Arts and Social Sciences
- Academic OneFile (Gale)Full text multidisciplinary database. Subject coverage includes: physical and life sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities, business and management.
Academic search complete (EBSCOhost)Full text multidisciplinary database. Subject coverage includes: social sciences and humanities, philosophy, psychology, law, astronomy, engineering and technology, life, physical and environmental sciences, mathematics
APO Analysis & policy observatoryA platform for public policy and practice research, sourced from organisations and publishers in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States, Europe, Canada and other countries. APO includes grey literature, journal articles and conference papers, data, audio and video, plus event, course and job listings. Established at Swinburne University of Technology in 2002, APO is updated daily
Asia Collection (Informit)Full text database. Subject coverage of Asia’s political, cultural and social life with research and analysis across Business, Technology, Arts, History, Health and other topics.
Australian Bureau of StatisticsStatistical agency of the Australian Government. Includes economic, population, environmental and social statistics. Includes: the population clock, consumer price index, gross domestic product and average weekly earnings. Also includes Census data, Australian social trends, industry and labour statistics.
Australian public affairs – full text (Informit)Subject coverage: Australian current and social affairs, social sciences and humanities, media, economics, arts, law, politics, culture, literature, institutions and history.
Australia/ NZ reference centre (EBSCOhost)Full text news database. Includes major Australian, New Zealand and international newspapers, AAP Australian national news wire and magazines.
Australasian video onlineStreaming video collection. Subject coverage includes anthropology, environmental studies, business, economics, health, media studies and the arts. Includes content from the National Film and Sound Archive’s Film Australia Collection, ABC Commercial, Video Education Australasia, SBS Television, George Andrews Productions, Beamafilms and Electric Pictures. Also includes detailed teaching guides produced by The Australian Teachers of Media Association.
BBC Landmark Video Collection From the depths of the oceans to the Antarctic ice cap, from a firsthand view of evolution in animals and plants to Cretaceous Alaska and far-flung corners of the globe, the BBC Landmark Video Collection is your groundbreaking exclusive HD view into our natural world. Through access to cutting-edge series like Planet Earth and Blue Planet, your classrooms and students can now experience breathtaking natural events like never before.
BBC Literary Adaptations in Video This collection of titles comprises a treasure trove of BBC productions of famous literary works, many that were buried in the BBC archive for the past few decades. From Dickens to Shakespeare, from Chekhov to Arthur Miller, from Jane Austen to Mary Shelley, a great breadth of works is included. Talent like Mark Rylance, John Gielgud, Ian McKellen, Colin Firth, and more make this product a must-have for theatre, drama, performing arts, and literature courses. In addition to actual performances, the product includes titles like Face to Face where actors and directors discuss their craft.
BERITA : Malaysia/Singapore/Brunei/ASEAN database (Informit)Archive database (1990-2013) of material on South-East Asian education, business, law, science, technology, politics and information science.
Capital Monitor Provides Federal and State parliamentary, political, legislative, regulatory and judicial news and information almost as soon as it is available. Full coverage of Australian Parliaments, government departments, agencies, courts and key stakeholders in public policy. Includes news transcripts.
Book index with reviews (EBSCOhost) : BIR.Database of reviews for over five million book titles in a range of formats. Sources include Library Journal, School Library Journal, Publishers Weekly and Booklist.
Cambridge CoreFull text journals and ebooks published by Cambridge University Press covering a wide range of subject areas.
- Canadian business and current affairs (ProQuest)Full text database. Subject coverage: all aspects of Canadian business and current affairs.
Communication and mass media complete (EBSCOhost)Full text database. Subject coverage: communication, mass media, linguistics, discourse, rhetoric, sociolinguistics, communication theory, language, logic and organisational communication
Communications and mass media (Gale)Full text database. Subject coverage: all aspects of communication and mass media.
DatAnalysis Comprehensive data on all companies listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). Includes annual reports, corporate history and listing details, cross directorships and committee composition, shareholders’ trading history, takeover details, industry comparisons, price history and graphs, financial data, key events corporate calendar and ASX announcements.
