Request a Recheck of Your Mark and Reassessment

Dissatisfied with your marks? Find out more.

Request a Recheck of Your Mark and Reassessment

Assessment of student work goes through a rigorous process, including internal moderation to ensure consistency of assessment standards. If you believe there may have been an error in the mark you have received from an exam, assignment or other assessment item, you can request a recheck.

The recheck process occurs over two steps as outlined below.

1. Local Resolution – Meet with your unit convener

If you are not satisfied with the marks that you received for an assessment item, you must first recheck your marks with the unit convener or lecturer directly involved with the assessed work. This is known as Local Resolution process. To request a recheck of your mark, please send an email to your unit convener and make an appointment to discuss your assessment item.

You have up to ten (10) working days to request a recheck of your mark after the publication of results for the assessed item. In exceptional circumstances, the university may allow a longer period.

During this informal local resolution stage, your unit convener or lecturer will work with you to try and resolve the matter. This may include:

  • Checking that the assessment item was correctly marked
  • Checking that the aggregate marks for assessment components have been taken into account
  • Discussing the marking criteria in detail with you
  • Reviewing your attendance and/or submission records

At the end of your session with your unit convener, you and your unit convener must complete the Exam and Assessment Recheck Report form. This form is for your record that you have completed the local resolution stage.

Local Resolution Outcome

You will be advised of the outcome as soon as practicable. As a result of the local resolution process, Swinburne may award an improved mark or decide that the original mark stands. You will be advised of the outcome as soon as practicable.

2. Not satisfied with Local Resolution Outcome? — Lodge for Formal Resolution

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your meeting with your unit convener, and further resolution is sought, you may apply for reassessment within 21 working days after the local resolution outcome is notified.

How to apply for reassessment?

Requirement: You must have completed the local resolution stage. You and your unit convener must have completed the Exam and Reassessment Recheck Report Form.

Step 1: Lodge a formal complaint through our Complaints and Feedback online form within 21 working days after your local resolution outcome.

Step 2: Pay for the reassessment fee (RM150.00 per request). Click HERE for payment mechanism.

Step 3: Fill in the Application for Reassessment form and submit it together with the signed Exam and Assessment Recheck Report form to [email protected].

In the reassessment process, your work will be independently reassessed. You will be notified of the outcome via your Swinburne student email account within 21 working days of submitting your complaint. The duration may be longer depending on the nature of your concern or further investigation required or any other grounds deems equivalent.

Important Notes:

  • Application for Reassessment is not an application to resit any exam/test or to resubmit any assessment item.
  • Local resolution (Request a recheck of your mark) must be sought within 10 working days after the publication of results for the assessed item.
  • Formal complaint (as described in Step 1), must be lodged within 21 working days after your local resolution outcome is notified.
  • The outcome of your Application for Reassessment will be notified within 21 working days of submitting your complaint.

For more information, you may contact us at [email protected].