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Dr. Mark Tee Kit Tsun

Senior Lecturer, Digital Learning Technologist
BSc (Hons), BEng (Hons), MSE, PhD (SUTS), MIEEE, Grad. BEM

Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Science

Office No:+60 82 260 951
Fax No:+60 82 260 813
Room No: E612
Email: [email protected]
Google Scholar  Scopus ORCID


Dr. Mark Tee received his BSc (Hons) in Computer Science from Coventry University in 2005 and served and intermittently contracted in the software development industry until 2018. He completed a Masters in Software Engineering (OUM) and a BEng (Hons) from Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak in 2014. He completed his PhD candidature at the same university in 2018 and joined the Faculty of Engineering, Computing, and Science as a Lecturer the following year.

His doctoral research focused on developing a real-time multi-sensor fusion model for augmenting the human-following navigation of indoor companion robots. His previous activity areas include computer game development, drone technology applications, and assistive robotics for injury prevention.

Dr. Mark currently pursues research and industrial applications of the Internet of Things (IoT), Deep Learning, and Assistive Robotics.

Research Interests

  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Human Activity Tracking
  • Assistive Technologies & Robotics
  • Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality
  • Deep Learning

Professional Memberships

  • Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
  • Associate, Australian Computer Society
  • Graduate Member, Board of Engineers Malaysia

PhD/Master by Research Opportunities

Potential research higher degree candidates are welcome to enquire about postgraduate opportunities in the areas listed above. Please e-mail [email protected] for more information.

Research Grants

Internal Grant: Knowledge Transfer Programme-Initiative Scheme (KTP-IS) 2021
Title of Project: IoT in the Community

External Grant: Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) 2020 – MOHE
Title of Project: Exploring Multi-Modal Fusion-Based Indoor Navigation for Human-Following using Perception Scenes and Deep Learning).

Internal Grant: SoR Research Micro Fund 2019
Title of Project: Exploratory Study of Real-Time Motion Capture in Reinforcing Physiotherapeutic Exercise.


  • Book and Book Chapter: Tee, MKT, Lau, BT, Siswoyo, HJ & Lau, SL 2016, ‘Potential of Human Tracking in Assistive Technologies for Children with Cognitive Disabilities’, Supporting the Education of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, IGI Global, pp. 245–247.
  • Book and Book Chapter: Tee, MKT, Lau, BT, Siswoyo, HJ & Then, PHH 2015, ‘Robotics for Assisting Children with Physical and Cognitive Disabilities’, in LB Theng (ed.), Assistive Technologies for Physical and Cognitive Disabilities, IGI Global, pp. 78–120, viewed 20 February, 2015,
  • Journal Paper: Tee, MKT, Lau, BT & Siswoyo, HJ 2018b, ‘An Improved Indoor Robot Human-Following Navigation Model Using Depth Camera, Active IR Marker and Proximity Sensors Fusion’, Robotics, vol. 7, no. 1, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, p. 4, viewed 24 February, 2018,
  • Journal Paper: Tee, MKT, Lau, BT & Siswoyo, HJ 2018c, ‘Exploring the Performance of a Sensor-Fusion-based Navigation System for Human Following Companion Robots’, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research (IJMERR).
  • Conference Paper: Tee, MKT, Lau, BT & Siswoyo, HJ 2017, ‘Pathfinding decision-making using proximity sensors, depth camera and active IR marker tracking data fusion for human following companion robot’, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series.
  • Conference Paper: Tee, MKT, Lau, BT, Siswoyo, HJ & Wong, DML 2016, ‘Integrating Visual Gestures for Activity Tracking in the Injury Mitigation Strategy using CARMI’, RESKO Technical Conference 2016: The 2nd Asian Meeting on Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology (AMoRE AT), Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology Society of Korea (RESKO), Goyang, Korea, pp. 61–62.
  • Conference Paper: Tee, MKT, Lau, BT, Siswoyo Jo, H & Lau, SL 2016, ‘Proposing a Sensor Fusion Technique Utilizing Depth and Ranging Sensors for Combined Human Following and Indoor Robot Navigation’, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Network, Communication and Computing (ICNCC 2016), ACM Press, New York, USA, pp. 331–335, viewed 20 June, 2017,
  • Conference Paper: Tee, MKT, Lau, BT, Siswoyo, HJ & Lau, SL 2015, ‘A Human Orientation Tracking System using Template Matching and Active Infrared Marker’, 2015 International Conference on Smart Sensors and Application (ICSSA 2015), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Conference Paper: Tee, MKT, Lau, BT & Siswoyo, HJ 2014, ‘Exploring the Possibility of Companion Robots for Injury Prevention for People with Disabilities’, The 19th International Conference on Transformative Science & Engineering, Business & Social Innovation (SDPS 2014), Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, pp. 199 – 210.
  • Conference Paper: H. S. Jo et al. 2014, “Development of Blimp Platform for Aerial Photography”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 629, pp. 170-175.