Student Experience
In Swinburne Sarawak, it’s not just about your studies, it’s also about your experience and life long friends that you’ll make here. The best way to do this is to get yourself out there and this would be through the various clubs and societies to choose from: Academic, Sports and Recreational. Not only will you meet like minded people, you’ll get to organise events on/ off campus and pick new skills along the way. For more information on the clubs and societies available and how to get in touch with them, head on the Clubs and Societies page here.
If you are all about giving back to the community, then the Student Life Volunteering Program (SLVP) is your calling. In SLVP, you’ll get an opportunity to give back to the community in Swinburne and its surrounding areas. Help out during orientation, campus wide events and events hosted off campus. Expand your horizons and make it memorable. More information on SLVP is available here.
The Swinburne Sarawak Student Council (SSSC) are your elected student council who are your voice on campus. Reach out if you have concerns that you want to highlight, have an event that you would like to see happen on campus or just to say HI! Meet the team here.
Strategies for Success
1. Academic and Learning Skills
In order to have a smooth transition into university life, you need to have at least some the following skills and strategies.
- Effective listening
- Note-taking strategies
- Critical thinking
- Reading strategies
- Academic writing
- Skills on how to avoid plagiarism
Please ensure that you familiarise yourself with them. For Foundation students, these skills and strategies will be covered in foundation units such as Academic and Communication Skills Part A and B.
2. Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is about honest presentation of your academic work. It means acknowledging the work of others while developing your own insights, knowledge and ideas.
2.1 Why is academic integrity important?
Academic work in a university depends on the practice of academic integrity as a core value. It is an important part of academic life for both staff and students, and essential to academic thought and practice. All work produced must contain acknowledgement/s concerning the sources of ideas presented and citation/s of the original work which informed it.
2.2 How do I ensure my own academic integrity?
You can achieve academic integrity by honestly submitting work that is your own. Presenting work that fails to acknowledge other people’s work within yours can compromise academic integrity. This includes:
- cheating in an exam
- plagiarism
- colluding with another person
- copying or submitting whole or parts of computer files as if they are your own (e.g. webpages)
- research misconduct
- any other activity intended to gain unfair or unjustified advantage
2.3 How do I maintain academic integrity?
- Make sure you understand how to reference your sources.
- Don't leave your assignments around for others to read.
- Take discs and USB sticks out of the computers in the library or the computer labs.
- When photocopying or making notes from texts, record all bibliographic information
2.4 Academic Integrity Module (AIM)
To help you understand academic integrity, you will be automatically registered for the Academic Integrity Training Module (AIM) in the first semester. There are 4 topics in this online module that are recommended for completion during Week 1-4 of your commencing study period. At the end of this module, you are required to complete a quiz comprised of 10 questions and achieve a score of at least 90%.
2.5 Plagiarism
You also need to know the following information on plagiarism:
- What is plagiarism?
- Examples of plagiarism
- Group work
- Plagiarism and other forms of academic misconduct
- What happens when academic misconduct is suspected?
For details, please refer to Student Administration - Plagiarism
3. Strategies for Success Program
All new Foundation and Year One Undergraduate Students are expected to attend the Strategies for Success Program arranged on Wednesday afternoons. For details of the program and schedule, you may refer to the announcement posted on Canvas site by Student HQ under Swinburne Announcement Central.
Academic Support
Subject-specific consultation is offered either on a one-to-one basis or in small groups to students in a specific venue (clinic). Personalised guidance is provided by academic staff to support students who are having difficulties with a particular unit of study. These units include Mathematics, Physics and English.
Visit the Student Central Canvas Page for more information about the Academic Support.
Online Study Skills Resources
View advice and tips on how to write essays and reports, and download sample assignments.
For details, please refer to Online Study Skills Resources, made available by the Learning and Academic Skills (LAS) Centre at Melbourne Campus.
Student Support
Remember you are never alone. There are people on campus that can assist you with your academic progress and student life. The university also offers various sessions, activities, events and/or workshops to help you.
For updates of activities/events/workshops, please refer to Student Counselling and Support - Workshop
Students with Special Needs
Student counsellors provide support service for students with special needs. The counsellors assist students with physical disabilities, mental disability, as well as those with medical conditions in order to manage their studies better.
