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Ir. Professor Lau Hieng Ho

Pro Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer
BEng(Hons)(Civil), PhD, MIEM, P.Eng, MIEAust, CPEng, NER

Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Science

Office No:+60 82 260 888
Room No: A413B
Email: [email protected]
Google Scholar  Scopus  ORCID


Professor Lau has over 18 years of extensive experience in teaching, research, and leadership at the higher education level. His qualifications include a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Civil Engineering and a PhD from Oxford Brookes University, UK, and a Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Teaching from Curtin University.

He is also a Professional Engineer with a practising certificate registered with the Board of Engineers, Malaysia (BEM) and a Chartered Professional Engineer with Engineers Australia (EA).

Professor Lau’s expertise is in cold-formed steel construction with broader research interests in construction waste management and sustainable development.

He has published many journal papers, conference papers, book chapters and conference proceedings, and technical articles in these research areas.

Research Interests

  • Cold-formed Steel
  • Connections
  • Corrosion
  • Construction Waste Management & Sustainable Development

Professional Memberships

  • Professional Engineer, Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM)
  • Corporate Member, Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM)
  • Chartered Professional Engineer, Institution of Engineers, Australia (EA)

Research Grants/Awards


Project Title

Total Amount

No of years

Funding Source

Chief Investigator

A mathematical model for high strength cold-formed steel screwed connection under cyclic loading (2018)


3 years

Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) FRGS fund


Co- Investigator

A mathematical model of a circular force transducer with uniform stress distribution



Two years

Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) FRGS fund

Co- Investigator

Structural performance and design of self-drilling screwed connections in high strength steel thin-walled structures (2016)


Three years

The Science and Technology Development Fund of Macau (FDCT)

Collaboration with University of Macau

Chief Investigator

Developing an Advanced and Sustainable Steel Structure for Industrialised Building System(IBS) (2015)

RM 300,000

Three years

Curtin Malaysia Research Institute (CSRI)


Polycal Wire Rope Vibration Isolator for Industrial Equipment- A Mathematical Model. (2015)


Two years

Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) FRGS fund

Chief Investigator

A Study on the Performance of Cold Formed Steel Built-Up I Sections (2012)

RM 137,000

Two years

EcoSteel Sdn Bhd

Chief Investigator

Performance of the Screw Connection for Cold-formed Steel Structure Elevated Temperature. (2012)

RM 11,900

One year

Curtin Sarawak Research Cluster Fund (CSRC)

Chief Investigator

An Investigation on the Sustainability and Adaptability of Light Steel House in Local Industry: Design & Construction Phase

RM 50,000

Three year

Curtin Sarawak Collaborative Research Fund (CSCR)

Chief Investigator

Construction Waste Minimisation: A Sarawak Experience (2009)

RM 10,000

One year

Curtin Sarawak Research Fund


Innovative Vibration Isolation Systems for Equipments & Structures. (2012)


Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) ERGS fund


Electro-osmosis and Electro-Stabilization Experiments on Soft Soils of North Sarawak.


Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) e-science fund


A Trickling Filter with Spherical Hollow Perforated Plastic Medium in Hexagonal Closest Packed (HCP) Arrangement


Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) e-science fund


Development and Performance Evaluation of a Phase Separator with Inclined Multiple Angles Parallel Arc Coalescence Plates


Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) e-science fund

HDR Supervision and Research Development

  • Co-Supervisor for Ms Ting Sim Nee, PhD candidate, “A Modular Standard Form of Contract with Flexibility for Various Procurement Routes for Local Construction Industry”. Completed November 2013
  • External Co-Supervisor for Mr Haidar Adbullatif, PhD Candidate, “A Phase Separator with Inclined Parallel ARC Coalescing Plate (IPACP) for Removal of Mechanically E,ulsified and Free Oil from Wastewaters” University Malaysia Sarawak, 2005-2008. Completed
  • Supervisor for Ms Tina Ting Chui Huon, PhD candidate, “Behaviours of Cold Formed Steel Built-up I Sections”. Completed March 2014
  • Supervisor for Ms Siti Fairuz, MPhil candidate, “Investigation on Connection Strength for Self-Drilling Screw of Cold Formed Thin-Gauge Steel Construction”. Completed April 2014
  • Supervisor for Ms Sharon Yee, PhD candidate, “Experimental study of effectiveness of electro-osmotic consolidation in the stabilization of Sarawak Peat and Organic Soils”. Completed February 2017
  • Co-Supervisor for Mr Balaji Palani Servataj, PhD candidate, “An Analytical and Experimental Study on Wire Rope Isolators for Vibration Isolation of Equipment and Structures”. Completed June 2017
  • Supervisor for Ms Kok Ka Yee, PhD candidate, “Optimum Design of Locally Produced Cold-formed Steel Residential Roof Trusses”. Completed December 2020
  • Supervisor for Mr Timothy Ting Zhi Hong, PhD candidate, “Investigation of Performance of Lightweight Concrete Sandwich cold-formed steel Wall Panel”. Completed December 2019
  • Supervisor for Mr. Yong Pei Ming, MPhil candidate, “Finite Element Modeling of Cold-formed Steel Walls under Elevated Temperature”. Completed December 2018
  • Supervisor for Mr Sarder Mohammad Yahya, PhD candidate, “Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Cold-foemed Steel Screwed connection behaviour under Cyclic Loading”. Completion expected by February 2023
  • Supervisor for Mr Thomas Perumpallil Joy, PhD candidate, “Digital Transformation of Engineering Education in Kerala”. Completion expected by Oct 2024

HDR Examinations

  • External Examiner for Mr Sidhant Pawan Kumar, Master Thesis, University of Auckland, New Zealand, 2016
  • External Examiner for Mr Wei Hui Hii, Master Thesis, Swinburne University, Australia, January 2016
  • External Examiner for Mr Kee Hon Hiew, Master Thesis, Curtin University Bentley Campus, April 2012
  • External Examiner for Mr Raghupati Laxmipati Shukla, Master Thesis, Curtin University Bentley Campus, April 2012
  • Viva Examiner for Mr Hu Wei Kiat, Master Thesis, University Malaysia Sarawak, 15 March 2008
  • External Examiner for Mr Hu Wei Kiat, Master Thesis, University Malaysia Sarawak, 10 May 2007
  • External Examiner for Ms Wong Woan Jiuan, Master Thesis, University Malaysia Sarawak, 16 Nov 2005
  • External Examiner for Ms Lelly Marini, Master Thesis, University Malaysia Sarawak, 26 Jun 2005

International Journal Reviewer

  • Journal of Constructional Steel Research
  • Thin-walled Structures
  • Advances in Structural Engineering
  • International Journal of Steel and Composite Structures
  • International Journal of Structural Engineering and Mechanics
  • Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE


  • Book and Book Chapter: Timothy Z.H. Ting, Muhammad E. Rahman, Hieng H. Lau, Matthew Z.Y. Ting and Vikram Pakrashi. (2020). Oil Palm Kernel Shell – A Potential Sustainable Construction Material.  Encyclopedia of Renewable and Sustainable Materials,  Saleem Hashmi and Imtiaz Ahmed Choudhury (ed.) , Elsevier Inc, Volume 3, pp.137-143,  DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-803581-8.11541-3
  • Book and Book Chapter: Roy, K., Ting, T.C.H., Lau, H.H., Lim, J.B.P. (2019) Experimental investigation into the behavior of CFS built-up channels subjected to axial compression, in Pulugurtha S., Ghosh I., Biswas S. (eds) Advances in Transportation Engineering. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 34. Springer, Singapore, pp. 89-105
  • Book and Book Chapter: Roy, K., Ting, T.C.H., Lau, H.H., Lim, J.B.P. (2019) Finite element modelling of built-up CFS channel columns under axial load, in Pulugurtha S., Ghosh I., Biswas S. (eds) Advances in Transportation Engineering. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 34. Springer, Singapore, pp. 65-87
  • Book and Book Chapter: Timothy Z.H. Ting, Muhammad E. Rahman, Hieng H. Lau, Matthew Z.Y. Ting and Vikram Pakrashi. (2019), “Oil Palm Kernel Shell – A Potential Sustainable Construction Material”, In: Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering. Elsevier Ltd, Netherlands.
  • Book and Book Chapter: Lau, H.H. (2011) Advances in Steel and Aluminium Structures, Research Publishing Services, Singapore. ISBN 978-891-08-9247-0
  • Book and Book Chapter: Lau, H.H. (2012) Cold-formed Steel Innovations, Sarawak: Curtin University Sarawak Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-44176-4-2
  • Journal Paper: Krishanu Roy, Hieng Ho Lau, Zhiyuan Fang, Abdeliazim Mustafa Mohamed Ahmed and James B.P. Lim (2021). Axial capacity of back to back built up cold formed stainless steel unlipped channels Numerical investigation and parametric study. Steel and Composite Structures, Vol. 40, No. 5 (2021) 761-780 761
  • Journal Paper: A. Sofi, J. Jane Regita, Bhagyesh Rane, Hieng Ho Lau (2022) Structural health monitoring using wireless smart sensor network–An overview. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. Volume 163, pp. 108113.
  • Journal Paper: Krishanu Roy, Tina Chui Huon Ting, Hieng Ho Lau, Rehan Masood, Rayed Alyousef, Hisham Alabduljabbar, Abdulaziz Alaskar, Fahed Alrshoudi, James BP Lim (2021) Cold-Formed Steel Lipped Channel Section Columns Undergoing Local-Overall Buckling Interaction. International Journal of Steel Structures, 21, pp 408–429.
  • Journal Paper: Sivaganesh Selvaraj, Mahendrakumar Madhavan, Hieng Ho Lau (2021) Sheathing-fastener connection strength based design method for sheathed CFS point-symmetric wall frame studs. Structures. Volume 33, pp.1473-1494
  • Journal Paper: Krishanu Roy, Hieng Ho Lau, Abdeliazim Mustafa Mohamed Ahmed, James B.P. Lim (2021). Nonlinear behavior of cold-formed stainless steel built-up box sections under axial compression, Structures, Volume 30, Pages 390-408,
  • Journal Paper: Krishanu Roy, Hieng Ho Lau, Tina Chui Huon Ting, Boshan Chen, James B.P. Lim (2021) Flexural behaviour of back-to-back built-up cold-formed steel channel beams: Experiments and finite element modelling, Structures, Volume 29, Pages 235-253,
  • Journal Paper: K Roy, HH Lau, TCH Ting, B Chen, JBP Lim (2020). Flexural capacity of gapped built-up cold-formed steel channel sections including web stiffeners. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 172,
  • Journal Paper: Timothy Zhi Hong Ting, Muhammad Ekhlasur Rahman, Hieng Ho Lau (2020). Sustainable lightweight self-compacting concrete using oil palm shell and fly ash. Construction and Building Materials, Volume 264, 120590,
  • Journal Paper: Krishanu Roy, Hieng Ho Lau, Tina Chui Huon Ting, Rehan Masood, Ankur Kumar, James B.P. Lim, (2019). Experiments and finite element modelling of screw pattern of self-drilling screw connections for high strength cold-formed steel. Thin-Walled Structures, 145, 106393.
