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Ir. Associate Professor Dr. Ngu Lock Hei

Associate Professor
BEng (Hons), MEng, PhD (UNIMAS)

Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Science

Office No:+60 82 260 660
Fax No:+60 82 260 813
Room No: E206, Building E, FECS
Email: [email protected]
Google Scholar   Scopus   ORCID


Ir.  Associate Professor Dr. Ngu Lock Hei received her BEng (Hons) in Chemical from University of Science, Malaysia in 2011 and her M.Eng and Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering from University Malaysia Sarawak respectively in 2004 and 2008.  The research emphasized the development of enhanced circular phase gravity separators with coalescence plates for wastewater treatment.  Dr. Ngu also has a Professional Certificate in Teaching Practice from Swinburne University of Technology in 2014. She is also a Professional Engineers registered with the Board of Engineers, Malaysia (BEM), a corporate member of the Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) and a registered Green Building Index (GBI) Facilitator. She serves as accreditation panel for Engineering Accreditation Council Malaysia (EAC).  

Research Interests

  • Carbon Capture and Utilization
  • Sustainable Development
  • Wastewater Treatment
  • Environmental Management

Professional Memberships

  • Professional Engineer, Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM), Malaysia
  • Corporate Member, Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM)
  • Academic Member, Malaysia Green Building Confederation
  • Facilitator, Green Building Index
  • Assistant Consultant, Department of Environment (DOE)

Research Grants

  • Sequestration of Cement Industry CO2 Emission in Cement Kiln Dust and Waste Limestone to Produce Building Material; Ngu LH (PI); Sarawak Research and Development Council (SRDC); Awarded Amount MYR 245,000 (3 years); 2020 – 2023.
  • Properties of Treated Local Marine Sand using Harvested Rainwater in Mortar and Concrete; Ngu LH (Member); Sarawak Research and Development Council (SRDC); Awarded Amount MYR 50,000 (2 years); 2020 – 2022.
  • Development of Bio-Soil via Microbial Induced Calcite Precipitation (MICP) Technique; Ngu LH (Member); BSG Construction (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd; Awarded Amount MYR 195,030 (2 years); 2015 – 2017.
  • Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Sequestration to Enhance Calcite Precipitation as Novel Ground Improvement Technique; Ngu LH (PI); Swinburne Sarawak Research Grant; Awarded Amount MYR 15,000 (1.5 years); 2017 – 2018.
  • Study on the removal of tannin and lignin in palm oil mill effluent using biomass-based adsorbent; Swinburne Sarawak Research Grant; Ngu LH (Member); Awarded Amount MYR 17,000 (1.5 years); 2017 – 2018.
  • Use of Microbial Technology to Improve Strength Properties and Permeability of Soil; Ngu LH (PI); Swinburne Sarawak Research Grant; Awarded Amount MYR 17,000 (1.5 years); 2013 – 2015.
  • The Study of Circular Cross Flow Phase Separator with Coalescence Plate Hydraulic Performance using Tracer Analysis; Ngu LH (PI); SUTS Seed Grant Scheme; Awarded Amount MYR 10,000 (1 years); 2012 – 2013.


  • Southeast Asia Global Innovation Challenge (SEA-GIC 2020), Second Prize, Slyvester Chai Yew Wang, Nuralya Alyssa Azureen Binti Ismail, Emily Tan Sze Min, Ngu Lock Hei, CO2 Utilization in Bicarbonate Lime Mortar with Industrial Waste, American Chemical Society Malaysia Chapter, 3 December 2020.
  • 2007 Silver Medal – High Performance Cost-Effective Oil-Liquid-Solid Separator, 6th Malaysia Technology Expo 2007, 29-31 March 2007, Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur.
  • 2007 Bronze Medal – 2-Stage Oil & Grease Filter & HCP Biotower Wastewater Treatment System, International Expo of Research & Invention of IPTA, 10–12 August 2007, KLCC.


  • Lock Hei Ngu, Carbon Capture Technologies, Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, Elsevier, 2022, ISBN 9780124095489,
  • Chai SYW, Phang FJF, Yeo LS, Ngu LH and How BS (2022) Future era of techno-economic analysis: Insights from review. Sustain. 3:924047.doi: 10.3389/frsus.2022.924047
  • Slyvester Yew Wang Chai, Lock Hei Ngu, Bing Shen How, Mei Yun Chin, Kamiran Abdouka, Mohd. Jamil Bin Anong Adini, Alzian Mohamad Kassim, Review of CO2 capture in construction-related industry and their utilization, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 119 (2022) 103727,
  • Chai, S.Y.W., Ngu, L.H. and How, B.S., Review of carbon capture absorbents for CO2 Greenhouse Gas Sci Technol. 12:394–427 (2022),
  • I. Omoregie, K. Muda, L.H. Ngu, Dairy manure pellets and palm oil mill effluent as alternative nutrient sources in cultivating Sporosarcina pasteurii for calcium carbonate bioprecipitation, Letters in Applied Microbiology, 74, 671-683, 2022, doi:10.1111/lam.13652.
  • Jia Yen Lai, Lock Hei Ngu, Siti Salwa Hashim, A review of CO2adsorbents performance for different carbon capture technology processes conditions, Greenhouse Gas Sci Technol.  11:1076–1117 (2021);
  • Jia Yen Lai, Lock Hei Ngu, Siti Salwa Hashim, Jiuan Jing Chew, Jaka Sunarso, Review of oil palm-derived activated carbon for CO2 capture, Carbon Letters, 31(2), 201-252 (2021).
  • Adeline Lim, Jiuan Jing Chew, Lock Hei Ngu, Suryadi Ismadji, Deni Shidqi Khaerudini, and Jaka Sunarso, Synthesis, Characterization, Adsorption Isotherm, and Kinetic Study of Oil Palm Trunk-Derived Activated Carbon for Tannin Removal from Aqueous Solution, ACS Omega, 5(44):28673-28683 (2020).
  • Jia Yen Lai, Lock Hei Ngu, The production cost analysis of oil palm waste activated carbon: a pilot-scale evaluation, Greenhouse Gas Sci Technol. 10:999-1026 (2020).
  • Jia Yen Lai, Lock Hei Ngu, Farouq Twaiq, Influence of Ethanol Concentration and Template Ion Exchange Agent on Template Recycling in Mobil Crystalline Material 41 (MCM-41) Synthesis, ASEAN Journal of Chemical Engineering 19(2), 130 – 146 (2019).
  • Lock-Hei Ngu, Joyce W Song, Siti S Hashim, Dominic E Ong, Lab-Scale Atmospheric CO2 Absorption for Calcium Carbonate Precipitation in Sand, Greenhouse Gas Sci Technol. 9(3):519–528 (2019).