- Dictionary of literary biography (Gale)Full text database. Includes biographical and critical essays on literary figures from all eras and genres.
- Diversity studies (Gale)Full text database covering cross-cultural studies, gender studies, human rights, social sciences and history.
- DOAJ : directory of open access journals.Full text open access scholarly journals in all subject areas.
- Ebook Central (ProQuest)Includes ebooks on most subjects, including science, education, health, business and management, politics, psychology, history, computing and engineering
- ebook Collection (EBSCOhost)eBooks on a wide range of subjects from a wide range of publishers.
- EBSCOhostA major database platform of over 40 databases. Subject coverage includes business and industry, management and marketing, social sciences and humanities, communication and mass media, news and current affairs, education, science and health, nursing, engineering, computing and technology, design, film and television. Includes full text.
- Emerald InsightOver 100 full text business journals. Subject coverage: accounting and finance, economics, human resources, organisational behaviour, management and operations, marketing, strategy and entrepreneurship.
- FactivaFull text news and business database. Includes all major Australian newspapers, international newspapers, magazines, business titles and same-day newswires including AAP, AFP, Reuters and Dow Jones. Also includes substantial company, market and industry information.
- Family studies abstracts (EBSCOhost)Database of articles on family issues including marriage and divorce, family therapy, family dynamics and child development. Includes linked full text.
- Gale databases (Gale Power Search) Major database platform of nearly 30 databases. Subject coverage includes: business, arts and humanities, literary criticism, nursing and health, law, communications and mass media, education and science. Includes full text.
- Gale literature Full text database. Includes biographies of more than 100,000 authors plus literary criticism, reviews and author interviews. Contains Gale databases Contemporary Authors, Dictionary of Literary Biography, Litinder and Something about the Author
- General OneFile (Gale)Full text multidisciplinary database. Subject coverage includes: business and economics, computers and technology, education, science and health, arts and humanities, politics and social sciences.
- Google ScholarGoogle Scholar searches peer-reviewed articles and papers across all areas of research. If you are off campus, you can access Swinburne Library collections through Google Scholar: Go to Settings > Library Links > search for Swinburne, select and save. Your results will now display a Full Text at Swinburne link for articles available to you.
Health and Society in VideoDefines and explores today’s latest medical progress in health and wellness issues and their impact on society via documentaries, profiles, reports, and interviews.
- IG PublishingIG Publishing is a spin-off company from iGroup Asia, the leading library information service provider in Asia.
- Humanities & social sciences collection (Informit) Full text database. Subject coverage: Aboriginal and Indigenous studies, arts, history, law, literary studies, media, political science and sociology.
- Humanities international complete (EBSCOhost)Full text database. Subject coverage: Aboriginal and Indigenous studies, arts, history, law, literary studies, media, political science and sociology.
- Indigenous Collection (Informit) Full text database. Subject coverage: Aboriginal and Indigenous studies, arts, history, law, literary studies, media, political science and sociology.
- Informit Subject coverage includes politics and economics, legal, social and cultural affairs, mass media, aboriginal issues, health, family, business, engineering, agriculture, flora and fauna and environmental science.
- Informit Data 72 index only databases on Australian and Australasian topics. Subject coverage includes: politics and economics, legal, social and cultural affairs, mass media, aboriginal issues, health, family, business, engineering, agriculture, flora and fauna and environmental science.
- International data base (IDB)Database of the United States Census Bureau. Includes demographic, economic and social data for countries with a population of 5000 or more. Covers population, health, nutrition, morality, fertility, family planning and contraceptive use, literacy, housing and economic activity.
- International bibliography of theatre & dance with full text (EBSCOhost)Full text database. Subject coverage: drama, mime, theatre and film, puppetry, opera, ballet and dance.
- JSTOR Full text database of journal back issues (past issues) and selected ebooks. Subject coverage: sciences and humanities, history, language and literature.
- LGBT life with full text (EBSCOhost)Full text database covering lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues.
- Library, information science & technology abstracts (EBSCOhost)Database of articles on all aspects of library and information science. Includes linked full text.
