AGIS Plus Text (Informit)Full text law database. Subject coverage: administrative law, banking, companies and securities, constitutional and copyright law, criminal, environmental and family law, human rights, international law, legal aid and trade practices. Includes Australian, New Zealand and Pacific law journals and selected articles from major US, UK and Canadian law journals
CCH iKnowConnectPreviously known as CCH Intelliconnect. Database of Australian cases, legislation, commentary and news on a diverse and broad range of practice areas including taxation, industrial and corporations law, trade practices and consumer law and human resource management.
- Criminal justice (Gale)Full text database covering all aspects of criminal justice in the United States.
Criminal justice (ProQuest)Full text database. Subject coverage: criminal law, crime and its causes, legal and social implications of crime, litigation, crime trends and law enforcement.
- Ebook Central (ProQuest)Ebook database. Ebooks on a wide range of subjects from a wide range of publishers.
- Federal Register of LegislationThe authorised website for Commonwealth legislation. Includes Acts and Regulations (in force, point-in-time and as made) as well as Bills and Explanatory Memoranda (EMs) (1996-).
HeinOnline Full-text legal journals and other legal documents predominantly from the United States.
LawNetLawNet is an Online Library of Malaysian Laws which contains the authoritative text of the Laws of Malaysia. To obtain password for Lawnet databases, please contact librarians. : Solving the problem of problem solving (Open Access)Search granted patents and applications from the US, Europe, Australia, and beyond. Full-text available as HTML and/or PDF.
SocINDEX with full text (EBSCOhost)Subject coverage: social development, social psychology, social structure, social work, socio-cultural anthropology, sociological history and theory, criminology, demography, ethnic and gender studies, marriage and family, political sociology, religion, rural and urban sociology, substance abuse and violence.
Sociology database (ProQuest)Subject coverage: sociology history and theory, social psychology, community and mental health services, crisis intervention, families and social welfare, gerontology, poverty and homelessness, professional issues in social work, substance abuse and addiction, social work education and practice, violence, abuse and neglect.
Swinburne Commons (Open Access)Swinburne Commons is a database of digital media produced at Swinburne, primarily video and audio. It includes teaching and research material created by the Swinburne community, graduation videos, archival material and TV recordings. Open access resources are also available via iTunes U and YouTube.
- Taylor & Francis ebooksIncludes all titles formerly included in CRCnetBASE. Subject coverage: engineering and technology, mathematics and statistics, chemistry, food science, computer science and information technology, physical, life, earth, environmental and health sciences, nursing and behavioural sciences.
Taylor & Francis OnlineFull text journals published by Taylor & Francis, Routledge, Psychology Press and Informa Healthcare.
- Violence & Abuse Abstracts(EBSCOhost) Covers violence and abuse, including family violence and sexual assault.
- World legal information institute : WorldLIISearchable website which provides free public access to over 1200 worldwide law databases from 100+ jurisdictions via global legal information institutes.