Staff Profile

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Ts. Augustus Raymond Segar

Lecturer in Multimedia Design
Bachelor of Business (SUTS), Master of Multimedia (SUTS)

Faculty of Business, Design and Arts

Office No:+60 82 260 690
Fax No:+60 82 260 815
Room No: B211
Email: [email protected]
Google Scholar      Scopus      ORCID


Ts. Augustus Raymond Segar is a Multimedia Design Lecturer at the School of Design and Arts at Swinburne Sarawak. Over the course of his career, he has collaborated with a diverse range of industry partners and government organizations, including Nokia, Microsoft Malaysia, the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC), the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), the Sarawak Multimedia Authority (SMA), Sarawak Digital Economy (SDEC), Tabung Ekonomi Gagasan Anak Bumiputera Sarawak (TEGAS), SME Corporation, the Sarawak Tourism Board (STB), and the Borneo Convention Centre Kuching (BCCK). These partnerships have contributed to significant achievements for the university, such as the signing of Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs), the formation of strategic partnerships, the commercialization of projects, the establishment of a course advisory committee, and the successful securing of industry projects and grants. In addition to his academic role, Ts. Augustus is an active participant in the local creative industry ecosystem, serving as a trainer, facilitator, and mentor for emerging start-ups. His expertise lies in Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Mixed Reality (MR), and he currently teaches courses related to immersive media and technologies, interactive applications, games, and animation.

Research Interests

Ts. Augustus is currently the Chair for Non-Traditional Research Output (NTRO) Committee and leader for the Creative Media for Social Change Research Cluster under the Centre for Innovative Society at Swinburne Sarawak. His research interests lie at the intersection of community engagement, storytelling, and emerging technologies, with a particular focus on eXtended Reality (XR), digital games and interactive applications. He is passionate about exploring how these immersive and new technologies can be leveraged to preserve Sarawak’s arts, culture and heritage – bringing people and technology together to co-create with and for tomorrow.

Master by Research Opportunities

Potential research higher degree candidates are welcome to enquire about postgraduate opportunities in the areas listed above. Please e-mail [email protected] for more information.

Professional Memberships

  • Malaysia Design Council (1-E-000692)
  • Certified Trainer, Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad (TTT/8185)
  • Malaysia Board of Technologist (Graduate Technologist)
  • Malaysia Board of Technologist (Professional Technologist)


  • The Listening Initiative: Pua Kumbu | Melbourne-Sarawak Collaborative Research Grant Scheme | Principal Investigator
  • Preparation for an Ageing Sarawak: The Profile of and Ageing Issues of Older Persons in Sarawak | Ministry of Women, Early Childhood and Community Wellbeing Development | Co-Investigator
  • Sarawak Creative Industry Directory | Ministry of Tourism, Creative Industry & Performing Arts Sarawak | Principal Investigator
  • The Borneo Story Lab | Goethe-Institut Malaysia | Co-Investigator
  • Good Design Week 2023 | BESarawak | Conference Chair
  • Preserving the Techniques and Method of Chinese Calligraphy Through Digital Documentation | Swinburne University Research Micro Fund | Co-Investigator
  • Sarawak Social Wellbeing Index | Ministry of Women, Early Childhood and Community Wellbeing Development | Co-Investigator
  • Self-Sustainable Indigenous Medicinal Knowledge Platform Integrating Extended Reality and Geospatial Data | Co-Investigator
  • Cultural Entrepreneurship Factory 2022 | BESarawak | Conference Chair
  • Behavioural Intention to Use Hybrid Learning Among Higher Education Teachers Post Covid-19 | Swinburne University Research Collaboration Grant | Principal Investigator
  • Digital Creative Series: 2D Animation | Sarawak Media Group | Co-Investigator


  • Gawe ka Padi | Best Mobile Short Film, NITIIN International Film Festival 2024, Malaysia
  • Gawe ka Padi | Best Social Video Award, Smartfone Flickfest 2024, Australia
  • The NTRO Initiatives | Swinburne Sarawak Research Excellence Awards 2024: Industry-Academia Excellence Award
  • Listening to the Salako | Swinburne Sarawak Postgraduate Research Conference 2023: Best Presenter Award