- Library Science Database (ProQuest)Library Science Database gives users full-text access to a selection of publications relevant to library and information science. It covers a range of titles and topics relevant to the theoretical and applied study of library science, including trade publications aimed at the library profession as well as scholarly journals.
- Linguistic Database (ProQuest) This database includes full-text journals and other sources in linguistics, including many titles indexed in Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA). It covers all aspects of the study of language including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics.
- LinkedIn Learning A database of more than 1400 training courses in streaming video format. Includes Microsoft Office and topics in business, professional development, statistics, design, IT and web development, photography, video, audio and music, CAD, 3D and animation, education and e-learning. Videos include captioning and use screenshots, narration, live action, smart boards, charts, graphics and audio.
- Literary reference center (EBSCOhost)Full text database. Includes plot summaries, synopses and work overviews, literary criticism, author biographies, literary journals, book reviews, classic and contemporary poems, classic and contemporary short stories and author interviews.
- Literature and culture collection (INFORMIT)Full text database of material published in leading Australian literary magazines, including Meanjin, Quadrant, Island, Wet Ink, Griffith Review and Southerly. Includes fiction, poetry, cultural politics, commentaries and debates.
- LitFinder (Gale)Full text database. Includes poems and poem citations, poetry excerpts, short stories, essays, plays, speeches and critical analysis.
- MAS ultra – school edition (EBSCOhost)Full text database. Subject coverage includes: general interest topics, health, science and history.
- MasterFILE premier (EBSCOhost)Full text database. Subject coverage includes: business, education, health, social sciences and humanities.
- Military & intelligence (Gale)Full text database. Subject coverage: military affairs past and present, socioeconomic effects of war, armed forces and government policies.
- Military database (ProQuest)Full text database. Subject coverage: war, armed forces, military aircraft and defence, national security and terrorism, computer security, foreign policy, international relations, civil and aerospace engineering.
- New Zealand Collection (Informit)Full text database covering all aspects of New Zealand including political, cultural and social life as well as aspects of New Zealand, Maori and Pacific history.
- OECD iLibraryOECD is sources for books, papers and statistics and the gateway to OECD’s analysis and data.
Oxford AcademicPublished by Oxford University Press that covers multidisciplinary subjects.
Oxford JournalsFull text journals published by Oxford University Press. Subject coverage: arts and humanities, social sciences, law, medicine and health, science and mathematics.
- Political science database (ProQuest)Full text database. Subject coverage: political science, international relations, environmental policy, human rights and migration.
- Pop culture (Gale)Full text database covering all aspects of popular culture.
- Press ReaderPressReader gives you unlimited access to thousands of magazines and newspapers from around the world so you can stay connected to the stories you love.
- ProQuest centralA major database platform of over 35 databases. Subject coverage includes: humanities, social sciences, education, health and medicine, science and technology, business and management.
- Race relations abstracts (EBSCOhost)Database of articles covering race relations, ethnic studies, discrimination and immigration. Includes linked full text.
- Religion & philosophy collection (Gale)Full text database. Subject coverage includes: religion, philosophy, theological approaches to social issues and the impact of religion on culture throughout history.
- Sage journalsFull text journals published by Sage Publications. Strong coverage of social sciences, humanities and health sciences. Also covers life and biomedical sciences, materials science and engineering.
- Sage knowledgeEbook database of books published by Sage Publications. Subject coverage includes social sciences and education, aged care and gerontology, anthropology, communication and media studies, criminology and criminal justice, economics, education, gender and sexuality studies, history, politics, psychology, social issues, social work and social policy, sociology, geography, earth and environmental sciences.
- Sage research methodsA database of ebooks, journal articles and video that aims to help researchers design and conduct research projects, understand methods, identify new methods and write up results.
- ScienceDirect (Elsevier)Full text journals and ebooks published by Elsevier. Subject coverage: life and health sciences, nursing, physical sciences and engineering, computer science, social sciences and humanities, psychology, business and management.Note: Accessible titles need to have a symbol of green key/ green notes.
- ScopusLeading database of peer-reviewed literature in life sciences, physical sciences, health sciences, social sciences and humanities. Features include citation analysis of authors, journals, institutions and subject areas. Includes content from the databases Compendex (engineering), Embase (biomedicine and pharmacology) and 100% Medline coverage. Includes linked full text.