  • Journal Paper: Krishanu Roy, Hieng Ho Lau, James BP Lim, (2019). “Finite element modelling of back-to-back built-up cold-formed stainless-steel lipped channels under axial compression”. Steel and Composite Structures, An International Journal, 33(1), 869-898.
  • Journal Paper: Roy, K., Ting, T.C.H., Ho, L.H., Bhatnagar, S., Lim, J.B.P., 2019. Finite Element Modeling of Back-to-Back Built-Up CFS Un-Lipped Channels under Axial Compression. Materials Science Forum 969, 819–827.
  • Journal Paper: Krishanu Roy,Tina Chui Huon Ting Hieng Ho Lau, James BP Lim (2019). Experimental and numerical investigations on the axial capacity of cold-formed steel built-up box sections. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 160, 411-427.
  • Journal Paper: Krishanu Roy, James B.P. Lim, Hieng Ho Lau, P.M. Yong, G.C. Clifton,, Andrzej Wrzesiene, Chee Chiang Mei (2019) Collapse behaviour of a fire engineering designed single-storey cold- formed steel building in severe fires. Thin-Walled Structures 142. 340–357.
  • Journal Paper: Krishanu Roy, Hieng Ho Lau, James BP Lim (2019) Numerical investigations on the axial capacity of back-to-back gapped built-up cold-formed stainless steel channels. Advances in Structural Engineering. 
  • Journal Paper: T.Z.H.Ting, M.E.Rahman, H.H.Lau and M.Z.Y.Ting (2019) Recent development and perspective of lightweight aggregates based self-compacting concrete. Construction and Building Materials Vol. 201, Pages 763-777.
  • Journal Paper: K Roy, TCH Ting, HH Lau, JBP Lim (2018) Effect of thickness on the behaviour of axially loaded back-to-back cold-formed steel built-up channel sections -Experimental and numerical investigation. Structures, Volume 16, Pages 327-346.
  • Journal Paper: K Roy, TCH Ting, HH Lau, JBP Lim (2018). Nonlinear behaviour of back-to-back gapped built-up cold-formed steel channel sections under compression. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 147, 257-276.
  • Journal Paper: K Roy, TCH Ting, HH Lau, JBP Lim (2018). Nonlinear behavior of axially loaded back-to-back built-up cold-formed steel un-lipped channel sections. Steel and Composite Structures 28 (2), 233-250.
  • Journal Paper: KY Kok, HH Lau, TD Phan, TICH Ting (2018). Design optimisation for cold-formed steel residential roof truss using genetic algorithm. World Journal of Engineering 15 (5), 575-583.
  • Journal Paper: TD Phan, JBP Lim, M Selowara Joo, HH Lau (2017) Design Optimization of Long-Span Cold-Formed Steel Portal Frames Accounting for Effect of Knee Brace Joint Configuration. Technologies 5 (4), 81. doi:10.3390/technologies5040081
  • Journal Paper: Tina Chui Huon Ting, Krishanu Roy, Hieng Ho Lau, James BP Lim (2017) Effect of screw spacing on behavior of axially loaded back-to-back cold-formed steel built-up channel sections. Advances in Structural Engineering, doi/10.1177/1369433217719986 
  • Journal Paper: AM Wrzesien, DT Phan, JBP Lim, HH Lau, I Hajirasouliha, CS Tan. (2016) Effect of stressed-skin action on optimal design of cold-formed steel square and rectangular-shaped portal frame buildings. International Journal of Steel Structures 16 (2), 299-307.
  • Journal Paper: PS Balaji, M E Rahman, L Moussa, H.H. Lau, (2016), Static lateral stiffness of wire rope isolators, Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, An International Journal, 44(4) pages 462-475
  • Journal Paper: Johnston, R. P. D., Lim, J. B. P., Lau, H. H., Xu, Y., Sonebi, M., Armstrong, C. G., & Mei, C. C. (2016). Finite-element investigation of cold-formed steel portal frames in fire. Proceedings of the ICE - Structures and Buildings, 169(1), pp.3-19.
  • Journal Paper: PS Balaji, M E Rahman, L Moussa, H.H. Lau, (2016), An analytical study on the static vertical stiffness of wire rope isolators, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science & Technology, Volume 30, Issue 1, pp 287-295.