Students with special needs will have to notify the counsellors for validation purposes before further assistance is provided.
For more information, kindly meet with the student counsellors.
Information Resources (The Library)
Using the library
- Opening hours
- Borrowing
- My Account
- Room/computer booking
- Printing
- Get 24 hour access
Finding what you need
- Library search engine - Start your assignment by using this data discovery tool
- Subject Guides- Check out the subject guides that focus on your specific subject area
- Workshops - Drop in for campus face-to-face and an online class via MS Teams
- Study help - Self-help online
- Referencing - Swinburne Harvard, APA, EndNote (reference management tool)
For details, please refer to Library Orientation
Here are some guides and tips for finding resources and using our collections at /library/search/help.php
Library Training Workshops
Library offers the face-to-face workshop and online literacy workshop for students asynchronously (self-directed) and synchronous (live sessions).
Workshops provided by the Library:
Find and search library e-resources (Session takes approximately 45 to 1 hour) |
Reference and Cite Information Sources (Session takes approximately 60 to 90 mins) |
What to expect:
What to expect:
For details, please refer to Library Training Workshop
The Library Module via Canvas
The Complete Modules for Instruction of Library or Information Literacy Related Content via Canvas.
- Library Literacy Workshops are offered to the Swinburne community to enable users to master searching techniques, research skills, use library resources, and assume greater control over their research and learning.
- The unit's overall aim is to help users learn how to navigate and use the library’s resources successfully, information literacy and searching skills, evaluate information, and familiarise users with bibliographic management (Harvard Referencing Style / or use of EndNote).
- To access this unit, register yourself by clicking on this link: Library Literacy Workshops. Do take note that this unit will not be graded.
If you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact any of our library staff via Library ServiceDesk at [email protected].
Exam Periods
You are required to be available for the entire exam period and special exam period. This is to allow for the rescheduling of exams that were cancelled, interrupted or ceased due to unforeseeable circumstances.
You should take this into account when committing to travel, work and/or other activities that you are planning to undertake after exams.
You must understand the conduct expected of you during exams, including what you are allowed to bring into the examination room.
For details, please refer to Examination
Viewing your timetable
You can view your timetable via Canvas announcement when it’s available. The timetable is published in 2 formats, (i) Overall Listing and (ii) Individual Student View.
For help on viewing your individual timetable, please see our Student Guides
Timetable Status
The Provisional timetable is published for students to report on examination clashes (if any) and is subject to frequent changes. Therefore, it is advisable that students do not make travel arrangements based on the Provisional Timetable.
The Final timetable is confirmed, and shows complete details of an exam including the venue.
All students must be available for examinations during the entire examination period. The examination period is designed to include provision for re-scheduling of examinations which were cancelled, interrupted or ceased due to unforeseeable circumstances.
Special Needs Students
Special Needs students registered with Student Counselling and Support will have their examination on the same date of the published examination scheduled. A personalised timetable, including all your alternative assessment arrangements, will be sent to your Swinburne student email address. Please make sure you are familiar with this before the exam.
For details, please refer to Exam Timetable Publication
Student Counselling and Support
Contacts and Appointments
If you find yourself in a tight spot, don’t get discouraged. Get in touch with us, we are here to help you get back to the drawing board.
We are extending our support through email, phone call and video call. Connect with us through Swin-eCounselling, or head to Student Counselling and Support to find out more!
If you are in an emergency situation where urgent help is needed, you cannot contact a counsellor, you can call security on 5001 with the red phone on campus or +60 82 260 600 ext. 5001 if you are using your mobile.
Contact us
Enquiries: Student Counselling and Support
Online Counselling: Swin-eCounselling
Call us
+6082260789 - Evelyn Liew+6082260932 - Chloe Liong
+6082260873 - Fazlia Azhari
Visit us
Room G106, Building G, Swinburne University of Technology SarawakGeneral Support and Services
You are encouraged to take advantage of the wealth of support and resources available to Swinburne students designed to help you with all aspects of your life as a student. It is always best to seek help or advice when you first recognize a problem rather than waiting for it to overwhelm you.
Swinburne studentHQ gives you easy, low-cost access to a wide range of support services, including housing and accommodation, employment, financial planning and assistance and etc.