If you encounter inappropriate, concerning or threatening behaviour, you can report the incident online to safer Community. Reports can be made anonymously.
If you, or some you know at Swinburne, is affected by inappropriate, concerning or threatening behaviour you can report it online. You’ll receive advise and support and may choose to report anonymously. Alternatively, you can also contact Safer Community via [email protected] or red phone at 5004/5005/5006.
Provide as much information as you feel comfortable. The more information you provide (i.e. who, what, where and when), the more fully Safer Community can investigate.
Safer Community will assess the information you provide in your report and determine the most appropriate response. The response may include:
Safer Community will work with you to identify the specific support you need. This may include connecting you with counselling support and putting a risk management plan in place to ensure your safety. We can also connect you with additional services such as disability support and accommodation support.
When you repost sexual assault or sexual harassment, we will outline your rights and the options available for you, including reporting to the police.
We will respect your privacy and how you want to deal with the matter. If we believe there is a risk to the broader community, we may need to use the specific information you provide to protect others. At all times, we will inform you how we use the information you provide.
Yes. You can make a complaint about any inappropriate, concerning or threatening behaviour you experience or witness at any time.
We’ll investigate the matter. Swinburne can’t make decisions about whether a crime occurred, but we can investigate whether university policies have been breached. We must ensure the investigation doesn’t jeopardise any criminal investigation that takes place.
The person investigating the matter will probably need to talk to you. You can bring a support person with you to any meeting you are asked to attend.
Under the Student General Misconduct Regulations, Swinburne has the authority to issue sanctions when there is a finding of misconduct.
No. You aren’t required to make a formal complaint.
We can talk to you about your options and refer you to services that can provide you with further support.