  • Journal Paper: PS Balaji, M E Rahman, L Moussa, H.H. Lau, (2016), Wire rope isolators for vibration isolation of equipment and structures–A review, Materials Science and Engineering Vol. 78 (1).
  • Journal Paper: PS Balaji, M E Rahman, L Moussa, H.H. Lau, (2015), Vibration isolation of structures and equipment using wire rope isolators, International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research, 78 (012001), pp; 907-911. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/78/1/012001
  • Journal Paper: R.P.D. Johnsto, J B.P. Lim, H.H. Lau, Y. Xu, M. Sonebi, C.G. Armstrong, C. Switzer and C.C. Mei. (2014). Cold-formed steel portal frames in fire: full-scale testing and finite element analysis, The Structural Engineer, vol 92;10, pg44-50
  • Journal Paper: SAPIEE, Siti Fairuz and LAU, Hieng Ho.(2013), Influence of Screw Spacing on the Strength of Self Drilling Screw Connection for the High Strength Cold-Formed Steel. Advanced Materials Research, Vols 712-715, pp1054-1057.
  • Journal Paper: Ting, Chui Huon Tina and LAU, Hieng Ho.(2011), Compression Test on Cold-Formed Steel Built-Up Back-to-Back Channels Stub Columns. Advanced Materials Research (Vol 201 – 203), pg2900-2903.
  • Journal Paper: Lau, H.H., Whyte, A. and Law, P.L. (2008) Composition and characteristics of Construction Waste Generated by Residential Housing Project. International Journal of Environmental Research, Vol. 2 No. 3. pp.261-268
  • Journal Paper: Law, P.L., Law, I.N., Lau, H.H. and Kho, F.W.L. (2007) Impacts of Barrage Flushing and Flooding-in Operations on Total Suspended Solids Upstream, International Journal of Environmental. Science & Technology, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 75-83.
  • Journal Paper: Almarouf, H. S., Ling L. P., Ho L. H. and Baharun A. (2007) Optimum Coalescence Plate Arch Length for Removal of Oil Droplets from Wastewaters. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 247- 259
  • Journal Paper: Lau H. H., Beale R G, Godley, M H R, (2007) The Effects of Column Base Connectivity on the stability of Slender Frame Structures. Progress in Steel Building Structures, 9(3), pp.33-40.
  • Journal Paper: Law, P.L., Ng, C.K., Ha, H.U and Lau H.H. (2004) Analysis and Design of Jobs for Control of Cumulative Trauma Disorders for a Typical Plastic Forks & Spoons Manufacturing Facility, Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM). pp.27-32 Vol.66 No.3 September 2005.
  • Journal Paper: Lau, H.H., Godley, M.H.R. and Beale, R.G. (2003) The Influence of Column Base Connectivity on the ultimate load of Columns. Computers & Structures. Vol 81/18-19 pp.1827-1849.
  • Journal Paper: Pu, Y, Godley M.H.R., Beale, R.G. and Lau, H.H. (1999) Prediction of Ultimate Capacity of Perforated Lipped Channels. Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.125, No.5.10
  • Conference Paper: TZH Ting, ME Rahman and HH Lau. (2020). A Review on One-Way Concrete Wall Under Axial Loading. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 943, 2nd International Conference on Materials Technology and Energy 6-8 November 2019, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia.
  • Conference Paper: K Roy, HH Lau, TCH Ting, JBP Lim, 2019. “Recent development in cold-formed steel structures research” International Conference on Recent Tends in Construction Materials and Structures (ICON2019), Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), Vellore, India – 18-20, September 2019.
  • Conference Paper: K Roy, TCH Ting, HH Lau, Bhatnagar, S, JBP Lim, 2019. “Finite Element Modeling of Back-to-Back Built-Up CFS Un-Lipped Channels under Axial Compression”, Materials Science Forum, Vol. 969, pp. 819-827, 2019.
  • Conference Paper: K Roy, TCH Ting, HH Lau, JBP Lim, 2019. “Improved Design Rules on the Buckling Behaviour of Axially Loaded Back-to-Back Cold-Formed Steel Built-Up Channel Sections”, 9th International Conference on Steel and Aluminium Structures (ICSAS19) Bradford, UK, 3-5, July, 2019.
