

As an International Student at Swinburne Sarawak and bonded by Malaysian Immigration Laws & Regulations, you are covered by the University’s Insurance Plan, currently managed by Perinsuran Brokar our insurance broker.

Annual premium is applicable for all actively enrolled International students (active means without any withdrawal submission).

You will be issued a medical care which provides the benefit of hospital admission and out-patient clinical treatments.

For any enquiries, please email us at [email protected]

University’s Insurance Plan:

Pacific Insurance

(Students who were enrolled in August 2022 an onwards)

Education Malaysia Global Services (EMGS) provides The Pacific Insurance Berhad (TPIB) to the new international students who enrolled from September 2022 onwards.

Packages for International Students
(Insurance premium per annum in Ringgit Malaysia)


Maximum limit per disability

RM 20,000

Foreign students aged ≥ 16 but ≤ 60

RM 475

Deductible amount for per outpatient visit

RM 25

How do Deductibles work?

If you participate in Plan EMGS200 with RM25.00 deductible, how does it work?

You are required to pay RM25.00 of the eligible medical expenses incurred for each disability / outpatient visit. Insurer will pay the balance of the eligible expenses after deducting the first RM25.00.

Example 1: Hospitalisation expenses

  • Assumed that the eligible hospitalisation expenses = RM8,500.00
  • Deductible amount per disability = RM25.00
  • Amount to be paid by you = RM25.00
  • Amount to be paid by Insurer = RM8,475.00 (RM8,500.00 – RM25.00)

Example 2: Outpatient expenses

  • Assumed that the eligible outpatient expenses = RM100.00
  • Deductible amount per outpatient visit = RM25.00
  • Amount to be paid by you = RM25.00
  • Amount to be paid by Insurer = RM75.00 (RM100.00 – RM25.00)

Click here for the full details on Pacific Insurance via EMGS website.

MSIG Insurance

Group Hospital & Surgical Insurance (GHS)


Insurance benefits: RM 20, 000 (per annum)

  • Provides cover against loss from illness/bodily injury. *
  • Can pay for medicines, visits to the doctor, hospital stays and other medical expenses. *

* It depends on the conditions covered & the benefits and/or choices of treatment available on the policy.

What is not covered

  1. Cosmetic surgery or treatment
  2. Private nursing care
  3. >
  4. Alternative therapies
  5. Experimental procedures
  6. Sexual dysfunction or infertility
  7. Psychotic, mental or nervous disorders
  8. Suicide, attempted suicide or intentionally self-inflicted injury
  9. Pregnancy
  10. Congenital or hereditary illnesses
  11. Routine physical examination
  12. The use of prosthetic appliances/devices
  13. Dental conditions – treatment/surgery

Things to be avoided during hospitalization

Examples of non-covered items are:

  1. Extra food
  2. Admission kit/Discharge Pack
  3. Telephone calls
  4. Laundry
  5. Unrelated tests
  6. Drugs
  7. Vitamin & supplements

General procedures

How to submit a claim (reimbursement basis)

  1. Claim Form
    1. Fill in the Insurance Bank Transfer Form.
    2. Ensure completion of the Insurance Claim Document Checklist
  2. Submission
    1. Submit your completed form and documents to FA at Student Information Centre (SIC).
    2. Welfare will assist to submit your claim to MSIG.
  3. MSIG Process
    1. MSIG will process your claims and deem if they are payable or not payable.
    2. If your claim is approved, your reimbursement will be banked into your local bank account.
    3. If your claim is rejected, MSIG will issue a declined letter.

In-patient guide: Admission & discharge procedures

  1. Member
    1. You are admitted into the hospital. Please notify Welfare or Visa Services beforehand.
    2. You need to provide the hospital with your membership card, original passport and referral letter (if any).
  2. Hospital
    1. Will request you to fill in Hospital Admission Form (HAF). Hospital and doctor to complete the HAF. Hospital will contact TPA.
  3. Third Party Authorization (TPA)
    1. Third Party Administrator (TPA) will verify your MSIG membership.
    2. Will check your treatment procedures against your policy.
    3. Provide admission guarantee OR Issuance of 'Non-issuance of guarantee letter'.
  4. Guaranteed / Not Guaranteed
    1. If Guaranteed - Will issue superseding guarantee and monitor billing status with the hospital.
    2. If Not Guaranteed – Will issue ‘Non-issuance of guarantee letter’, liaise with patient/insurance company and patient can elect to stay or transfer.
  5. Discharge
    1. If Guaranteed - Hospital will bill for calculation, TPA will issue letter of excess, hospital to arrange to collect excess.
    2. If Not Guaranteed - Patient arrange full payment to hospital.

* Important Notice:

TPA will not extend ‘admission assistance’ in the follow assistance:

  • Where you do not provide adequate membership details.
  • Where you do not complete our HAF.
  • If your medical condition/treatment cannot be ascertained or if it is not within the scope of your policy.
  • Unavailability of relevant medical information from your attending or regular doctor.

Some hospitals may collect additional cash deposit upon your admission. This deposit of for items utilized which may not fall within the coverage of your policy.

Things to be avoided during hospitalisation examples of non-covered items: extra food, admission / discharge pack, telephone calls, laundry, unrelated tests, drugs, vitamins and supplements.


In the case where students have utilized above the approved limit (therein known as ‘Excess Medical Bill’), students are responsible to make payment of the Excess Medical Bill at the Finance Counter within 7 days upon receiving an email from Welfare.

If the amount is not settled:

  • for continuing student, any subsequent payment received will be knocked off against the outstanding Excess Medical Bill first, followed by the tuition fee etc.
  • For student who completed their study and withdrawing from course, the amount will be deducted from the International Deposit.

Student with the outstanding amount is subjected to blocking from the enrolment, examination, result release and graduation.

Panel Clinics and Specialist Hospitals

Panel Clinics