Journal Publications

  • Segar, A., Adi Badiozaman, I. F., & Schleser, M. (2023). Co-Creation in Community-based Storytelling: Insights from Practice-Based Research of an Interactive Documentary with the Salako Community. Interactive Film & Media Journal, 3(2).
  • Adi Badiozaman, I. F., Segar, A., & Hii, J. (2022). A pilot evaluation of technology–Enabled active learning through a Hybrid Augmented and Virtual Reality app. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 59(5), 586-596.
  • Segar, A., Adi Badiozaman, I. F., & Schleser, M. (2022). Extended Reality Interactive Documentary: Insights from Rhizome as a Navigation Structure Framework. Interactive Film & Media Journal, 2(2).
  • Adi Badiozaman, I. F., Segar, A., & Iah, D. (2022). Examining faculty’s online teaching competence during crisis: one semester on. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 14(2), 541-555.
  • Adi Badiozaman, I. F., & Segar, A. (2022). Exploring online teaching competence in the context of the COVID 19 pandemic: insights from Sarawak, Malaysia. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 46(6), 766-779.

Conference Presentations

  • Segar, A., Adi Badiozaman, I. F., & Schleser, M. (2024, December 17-20). Decolonising Practices: Rhizome in XR Documentary [Paper Presentation]. Visible Evidence XXX, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Segar, A., Adi Badiozaman, I. F., & Schleser, M. (2024, November 26-28). New Directions & Creative Developments in XR: Listening to the Salako [Paper Presentation]. Australian Screen Production Education & Research Association, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Segar, A., Adi Badiozaman, I. F., & Schleser, M. (2023, October 18-20). The Listening Initiative [Paper Presentation]. Good Design Week Conference. Kuching, Malaysia.
  • Adi Badiozaman, I. F., & Segar, A. (2023, July 4-7). Teaching competence: Sensemaking and professional identity development during the pandemic [Paper Presentation]. Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia, Brisbane, Australia.
  • Segar, A., Adi Badiozaman, I. F., & Schleser, M. (2023, June 11-14). Co‐Creation in Community‐based Storytelling: Insights from Practice‐Based Research of an Interactive Documentary with the Salako Community [Paper Presentation]. Interactive Film and Media International Conference, Canada.
  • Segar, A., Adi Badiozaman, I. F., & Schleser, M. (2022, June 8-10). XR storytelling: Insights from the Salako community in Sarawak [Paper Presentation]. The 4th Interactive Film and Media International Conference, Canada.
  • Segar, A., Adi Badiozaman, I. F., & Schleser, M. (2021, November 12-14). XR documentary [Paper Presentation]. Mobile Study Congress, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Segar, A., Adi Badiozaman, I. F., & Schleser, M. (2021, July 6-7). Co‐creation of XR storytelling with the Salako Community [Paper Presentation]. The 2nd International Moving Image Cultures Conference, Tangerang, Indonesia.
  • Segar, A., Hii, I. K. and Adi Badiozaman, I. F. (2018, October 23-26). Interactive Hybrid Reality Storytelling for Kuching Cultural Heritage Sites [Paper Presentation]. International Conference on Education Transformation, Kuching, Malaysia.

Media Releases

  • Segar, A. (2024). Co-creating the open space: An approach for digital cultural documentation and entrepreneurship. Published in Swinsays.
  • Segar, A. (2020). Charting the path to the new normal. Campus and Beyond. Published in The Borneo Post.
  • Segar, A. (2016). Turning folklore into mobile games. Campus and Beyond. Published in The Borneo Post.
  • Segar, A. (2014). A fortune to be made in mobile apps. Campus and Beyond. Published in The Borneo Post.
  • Segar, A. (2014). Digital Future: Mobile Apps and Creative Content. Published in Discover.