  • Conference Paper: K Roy, TCH Ting, HH Lau, JBP Lim, 2019. “Nonlinear Behaviour of Axially Loaded Back-to-Back Built-Up Cold-Formed Austenitic Stainless-Steel Channel Sections”, 9th International Conference on Steel and Aluminium Structures (ICSAS19) Bradford, UK, 3-5, July, 2019.
  • Conference Paper: TZH Ting, ME Rahman, HH Lau (2019), “Lightweight Self-compacting Concrete Incorporating Oil Palm Shell, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 495 (1), 012096.
  • Conference Paper: TZH Ting, ME Rahman, HH Lau (2019), “Compressive Strength of OPS based Self-compacting Concrete Incorporated with Fly Ash under Elevated Temperature, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 495 (1), 012086.
  • Conference Paper: Krishanu Roy, Hieng Ho Lau, Boshan Chen, Tina Chui Huon Ting and James B.P. Lim (2019), “Compression tests on cold-formed steel built-up box sections”, The 2019 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM19) Jeju Island, Korea, September 17 - 21, 2019.
  • Conference Paper: Krishanu Roy, Hieng Ho Lau, Boshan Chen, Tina Chui Huon Ting and James B.P. Lim (2019), “Effect of screw spacing on axial strength of cold-formed steel built-up box sections-numerical investigation and parametric study”, The 2019 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM19) Jeju Island, Korea, September 17 - 21, 2019
  • Conference Paper: K Roy, TCH Ting, HH Lau, JBP Lim. (2018), “Numerical investigation and parametric study on the behaviour of axially loaded back-to-back gapped built-up cold-formed steel channels”, Ninth International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures (ICASS2018), 5-7 December 2018 – Hong Kong, China
  • Conference Paper: Krishanu Roy, Tina Chui Huon Ting, Hieng Ho Lau, James BP Lim (2018). Compression tests on back-to-back gapped built-up cold-formed steel channel sections. Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering Research and Practice for Steel Construction. 5th-7th September 2018 Hong Kong, China.
  • Conference Paper: Krishanu Roy, Tina Chui Huon Ting, Hieng Ho Lau, James BP Lim (2018). Effect of screw spacing into the behaviour of back-to-back cold-formed duplex stainless steel built-up channel sections under compression. Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering Research and Practice for Steel Construction. 5th-7th September 2018 Hong Kong, China.
  • Conference Paper: Krishanu Roy, Tina Chui Huon Ting, Hieng Ho Lau, James BP Lim (2018). Experimental investigation into the behavior of axially loaded back-to-back cold-formed steel built-up channel sections. Proceedings International Conference on the trends and Recent Advances in Civil Engineering-TRACE. 23rd -24th August 2018, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India.
  • Conference Paper: H. H. Lau, T. Z. H. Ting, W. M. Quach , D. Y. X. Tie, S. Fairuz and A. Ahmadi (2016), A Study On Performances Of Screw Connection For Cold-formed Steel Structures, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Steel and Aluminium Structures, 7-9thDecember 2016 Hong Kong, China.
  • Conference Paper: T.C.H Ting & H. H. Lau, (2016), Finite Element Analysis Of Axially Loaded Cold-formed Steel Back-to-back Channel Built-up Sections. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Steel and Aluminium Structures, 7-9thDecember 2016 Hong Kong, China.
  • Conference Paper: D.Phan, J.Lim & H. H. Lau, (2016), Optimum Design Of Cold-formed Steel Portal Frame Accounting For Effect Of Semi-rigid Joints. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Steel and Aluminium Structures, 7-9thDecember 2016 Hong Kong, China.
  • Conference Paper: T.C.H Ting, H. H. Lau & M.s. Joo, (2016), Numerical Analysis Of Axially Loaded Cold-formed Steel Built-up Sections. Proceedings of the 3rd Australasia Southeast Asia Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction, Paper St 40, 31 Oct -4th Nov 2016 Kuching, Malaysia.
