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Ts. Professor Lau Bee Theng

Associate Dean, Research and Development
PhD (IT), MSc (IT), BSS (Hons), CTFL, PTECH

Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Science

Office No:+60 82 260 686
Fax No:+60 82 260 813
Room No: E308, Building E
Email: [email protected]
Google Scholar   Scopus   ORCID


She is currently a professor in ICT and the Associate Dean, Research and Development.

Her research interests are:

  • Artificial intelligence in activity recognition, natural scene text recognition, audio event detection, road accidents recognition, wafer surface defect detection, financial risks recognition, aesthetic preference of design objects
  • Smart/creative technologies for the healthcare and well being of people with visual impairment, autism, cerebral palsy, intellectually giftedness, paediatric cancer etc.
  • Alternative learning methods in education and STEM education
  • Rural informatics for bridging the digital divide
  • Impact study of digital devices on students

She has been actively contributing to her research areas with various edited books, peer reviewed journals, conference proceedings, masters by research and PhD completions, and funded research projects on assistive technologies for special children, facial expression recognition-based communication, social skills acquisition with animations, real time behaviour recognition, smart technologies for the visually impaired, creative art therapies for Autism, STEM education etc.

In addition, she also involves actively in community services working with special education schools, NGOs for the people with visual impairment and other disabilities. She is a Senior Member of IEEE and Association of Computing Machinery, Professional Technologist (Malaysia Board of Technologist) and Certified Tester (International Software Testing Qualifications Board).

She has involved actively in national and international professional bodies in the executive committees, education, professional and humanitarian projects, winner of IEEE Malaysia Outstanding Volunteer 2018 and IEEE Asia Pacific Outstanding HTA Volunteer 2021.

Professional Memberships

  • Senior Member, IEEE
  • Senior Member, ACM
  • Professional Technologies, MBOT
  • Certified Tester, ISTQB


  • Journal Paper (Peer-Reviewed Journal): Asante, I, Theng, LB, Tsun, MTK, Jo, HS & McCarthy, C 2023, ‘Segmentation-Based Angular Position Estimation Algorithm for Dynamic Path Planning by a Person-Following Robot’, IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 41034–41053. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3269796.
  • Journal Paper (Peer-Reviewed Journal): Koh, CMM, Ping, LSY, Xuan, CHH, Theng, LB, San, HS, Palombo, EA & Wezen, XC 2023, ‘A Data-Driven Machine Learning Approach for Discovering Potent LasR Inhibitors’, Bioengineered, vol. 14, no. 1, p. 2243416. DOI: 10.1080/21655979.2023.2243416.
  • Journal Paper (Peer-Reviewed Journal): Lim, W, Lau, BT & Islam, FMA 2023, ‘Cyberbullying Awareness Intervention in Digital and Non-digital Environment for Youth: Current Knowledge’, Education and Information Technologies, vol. 28, pp. 6869–6925. DOI: 10.1007/s10639-022-11472-z.
  • Journal Paper (Peer-Reviewed Journal): Andayani, F, Theng, LB, Tsun, MT & Chua, C 2022, ‘Hybrid LSTM-Transformer Model for Emotion Recognition from Speech Audio Files’, IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 36018–36027. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3163856.
  • Journal Paper (Peer-Reviewed Journal): Chai, CWE, Lau, BT, Tee, MKT & Al Mahmud, A 2022, ‘Evaluating a serious game to improve childhood cancer patients’ treatment adherence’, Digital Health, vol. 2022, no. 8. DOI:10.1177/20552076221134457.
  • Journal Paper (Peer-Reviewed Journal): Er, CCW, Theng, LB, Tsun, MTK & Mahmud, AA 2022, ‘Increasing Motivation for Cancer Treatment Adherence in Children Through a Mobile Educational Game: A Pilot Study’, EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology, vol. 8, no. 30, DOI: 10.4108/eai.15-2-2022.173453.
  • Journal Paper (Peer-Reviewed Journal): Ling, OY, Theng, LB, Almon, CWY & Christopher, M 2022, ‘Interpreting Texts in Natural Scene Images’, IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, vol. 49, no. 2. ISSN: 1819-9224 (online version); 1819-656X (print version).
  • Journal Paper (Peer-Reviewed Journal): Phua, C & Theng, LB 2022, ‘DLADC: Deep Learning Based Semiconductor Wafer Surface Defects Recognition’, IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, vol. 49, no. 1. ISSN: 1819-9224 (online version); 1819-656X (print version).
  • Journal Paper (Peer-Reviewed Journal): Deverell, L, Bhowmik, J, Mahmud, AA, Lau, BT, Islam, F, Sukunesan, S, McCarthy, C & Meyer, D 2021, ‘Self-reported use of technology by orientation and mobility clients in Australia and Malaysia before the COVID-19 pandemic’, British Journal of Visual Impairment, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 33-48. DOI: 10.1177/02646196211019070.
  • Journal Paper (Peer-Reviewed Journal): Lim, W, Lau, BT, Chua, C & Islam, F 2021, ‘Do information and communication technologies influence skills, competencies, health and well-being of teenagers? Current evidence’, EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology, DOI: 10.4108/eai.6-4-2021.169174.
  • Journal Paper (Peer-Reviewed Journal): Ong, YL, Theng, LB, Chai, A & McCarthy, C 2021, ‘Development of Vertical Text Interpreter for Natural Scene Images’. IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 144341–144351. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3121608.
  • Journal Paper (Peer-Reviewed Journal): Carmen, WEC, Lau, BT, Al Mahmud, A & Tsun, MTK 2020, ‘A Virtual Pet Serious Game in Motivating Children with Cancer in Treatment and Self-Care: A Conceptual Design’, Malaysian Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 6-19. DOI: 10.51407/mjpch.v26i2.101.
  • Journal paper (Peer-Reviewed Journal) Chai, ABC & Lau, BT 2020, ‘Exploring the outdoor performance of a LiDAR-based ground plane checking system for the visually impaired’, EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology. DOI: 10.4108/eai.13-7-2018.165498.
  • Journal Paper (Peer-Reviewed Journal): Chai, CWE, Lau, BT, Al Mahmud, A & Tee, MKT 2020, ‘A Survey of Digital Health Interventions for Children with Cancer’, International Journal of Serious Games, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 71-88. DOI: 10.17083/ijsg.v7i2.340.
  • Journal Paper (Peer-Reviewed Journal): Deverell, L, Bhowmik, J, Lau, BT, Al Mahmud, A, Sukunesan, S, Islam, FMA, McCarthy, C & Meyer, D 2020, ‘Use of technology by orientation and mobility professionals in Australia and Malaysia before COVID-19’, Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 260-267, DOI: 10.1080/17483107.2020.1785565.
  • Journal Paper (Peer-Reviewed Journal): Teo, JX, Lau, BT & Then, PHH 2020, ‘Autism Spectrum Disorders in Sarawak: An Overview and Analysis of Educator Awareness, Training, Development Opportunities, and Challenges’, International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, vol. 69, no. 2, pp. 623-639, DOI: 10.1080/1034912X.2020.1731433.
  • Journal Paper (Peer-Reviewed Journal): Yang, I & Theng, LB 2020, ‘Student Perceptions on Watching Learners-produced Screencast Videos in Learning Mathematics’, International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 52–63. DOI: 10.6007/IJARPED/v9-i1/6876.