- Social science database (ProQuest)Full text database. Subject coverage includes: anthropology, communication, demography, economics, education, political science, policy studies, psychology, social work and sociology.
- SocINDEX with full text (EBSCOhost)Full text sociology database. Subject coverage: social development, social psychology, social structure, social work, socio-cultural anthropology, sociological history and theory, criminology, demography, ethnic and gender studies, marriage and family, political sociology, religion, rural and urban sociology, substance abuse and violence.
- Sociology database (ProQuest)Full text database. Subject coverage: sociology history and theory, social psychology, community and mental health services, crisis intervention, families and social welfare, gerontology, poverty and homelessness, professional issues in social work, substance abuse and addiction, social work education and practice, violence, abuse and neglect.
- Something about the author (Gale)Full text database. Includes biographical information about authors and illustrators for children and young adults.
- Springer linkFull text journals and ebooks published by Springer. Subject coverage: life sciences, chemistry, physics and astronomy, engineering, environmental and geosciences, computing, mathematics, medicine and economics.
- Swinburne Commons (Open Access)
Swinburne Commons is a database of digital media produced at Swinburne, primarily video and audio. It includes teaching and research material created by the Swinburne community, graduation videos, archival material and TV recordings. Open access resources are also available via iTunes U and YouTube. - Swinburne Research Bank (Open Access)Swinburne Research Bank is an open access database of publications authored by Swinburne researchers. Includes journal articles, conference papers, book chapters, reports, working papers, higher-degree theses and more.
- Taylor & Francis ebooksIncludes all titles formerly included in CRCnetBASE. Subject coverage: engineering and technology, mathematics and statistics, chemistry, food science, computer science and information technology, physical, life, earth, environmental and health sciences, nursing and behavioural sciences.
- Taylor & Francis OnlineFull text journals published by Taylor & Francis, Routledge, Psychology Press and Informa Healthcare. Subject coverage includes arts and humanities, psychology, social sciences, business and economics, health sciences, and all science disciplines.
- Telecommunications database (ProQuest)Full text database. Subject coverage: telecommunications, computer applications, information science and theory, radio and television, wireless communications.
- The making of modern law : : legal treatises 1800-1926 (Gale)Full text database of legal treatises from the 19th and early 20th centuries on British Commonwealth and American law.
- Trove Open access database of resources relating to Australia, produced by the National Library of Australia, Australian state and territory libraries and cultural and research institutions. Includes location information for items in more than 1200 Australian libraries, plus digitised newspapers, the Picture Australia image collection, the Australian Research Online Program, the Music Australia program, the Register of Australian Archives and Manuscripts and the People Australia Program as well as some overseas sources.
Ulrichsweb : global serials directory.Authoritative source of bibliographic and publisher information for over 300,000 magazines, newspapers and academic journals. Entries include ISSN, publisher, language, subject, abstracting and indexing coverage, full-text database coverage and tables of contents.
Urban studies abstract (EBSCOhost)Database of articles covering urban studies, urban affairs, urban history, community development, town planning and related issues. Includes linked full text.
- US history (Gale)Full text database covering the history of the United States of America.
- Violence & Abuse Abstracts(EBSCOhost) Covers violence and abuse, including family violence and sexual assault.
- Visible BodyImage database. Features a searchable and fully interactive 3D human anatomy model, detailed models of all body systems and more than 1700 anatomical structures, including all major organs and body systems. Visible body includes FAQs and a user tutorial.
- VitalSource Bookshelf eBooks platform that allows you to access course materials whenever and wherever you choose by using your laptop, desktop or mobile device
- War and terrorism(Gale) Full text database. Subject coverage: conflicts and their causes, impact of war, terrorism, defence policy, war crimes.
- Wiley online libraryProvides full text access to journals, reference works, books, and databases published by Wiley in all the science disciplines.
- World history (Gale) This compilation of over 40 journals provides robust and balanced coverage of this field, useful both to the novice historian as well as to the advanced academic researcher.