  • Conference Paper: T. C. H. Ting and H. H. Lau (2015) Design of axially loaded cold-formed steel gapped back-to-back channel built-up sections using thickness reduction method (TReM), Proceedings of 11th International Conference of Advances in Steel-Concrete Composite Structures, 3-5 Dec 2015, Beijing China.
  • Conference Paper: T. C. H. Ting and H. H. Lau (2014). Thickness Reduction Method (TReM) for Axially Loaded Cold-Formed Steel Back-to-Back C-Channel Built-Up Columns Part 1: Design, Proceeding of The 7th International Conference on Thin-Walled Structures, Busan Korea, 28 Sept-2 Oct 2014, ICTWS2014-0205
  • Conference Paper: T. C. H. Ting and H. H. Lau (2014) Thickness Reduction Method (TReM) for Axially Loaded Cold-Formed Steel Back-to-Back C-Channel Built-Up Columns Part 2: Experiment. Proceeding of The 7th International Conference on Thin-Walled Structures, Busan Korea, 28 Sept-2 Oct 2014, ICTWS2014-0206
  • Conference Paper: R.P.D. Johnsto, J B.P. Lim, M. Sonebi, C.G. Armstrong, H.H. Lau, Y. Xu, C. Switzer and C.C. Mei. (2014). The Performance of Cold-Formed Steel Portal Frames in Fire. Proceeding of The 7th International Conference on Thin-Walled Structures, Busan Korea, 28 Sept-2 Oct 2014ICTWS2014-1509
  • Conference Paper: T. C. H. Ting and H. H. Lau (2014) Design of cold-formed steel back-to-back C channel built-up columns using modified Direct Strength Method. Proceeding of Recent Advances in Steel and Composite Structures, Hong Kong, 1 Dec 2014, pg 53-66
  • Conference Paper: T. C. H. Ting and H. H. Lau, “Effects Of The Plate Slenderness Ratio On Built-up Back-to-back Channels Stub Columns”. Research, Development, and Practice in Structural Engineering and Construction Vimonsatit, V., Singh, A., Yazdani, S. (eds.) ASEA-SEC-1, Perth, November 28–December 2, 2012 Pg 349-354.
  • Conference Paper: H. H. Lau and S. Y. Tang, “Group Effects Of The Multiple Self-drilling Screws On The Connection Shear Strength For The High Strength Cold-formed Steel”. 11th International Conference on Steel, Space and Composite Structures 12-14 Dec 2012, Qingdao, China
  • Conference Paper: H. H. Lau. (2012), A Review of Cold-formed Steel Built-up Columns Research at Curtin University. Proceedings of 2012 the Borneo Engineering Symposium on Cold-formed Steel Innovations, July 16, 2012, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Pg43-68
  • Conference Paper: H. H. Lau and T. C. H. Ting. (2012), A Parametric Study on The Modified Slenderness Ratio for Cold-formed Steel Built-up Back-to-Back Channel Stub Column. Proceeding of the 7th International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures, April 14-16, 2012, Nanjing, China. Pg263-271
  • Conference Paper: T. C. H. Ting and H. H. Lau, (2011) A Numerical Investigation on Cold-formed Steel Built-up Back-to-back Channel Stub Columns”. Proceeding of the 7th International Conference on Steel & Aluminium Structures, ICSAS, July 13-15, 2011, Kuching, Malaysia. pg440-445
  • Conference Paper: H. H. Lau and T. C. H. Ting. (2010), LOAD CARRYING CAPACITY OF HIGH STRENGTH COLD-FORMED STEEL BUILT-UP BOX SECTIONS. Proceeding of the 4th International Conference on Steel & Composite Structures, ICSCS, July 21-23, 2010, Sydney, Australia. pg494-499
  • Conference Paper: H. H. Lau, T. C. H. Ting., F. E. Tang and C. C. Mei. (2010) Application of cold-formed steel built-up sections in building construction. Proceeding of the 3rd International Symposium on Cold-formed Metal Structures, July 26, 2010, Hong Kong, China. pg69-91
  • Conference Paper: S.P. Chiew, C. C. Mei and H. H. Lau. (2010) Use of thin-gauge galvanized C-purlin sections in long-span roof truss construction. Proceeding of the 3rd International Symposium on Cold-formed Metal Structures, July 26, 2010, Hong Kong, China, pg 47-68
