and Structures (ICON2021).
  • Graduating Student Prize (BEng Civil Eng) University of Nottingham

Research Grants

Lists of Research Projects in which Dr. Chin is a Project leader:

Grant Name Grant Provider Project Title Year Status
Yayasan Bright Spark Project Yayasan Sarawak

The Use of Oil Palm Shell as Coarse Aggregates in Concrete 2019 Completed
Longi Industry Project Longi Sdn Bhd

Use of Calcium Fluoride Sludge as

  1. Partial Cement Replacement for Cement Mortar and
  2. Filler Material for Polymer Composites
2022 Completed
SRDC Research Initiation Project SRDC Properties of Treated Local Marine Sand using Harvested Rainwater in Mortar and Concrete. 2020-2023 In Progress

Lists of Research projects in which Dr Chin is a Project Member:

Grant Name Grant Provider Project Title Year Status
SRDC Research Catalyst Project SRDC

Sequestration of Cement Industry CO2 Emission in Cement Kiln Dust and Waste Limestone to Produce Building Material 2020-2023 In Progress
Yayasan Sarawak Research Grant Yayasan Sarawak

Development Of Borneo Bamboo Nanocellulose Fiber Filter Membrane for Water Treatment In Rural Areas Of Sarawak

2021- 2024 In Progress

  • Publications


  • Journal paper Chin Mei Yun, Md Rezaur Rahman, Cherlene Yong Wee Phing, Anita Wong May Chie, Muhammad Khusairy Bin Bakri, “The curing times effect on the strength of ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) mortar”, Journal of Construction and Building Materials, Vol 260 (2020), pp. 120622.
  • Journal paper Chin Mei Yun, Md Rahman, Kuok King Kuok, Chiew Wai Yun, Muhammad Khusairy Bin Bakri, “Characterization and Impact of Curing Duration on the Compressive Strength of Coconut Shell Coarse Aggregate in Concrete”, Journal of BioResources, Vol.16 (2021), No.3, pp. 6067-6073.
  • Journal paper Chin Mei Yun, Muhammad Khusairy Bin Bakri, Md Rezaur Rahman, Kuok King Kuok, Perry Law Nyuk Khui, Durul Huda, “Effect of Chemical Treatment on Silicon Manganese: Its Morphological, Elemental and Spectral Properties and Its Usage in Concrete”, Journal of Silicon (2022), pp.1-16.
  • Journal paper Kuok King Kuok, Chiu Po Chan, Chin Mei Yun, “Sarawak River Flow Behaviour after Matang Bypass Channel Construction during Low Tide Using Infoworks River Stimulation (RS)”, Journal Of Environmental Protection, Vol.12 (2021), No. 1, pp. 36.
  • Journal paper Kuok King Kuok, Mohd Elfy Mersal, Chiu Po Chan, Md Rezaur Rahman, Muhammad Khusairy Bin Bakri, Chin Mei Yun, “Stage-storage and Flood Risk Assessments of Upgraded Batu Kitang Submersible Weir”, Journal of Southwest Jiantong University, Vol.56 (2021), No.5.
  • Journal paper Kuok King Kuok, Chiu Po Chan, MR Rahman, Md Rezaur Rahman, Muhammad Khusairy Bin Bakri, Chin Mei Yun, “Performance of Rainwater Harvesting Systems in Institutional Buildings under Different Reliability and Future Economy Benefits”, Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences, Vol.48 (2021), No.8.
  • Journal paper Slyvester Chai Yew Wang Chai, Ngu Lock Hei, How Bing Shen, Chin Mei Yun, Kamiran Abdouka, Mohd Jamil Bin Anong Adini, Alzian Mohamad Kassim, “Review of CO2 capture in construction-related industry and their utilization” International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Vol.119 (2022), pp. 103727.
  • Journal paper Kuok King Kuok, Md Rezaur Rahman, Muhamad Khusairy Bin Bakri, Chiu Po Chan, Chin Mei Yun, Abdullah S Al-Bogami, Khalid A Alamry, Mohammed M Rahman, “Sustainable Clean Water Production Using Bamboo Activated Carbon for Rural Residents in the Borneo Island” Journal of Bioresources, Vol.17 (2022), No.2.
  • Journal paper Nyuk Khui, Perry Law, Md Rezaur Rahman, Abdul Halim Yun, Durul Huda, Sinin Hamdan, Muhammad Khusairy Bin Bakri, Mohammad Mahbubul Matin, Kuok King Kuok, Chin Mei Yun, Abdullah S Al-Bogami, Khalid A Alamry, Mohammed M Rahman, “Characterization and Optimization of Organoclaypoly (melamine-co-formaldehyde)-methylated Solution Impregnated Pulai (Alstonia spp.) Wood Using Response Surface Methodology.”, Journal of Bioresources, Vol.17 (2022), No.2.
  • Book Chin Mei Yun , Md Rezaur Rahman, Muhammad Khusairy Bin Bakri, ““Waste Materials in Advanced Sustainable Concrete (Reuse, Recovery and Recycle)” Springer, 2022.
  • Conference Proceedings Chin Mei Yun , Lau Teck Leong, “Shear Resistance of Non-Reinforced Oil Palm Shell Concrete Beams” Advance Materials Research. Vol.587 (2012), pp. 130-143.
  • Newspaper Article Chin Mei Yun , Amelia Chai, Muhammad Khusairy Bin Bakri, “Nano-engineered Bio-concrete as Future Materials.”, The Borneo Post, 18 August 2021.