Faculty of Business, Design and Arts
Name | Designation | Contact | Location |
Professor Brian Wong Kee Mun | Dean | Direct line: 260 671 Ext: 7671 bkwong@swinburne.edu.my |
B313,B322-327A |
Academic Practice
Name | Designation | Contact | Location |
Dr Sim Chia Hua (Janice) | Associate Dean, Lecturer | Direct line: 260 722 Ext: 7722 chsim@swinburne.edu.my |
B317 |
Eunice Law Mei Yuan | Digital Learning Technologist, Lecturer | Direct line: 260 866 Ext: 7866 mlaw@swinburne.edu.my |
B203-204 |
Accreditation and Curriculum Enhancement
Name | Designation | Contact | Location |
Dr Yii Kwang Jing | Associate Dean, Senior Lecturer | Direct line: 260 634 Ext: 7634 KYii@swinburne.edu.my |
B321 |
Research and Development
Name | Designation | Contact | Location |
Dr Voon Mung Ling | Associate Dean, Senior Lecturer | Direct line: 260 707 Ext: 7707 mvoon@swinburne.edu.my |
B306 |
External Engagement and Impact
Name | Designation | Contact | Location |
Cynthia Aling | Associate Dean, Lecturer | Direct line: 260 981 Ext: 8981 caling@swinburne.edu.my |
B205 |
School of Business
Name | Designation | Contact | Location |
Associate Professor Dr. Fung Chorng Yuan | Head of School (HoS) | Direct line: 260 680 Ext: 7680 cfung@swinburne.edu.my |
B305 |
Markson Chin Wee Chien | Deputy Head of School (DHoS) | Direct line: 260 720 Ext: 7720 mchin@swinburne.edu.my |
B303 |
Associate Professor Dr Bibiana Lim Chiu Yiong | Head, Learning and Teaching Unit, Associate Professor | Direct line: 260 704 Ext: 7704 blim@swinburne.edu.my |
B409-410 |
Dr Leong Choi Meng | Head of Department-Marketing and Finance, Lecturer |
Direct line: 260 878 Ext: 8878 cmleong@swinburne.edu.my |
B338 |
Su Sueh Ing | Head of Department-Accounting, Senior Lecturer | Direct line: 260 672 Ext: 7672 ssu@swinburne.edu.my |
B329 |
Dr Maggie Tang May Jean | Acting Head of Department – Business and Management, Lecturer | Direct line: 260 483 Ext: 8483 mtang@swinburne.edu.my |
B339 |
Dr Gabriel Wee Wei En | Head of Department-Executive and Entrepreneurship, Lecturer | Direct line: 260 622 Ext: 7622 gwewee@swinburne.edu.my |
B329 |
Dr Ivon Lim Tze Yin | Head of Department- Postgraduate (Business), Lecturer | Direct line: 260 692 Ext: 7692 tzlim@swinburne.edu.my |
B340 |
Dr Rodney Lim Thiam Hock | Senior Lecturer | Direct line: 260 726 Ext: 7726 rlim@swinburne.edu.my |
B332 |
Dr Jee Teck Weng (Jeffrey) | Senior Lecturer | Direct line: 260 979 Ext: 7979 tjee@swinburne.edu.my |
B304 |
Dr Cynthia Phang Su Chen | Lecturer | Direct line: 260 967 Ext: 7967 cscphang@swinburne.edu.my |
B336 |
Dr Ee Yaw Seng | Lecturer | Direct line: 260 670 Ext: 7670 yee@swinburne.edu.my |
B335 |
Dr Heng Kiat Sing | Lecturer | Direct line: 260 724 Ext: 7724 kheng@swinburne.edu.my |
B332 |
Dr Ki Yen Ping | Lecturer | Direct line: 260 978 Ext: 7978 yki@swinburne.edu.my |
B331 |
Dr Komathi Wasudawan | Lecturer | Direct line: 260 739 Ext: 7739 KWasudawan@swinburne.edu.my |
B330 |
Dr Lau Wai Kun (Callie) | Lecturer | Direct line: 260 828 Ext: 7828 wlau@swinburne.edu.my |
B335 |
Dr Lim Ai Ling (Edith) | Lecturer | Direct line: 260 700 Ext: 7700 elim@swinburne.edu.my |
B336 |