  • Conference Paper: T.C.H. Ting, H.H. Lau, M.C. Law. (2009) Compression Tests On Cold-Formed Steel Lipped C-Channel Columns – Short Column. Proceeding of Conference on Buildings and Infrastructure Technology, World Engineering Congress 2010, 2nd – 5th August 2010, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, pg 306-311
  • Conference Paper: Lau, H.H., and Ting T.C.H. (2009). An Investigation of the Compressive Strength of Cold-formed Steel Built-up I Sections. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures, ICASS’09, 16-19th December 2009, Hong Kong, China, pp. 441-449.
  • Conference Paper: Mei, C.C., Ng, A.L.Y., Lau, H.H., Toh S.L. (2009). Applications of Built-up Sections in Lightweight Steel Trussess. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures, ICASS’09, 16-19th December 2009, Hong Kong, China, pp. 857-864.
  • Conference Paper: Lau, H.H., and Kadir A.T. (2009). Joint Accreditation on Engineering Education for a Foreign University Campus in Malaysia. Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Education, ICEED’09, 6-8th December 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Conference Paper: Lau, H.H. and Whyte, A. (2007) A Construction Waste Study for Residential Projects in Miri Sarawak. International Conference on Sustainable Building South-East Asia, SB07SEA, 5th-7th November 2007, Kuala Lumpur.
  • Conference Paper: Lau, H.H., Beale, R.G and Godley M H R (2007) The influence of column base connectivity on the stability of columns and frames. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Steel and Aluminium Structures, ICSAS’07, Oxford, UK, Oxford Brookes University.
  • Conference Paper: Lau, H.H., Beale, R.G and Godley M H R (2007) The influence of column base connectivity on the stability of columns and frames. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Steel and Aluminium Structures, ICSAS’07, Oxford, UK, Oxford Brookes University.
  • Conference Paper: Lau, H.H., Godley, M.H.R. and Beale, R.G. (2007) The Effects of Column Base Behaviours on the Load Carrying Capacity of Columns and Frames. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Steel, Space & Composite Structures, 10-15th October 2007, Yantai & Beijing, China.
  • Conference Paper: Mei, C.C., Lau, H.H., Choo A.H. (2007) Construction and Detailing of Cold Formed Steel Space Truss. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Steel, Space & Composite Structures, 10-15th October 2007, Yantai & Beijing, China, pp. 293-299. SCOPUS
  • Conference Paper: Lau H. H., Beale R G, Godley, M H R, (2006) A Parametric Study of the Effect of Column Base Connectivity on The Carrying Capacity of Storage Racks. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Steel Structures, Seoul, 16-18 November 2006, Seoul.
  • Conference Paper: Lau, H.H., Godley, M.H.R. and Beale, R.G. (2006) Column Base Connectivity Effects on The Load Carrying Capacity of Slender Multi-bay Frame Structures. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Steel, Space & Composite Structures, 15-17th May 2006 Kuala Lumpur.
  • Conference Paper: Lau, H.H., Godley, M.H.R. and Beale, R.G. (2005) The Influence of Column Base Connections on the Stability of Slender Multi-bay Frame Structures. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures, pp.1421-1426, 13-15 June 2005, Shanghai
  • Conference Paper: Lau, H.H., Godley, M.H.R. and Beale, R.G. (2003) The influence of column base connections on the stability of slender frame structures. Proceedings Advances in Structures Steel, Concrete, Composite and Aluminium Conference, pp.527-533 Sydney, 23-25 June 2003.
  • Conference Paper:  Lau, H.H., Godley, M.H.R. and Beale, R.G. (2001) The Influence of Column Base Connectivity on the Carrying Capacity of Columns. Proceedings 8th International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, Paper 25.
  • Conference Paper:  Lau, H.H., Godley, M.H.R. and Beale, R.G. (1999) The Effect of Column Base Connectivity on the Carrying Capacity of Slender Columns. Proceedings 6th International Conference on Steel & Space Structures, Singapore, pp.397-404.