Dr Ki Yen Ping has been a full-time lecturer at Swinburne University of Technology, Sarawak Campus since 2011. She has completed her Doctor of Education (EdD) in 2019 and her dissertation topic is regarding Team-Based Learning in business education. She also holds a Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Learning and Teaching, a Master of Science in Human Resource Development, and a Bachelor of Science (Hons). Dr Ki teaches units in Human Resource Management and Management at undergraduate level.
Research Interests
Learning science
Organizational development
Computer supported/e-learning/web-based learning
Research methods/statistics in social science
Teaching Areas
Human Resource Management; Human Resource Analytics; Dynamics of Diversity in Organisations; Performance Management and Innovation; Introduction to Management
Research Outputs
Journal Article:Shan Ling Yek,Yen Ping Ki, & Agnes Siew Siang Lim (2024). The Influence of Training and Development towards Employee Performance and Turnover Intention among Millennials in Malaysia. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Management Practices (IJEMP),7(28), 39-62. Available at https://gaexcellence.com/ijemp/article/view/4493/4117
Journal Article:Asmawaty@Siti Asmah Binti Ahmad, Fung Chorng Yuan andKi Yen Ping(2024). The Relationship Between Training and Job Satisfaction in Halal Certification. Borneo Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (BJSSH),6(2), 20-34. Available at https://journal.uts.edu.my/Home/ArticleDownload?articleId=BJSSH060202
Journal Article: Chong, A.S.E., Fung, C.Y., &Ki, Y.P. (2024). The Relationship of e-Training, Work Motivation, and Work-Life Balance on Malaysian Teachers’ Performance during COVID-19 Pandemic. Malaysian Journal of Business and Economics (MJBE), 11(1), 1-18. Available at https://jurcon.ums.edu.my/ojums/index.php/mjbe/article/view/5292/3443 (A MyCite indexed journal)
Journal Article: Ki, Y.P, Heng, K.S., & Wong, F.V.C. (2024). Factors Affecting Malaysian Consumers’ Purchase Intentions of Mobile Devices: An Integration of the Theory of Planned Behaviour and Technology Acceptance Model.Malaysian Journal of Business, Economics, and Management (MJBEM), 3(2), 125 -136. https://doi.org/10.56532/mjbem.v3i2.55 (A MyJurnal indexed journal)
Journal Article:Adrian A.A.B., Ki, Y.P, & Maggie M.J.T. (2024). The Impact of Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) on Employee Retention: Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction. International Journal of Service Management and Sustainability (IJSMS),9(2), 1-22. Available at https://ijsmssarawak.com/ijsms_vol_9_2/1.pdf(A MyCite indexed journal)
Book Chapter: Khairul Ridza, B.H.W. & Ki, Y.P. (2022). Modern Recruitment Methods in the Sarawak Civil Service (SCS) And Its Effectiveness. In Case Study: Building Leaders to make a Different to Our Society and State (pp.51-58). Leadership Institute of Sarawak Civil Service Sdn. Bhd.
Journal Article: Sim, H., Ki, Y.P. & Fung, C.Y. (2023). The Relationship between Work-Life Balance, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover Intention among Accounting Personnel in Public Accounting Firms. Journal of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development, 9(2), 63-88. https://doi.org/10.33736/jcshd.5795.2023 (A MyCite indexed journal)
Journal Article:Fung, C.Y., Weissmann, M.A., Phang, C.S.C., Heng, K.S., Chang, J.S.G., Sim, C.H., Lim, A.S.S., Wasudawan, K., Ki, Y.P., Su, S.I., Lim, T.Y., Ngui, L.L.H. & Lim, A.L. (2023). A Review and Reflection on Online Learning and Assessments in Higher Education after the Pandemic. International Journal Of Advanced Research In Education And Society, 5(3), 394-405. Retrieved from https://myjms.mohe.gov.my/index.php/ijares/article/view/24557 (A MyCite indexed journal)
Journal Article: Ki, Y.P., Heng, K.S., & Celeste Lau, J.W. (2022). The Impacts of Remuneration on Employee Retention and Job Satisfaction among Private Higher Education Institutions’ Lecturer. International Journal of Service Management and Sustainability (IJSMS), 7(2), 193-221. Available at https://myjms.mohe.gov.my/index.php/IJSMS/article/view/19953/10632 (A MyCite indexed journal)
Journal Article: Ibrahim, N.E., Fung, C.Y., Ki, Y.P. & Su, S.I. (2022). The Relationship of Organisational Culture and Effectiveness of Internal Process Change in Civil Service. International Journal of Quality and Innovation, 6(2), 115-131. Published Online at https://www.inderscienceonline.com/doi/abs/10.1504/IJQI.2022.122310 (an ERA indexed journal)
Journal Article: Ki, Y.P. (2022). A Case Study of Pilgrimage as Experiential Learning: Reflections of a Buddhist Pilgrim. International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage 10(1), 13-20. Available at https://arrow.tudublin.ie/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1521&context=ijrtp (A Scopus Q1 journal)
Journal Article:Munyug, T.E., Ki, Y.P. & Fung, C.Y. (2020). The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Job Satisfaction among State Civil Servants in Malaysia. International Journal of Service Management and Sustainability (IJSMS),5(2), 63-84. Available at https://myjms.mohe.gov.my/index.php/IJSMS/article/view/11706/5673 (A MyCite indexed journal)
Journal Article:Hasbee, U., Ki, Y.P. & Hong, K.S. (2012). Informal Workplace Learning among Novice Teachers: A Study in Kuching Division, Sarawak. Journal of Technology & Social Science, University Technology Malaysia, 57(8), 129-152. Available at https://sainshumanika.utm.my/index.php/sainshumanika/article/download/221/220
Conference proceedings:Fung, C.Y., Weissmann, M.A., Phang, C.S.C., Heng, K.S., Chang, J.S.G., Sim, C.H., Lim, A.S.S., Wasudawan, K., Ki, Y.P., Su, S.I., Lim, T.Y., Ngui, L.L.H., & Lim, A.L. (2023). Online Learning and Assessments in the Higher Education after the Pandemic: Stay or Scrap? Proceedings of the 4th Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Management, Education and Technology, Malaysia, 308-316.
Press: Fung, C.Y. & Ki, Y.P. ‘Career adaptability after the pandemic.’ Published in ‘Campus & Beyond’, weekly column in the Borneo Post newspaper. (24 February, 2021).