Behavioural Risk Assessment and Management

Discuss your concerns with the Behavioural Risk Assessment and Management (BRAM) Team

Behavioural Risk Assessment and Management

Behaviours that can reasonably cause fear, offence, or trauma

  • Disrespectful or hateful content (e.g., sexist, racist, homophobic, objectifying)
  • Harassment or bullying (repeated unwanted contact, unreasonable complaining)
  • Property damage (e.g., fire-settings, door slamming)
  • Misuse of technology (viewing pornography, victimising others via social media, hacking, fraud)
  • Fixation or possession of weapons or illicit drugs on campus
  • Psychotic, delusional, or rambling speech
  • Physical violence (including self-injurious behaviours)
  • Non-physical violence (threatening to harm self or others, yelling, swearing, issuing demands, exposing others to content that would reasonably cause fear)

Level of Disruption and Concern

Significant disruption or highly concerned

  • Weapons (brought on campus)
  • Plans/threatens to cause harm to self or others
  • Sexual assault and harassment
  • Violence and physical assault
  • Injury and trauma
  • Significant property damage
  • Victim appears to be in immediate danger (e.g., being followed, stalked)

Safety First – Remove yourself and others from physical danger

Call Security immediately on 5001 (internal) or 082-260600 ext 5001 (external)

Moderate disruption or moderately concerned

  • Harassment or stalking reports
  • Statements suggestive of homicidal thoughts without overt plans of attack
  • Vague statements or communication hinting at violence to self/others
  • Disclosure of domestic violence
  • Last resort statement (“you’re my only hope”; “I don’t know what else to do…”)
  • Physical aggression/intimidation (e.g., door slamming)
  • Threats of reputational damage
  • Identify theft or fraud

Discuss your concerns with the Behavioural Risk Assessment and Management (BRAM) Team at [email protected] and appropriate recommendations or referrals will be provided.

Minor disruption or unsure about level of concern

  • Rude and clumsy interactions
  • Disrupting classroom teaching or working environment
  • Argumentative with no threats
  • Discriminatory, disrepectful, or hateful content without threats
  • Unreasonable complaining or suspected false allegations

As much as you’re comfortable and the person of concern is williing to engage, highlight which behaviour is unacceptable and needs to stop. Provide referral to support services.

Flag your concerns with the Behavioural Risk Assessment and Management (BRAM) Team at [email protected] for assistance with an appropriate management plan or referral to