Staff Profile

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Lesley Lu

BBusInfSysEng (SUTS), MSc (SUTS)

School of Foundation Studies

Office No:+60 82 260 657
Room No: G513, Building G
Email: [email protected]


Lesley holds a Bachelor’s in Business Information Systems and received her Master’s in Science by research focusing on developing a costing prototype for public hospitals in Malaysia at Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak (SUTS).

Before joining SUTS as an Associate Lecturer in the Faculty of Engineering, Computing, and Science, she was a Teaching Assistant and Part-Time lecturer at the university.

Currently, she is a lecturer at the School of Foundation Studies (SFS), teaching IT units. Lesley is interested in studying Women’s Entrepreneurship in developing countries.

Research Interests

  • Health Economics


  • Certified Software Tester (CTFL)

Professional Memberships

  • Member, Australian Computer Society


  • Conference Paper: Lesley T.C.Lu, and Patrick, H.H. Then (2010). Towards Computation of Cost of Treating Acute ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction(STEMI) in Malaysia, National Postgraduate seminar 2010, Shah Alam, Malaysia, July 6 -7, 2010.
  • Conference Paper: Lesley T.C.Lu, and Patrick, H.H. Then (2011). A Novel Costing Model on Medical Management of ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) in Public Tertiary Referral Cardiology Centre, 18th Asian Pacific Congress of Cardiology, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, May 5-8, 2011