Dr Ling Chui Ching | Lecturer | Direct line: 260 826 Ext: 7826 ccling@swinburne.edu.my |
B341 |
Dr Nivakan Sritharan | Lecturer | Direct line: 260 892 Ext: 8892 nsritharan@swinburne.edu.my |
B333 |
Dr Symeon Mandrinos | Lecturer | Direct line: 260 767 Ext: 7767 SMandrinos@swinburne.edu.my |
B330 |
Chan Soon Hua | Lecturer | Direct line: 260 712 Ext: 7712 schan@swinburne.edu.my |
B339 |
Clarice Chua Sze Wee | Lecturer | cchua@swinburne.edu.my |
B331 |
Donna Barclay Tan | Lecturer | Direct line: 260 656 Ext: 7656 dtan@swinburne.edu.my |
B337 |
Jacob Ting King Soon | Lecturer | Direct line: 260 721 Ext: 7721 jting@swinburne.edu.my |
B333 |
Josephine Ling Chen Yii | Lecturer | Direct line: 260 728 Ext: 7728 jling@swinburne.edu.my |
B337 |
Kevin Voon Jan Sian | Lecturer | Direct line: 260 893 Ext: 8893 kjvoon@swinburne.edu.my |
B338 |
Lisa Ngui Lee Hua | Lecturer | Direct line: 260 706 Ext: 7706 lngui@swinburne.edu.my |
B336 |
Wong Kai Lu | Lecturer | Direct line: 260 675 Ext: 7675 klwong@swinburne.edu.my |
B339 |
School of Design and Arts
Name | Designation | Contact | Location |
Choo Chian Hou | Deputy Head of School (DHoS) | Direct line: 260 950 Ext: 8950 cchoo@swinburne.edu.my |
B308 |
Rosedelina bt Mustapha | Head of Department-Design, Lecturer | Direct line: 260 997 Ext: 8997 rmustapha@swinburne.edu.my |
B206 |
Associate Professor Mark Robert Freiermuth | Associate Professor | mfreiermuth@swinburne.edu.my |
B207 |
Dr Christina Amanda Yin Chueh Ping | Senior Lecturer | Direct line: 260 769 Ext: 8769 cyin@swinburne.edu.my |
B205 |
Dr Melinda Kong Lian Fah | Senior Lecturer | Direct line: 260 673 Ext: 8673 mkong@swinburne.edu.my |
B208 |
Dr Ngu Ik Ying | Head of Department – Media & Communication, Senior Lecturer | iyngu@swinburne.edu.my |
B205 |
Gregory Wee Lik Hoo | Senior Lecturer | Direct line: 260 681 Ext: 8681 gwee@swinburne.edu.my |
B208 |
Dr Alicia Lim Zhi Hoon | Head of Department-Education, Lecturer | azhlim@swinburne.edu.my |
B206 |
Eunice Law Mei Yuan | Digital Learning Technologist, Lecturer | Direct line: 260 866 Ext: 7866 mlaw@swinburne.edu.my |
B203-204 |
Ts.Augustus Raymond Anak Segar | Lecturer | Direct line: 260 690 Ext: 8690 asegar@swinburne.edu.my |
B211 |
Jasmine Ng Kia Mian | Lecturer | Direct line: 260 717 Ext: 7717 jkng@swinburne.edu.my |
B203-204 |
Jenny Liew Ngi San |
Lecturer |
Direct line: 260 698 Ext: 7698 jliew@swinburne.edu.my |
B211 |
Ts. Michael Lee Wei Chuen | Lecturer | Direct line: 260 691 Ext: 8691 mlee@swinburne.edu.my |
B211 |
Ting Mee Ling | Lecturer | Direct line: 260 803 Ext: 8803 mlting@swinburne.edu.my |
B207 |
Wilson Suai Anak Moses Jantan | Lecturer | Direct line: 260 693 Ext: 8693 wmoses@swinburne.edu.my |
B211 |
Yugeetha A/P Balan | Lecturer | Direct line: 260 901 Ext: 7901 ybalan@swinburne.edu.my |
B211 |
Diploma (Business, Design & Arts)
Name | Designation | Contact | Location |
Darren John Angking | Lecturer | Direct line: 260 757 Ext: 8757 dangking@swinburne.edu.my |
B211 |
Irving Ting Shou Hui | Lecturer | Direct line: 260 677 Ext: 7677 ithui@swinburne.edu.my |
B335 |
Nurul Ilma binti Salleh | Lecturer | Direct line: 260 985 Ext: 7985 nisalleh@swinburne.edu.my |
B337 |